Storytelling as a Manage LO9383
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 08:27:45 -0400

Replying to LO9351 --

For some references that might help with developing your own collection of
stories I recommend 'Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart' by Jack
Kornfield and Christina Feldman'.
It is filled with parables from various spirtual paths.

I have also heard of, but not read, a book called 'Real People, Real work,
Parables on Leadership.' I believe Jack Kornfield may have been one of the

For some theoretical reflection, try Robert Coles, 'The Call of Stories'. It
is geared toward teaching, but it has many coaching applications I believe.

For individual development, I recommend the reading of biographies of
inspiring individuals. (There are many good reasons why Hillary was trying to
recreate what Eleanor and Gandhi would do or advise in a time of trouble.)

A colleague of mine has developed a series of sessions which help teams
develop their own story. From my understanding she uses this for efforts
similar to mission and vision clarification, as well as team building.

best to all of you


Fran Alexander fjalex @aol com

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