The journal of the science and engineering of lattice-assisted nuclear reactions - we coldly go where no one has gone before

  {Anons, Autists, Bakers, Colleagues, Students : 411 below}             Visitors            Updated   September 7, 2018         ISSN# 1072-2874       Cold Fusion Times © 2018             

Welcome. Cold Fusion a.k.a. Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR), Condensed Matter Nuclear Physics, and (misnamed) Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). Previously in print, this is the OLDEST surviving periodical covering this field, its engineering, R&D, coverup and coming commercialization.

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What is the name for a person/clerk/judge who betrays the Constitution, or any Trust, or who commits treason by covertly/openly betraying his/her country or forcing another to do so? (begins with "t")






Why do corrupt lawyers and the USPTO claim the "mainstream"/"majority" of people say CF/LANR 'does not exist'?
Do YOU believe they ever polled anyone -- except themselves?

Reconcile with repeated hot fusion failures over decades, losing billions of dollars, with only radioactivity and neutrons in the future, compared to success albeit with considerable difficulty, by several methods, of clean nonradioactive CF/LANR?

Why do they lie (including to the court) giving emphasis to the "majority" and yellowed old newspaper clippings, rather than the thousands of peer-reviewed papers -- and open demonstrations -- of CF/LANR?

Corollary: Why do corrupt lawyers and the USPTO odiously rely on the fruit of THEIR fabricated 'poisonous tree' and ignore the open demonstrations of CF/LANR by many groups?  

Alex, I'll take 'Their Echo chamber keeps funding their failed system(s) by destroying more productive competitors using fascism.'

                 Download as pdf



















Samwell Tarly explains to the skeptical physicist, who ordered him not to even try it, how he achieved his successful cold fusion/LANR demonstration which revealed excess heat from a fully D-loaded Pd sample driven using the equations from the Quasi-1-D model of isotopic loading.
































   The proper role of government is to protect human rights, so why would a Federal Court deny those (Constitutionally-protected) rights and then corruptly and shamefully sign-off ("rubberstamp") on lies  - which are easily disproven by the record (p< 0.001), as is obvious to those who will be SHEEP NO MORE? 

  (Alex, I'll take their own personal stock and pension portfolios, incoming threats, further coverup for the "poisonous tree" which they previously created and their apparent protection of the reprehensible past sale of US patent applications to other country(ies), and their own personal disdain of, and salient hatred for, the US Constitution, actual law, non-lawyers, American security, equal justice and Truth.)     

What is the name for the action(s) in which someone --or the court-- enables repeated overt overthrow(s) of the sovereign Constitution (as well as irreversibly injuring US security, innovation, health and wellbeing)?   

The USPTO, hot fusion physicists, and their army of deceitful lawyers spend much time, energy, taxpayer money, and considerable effort, demeaning the cold fusion (LANR) community and their progressive and sterling results (which have actual outputs, and years of data, and working systems .... unlike hot fusion, BTW).   They perceive those whom they odiously dismiss/attack as their BIGGEST threat. 

  Any Honorable court would have noted the fraud and improper behavior of the USPTO (called PATO by the court) and its corrupt counsel and Ordered the attorneys to testify and then would have indicted them on federal crimes.  In that absence of light, what is the name that describes the court's betrayal of trust?   (begins with "t", too)


                       INQUIRING MINDS NEED/WANT TO KNOW:

Who signed the Original "SAW  MEMORANDUM"  that began/initiated/broadcast the systematic suppression/obstruction/cover_up of cold fusion/LANR Patent Applications at the USPTO?   Why?   

What was the purpose of the obstruction/suppression/stopping of US Patent Applications on cold fusion?  If it did "not exist", then why did it take scores of lawyers and agents working for thirty years to [try to] cover it up?    

What Document(s) and Authority(ies) have been systematically subverted by the continued use of the factually false statements and unsupported Dogma by the USPTO?   Why would they dare to do this?  What Oath(s) have been broken?

Who did benefit?  Who paid those who did profit?  What contracts continued?  Who has been hurt?  What has been the impact of unclean energy on health? on infectious disease?  on clean air?  on clean water? on US and world security?

What is the name for the suppression of opposition (hint: begins with "F") such as the recent Federal Appellate Court Panel's "rubberstamping" of many factually false statements made only to continue unsupported, undeserved, malicious Censorship/Suppression of CF/LANR?   Why would the Panel not care about Trust, US security or the Constitution?

What has been the continued fake narrative which the schemers at the USPTO  have used to systematically usurp Human Rights and Constitutional Rights, and to steal and transfer IP, and to continue their conspiratorial 30-year abuse/corruption; which is now characterized by their "boiler plate" response, their copious dirty tricks, and their now exposed failure to Docket/Respond to timely-submitted Evidence? 

How much Taxpayer money has been diverted_to/stolen_by those who have altered data, sequestered Evidence, and have sociopathically lied on federal documents - and then paid others to use barratry to cover that up? 


August 2, 2018       EVERY COVERUP HAS A REASON(S) :

   Department of Energy Announces $36.4 Million for (HOT only) Fusion Energy Sciences Research



Quisieron enterrarnos, pero se les olvido que somos semillas. [Mexican dicho]


AND THE DOCILE COURT PANEL FALSELY PURPORT (void of foundation) "do not exist".  







ICCF-21 - Conference of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Physics       

June 4-8, 2018: Scores of Science and Engineering Colleagues, working worldwide, in Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CF/LENR/LANR) meet and present theoretical and experimental results Again @ Fort Collins

Monday, June 4 Presentations
Tuesday, June 5 Presentations
Wednesday, June 6 Presentations
Thursday, June 7 Presentations
Thursday evening Awards Banquet
Friday, June 8 Presentations and Summary

(scenery photos Cold Fusion Times and meeting photos by Ruby Carat, Cold Fusion Now)

A small sample of the creative, dedicated, brilliant scientists and engineers whom the ever-lying US.Patent and Trademark Office purports "do not exist"; meeting again, organizing, sharing and reporting to help develop the science and engineering of their material-science/clean-energy field [condensed matter nuclear science] which the DOE, USPTO and hot fusion community hysterically chant: "does not exist".  [Why would they do this for almost three decades? Answer: Alex, I'll take 'what is massive unchecked taxpayer funding?']





                                                                                              ICCF-21 Abstracts  The Latest CF/LANR/LENR





Particle generator - Produces alpha and beta particles, protons, neutrons, deuterons, soft X-rays, gamma rays, tritium


PATENTGATE  =  HEAVY WATERGATE   [no accountability after more than 2 decades ]

Their Plan against National Security, Public Safety, Constitutional, Congressional and Presidential Directives: 

Their Plan: 187 => [Clean energy including cold fusion/LANR in the USA]

Their SOP:  US technology treasonously removed to foreign entities and deep-sixed by not docketing and not addressing submitted Evidence and using KNOWN factually false statements to obstruct justice, to delay patent applications, to defy PATO rules and PTAB Orders, to deceive the federal court, to create a 'poisonous tree', and to defy Constitution protections, Congressional Laws and Presidential directives.








" ... Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."



While the corrupt officials at the USPTO have covered up cold fusion, they did also reprehensibly steal from US taxpayers millions of dollars by not even working.  There has been so far NO accountability on anything at the USPTO, as the following reports demonstrate.  They continue to lie, to destroy evidence, to ignore Evidence proving them liars, and to hide in their Swamp under their fabricated "poisonous tree" -- as they violate of the Constitution, Presidential E.O., and several Congressional directives.


     ] CF/LANR   






[A new role for NANOR®-type and PHUSOR®-type CF/LANR components off-world.  Many think a fraction of a watt produced as the incremental excess power for the series 6 components NANOR®-type is tiny, but the excess power of each is almost the equivalent of a gram of Pu for heat production (~10 grams if properly shielded).  And it is clean.  So in addition to NANORsats, here are some new motor applications for future cold fusioneers, and our Project LEAP, to drive.]

 The Physics of NASA's New Mars Helicopter

Rhett Allain   

May 18, 2018 - Wired"Sending a rover to Mars is cool—but sending one to Mars along with a helicopter is even better. Yes, that is the plan for the next NASA Mars rover, scheduled for 2020.  .... it can scout ahead of the rover and take pictures ...  The Mars helicopter is not your traditional helicopter. ... two rotors are spinning in opposite directions, the total angular momentum is zero and there is no need for torque from an extra tail rotor....  With regards to helicopter flight, ... Since the air density on Mars is just 0.01 that of on Earth but the gravitational field is 0.38 as much, the lower gravity benefit does not match the loss in air density. It's more difficult to hover on Mars than on Earth.  ....  NASA says that the Mars helicopter will be able to fly for about two to three minutes per day. The rest of the time, it will use its solar panel on the top of the vehicle to recharge the battery.  The next thing to determine is to think about the solar irradiance. ... For Earth, this has a maximum of about 1,000 Watts per square meter. On Mars, it's only about 590 Watts/m2 ... ...  Since the size of the solar panel appears to be approximately the size of the cube part of the robot, I will estimate its radius (it looks circular) at 7 cm. With this size, irradiance, length of a day, and an efficiency of 25 percent, that would give a total energy of about 40,000 Joules. ... close to the energy stored in the battery of the iPhone X.  ... . NASA has already released the power requirement for the helicopter at 220 Watts. ... If I go with the NASA power of 220 Watts I can calculate the energy required to run for three minutes since power = energy/time (don't forget to convert the time to seconds). This gives a power usage of 3.96 x 104 Joules."





























































China Touts Fusion Progress As New Details On Lockheed Martin's Reactor Emerge

April 20, 2018 - "China, which is reportedly hard at work on a host of advanced technologies for both military and civilian applications, has given foreign journalists a close look at its potentially revolutionary fusion energy project, which they claim has produced the longest man-made nuclear reaction of this type ever. The tour came as additional details have come to light regarding another advanced fusion reactor program at Lockheed Martin, which recently obtained a patent for portions of its own design."


 To this day, luddites and traitors in the USPTO want to doxx, disrupt, and deny Constitutional, due process, and civil rights to  US cold fusion scientists. They have for decades ridiculed these cold fusion scientists, denied their patent applications even though the applications were laden with data and results.  For how much longer will their factually false and contradictory statements continue to be rubberstamped by the corrupt in the judiciary, at least one of whom has already helped them plant their poisonous tree (the"fruit" of which they tout daily to continue their obstruction of justice and denial of civil rights)? 



Increased PdD anti-Stokes Peaks are Correlated with Excess Heat Mode (pdf)

Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz1 and Prof. Peter L. Hagelstein2      -        1 JET Energy Inc.  2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Volume-enhanced Coherent Multi-wavelength Optical Reflection Electric-driven (CMORE) spectroscopy successfully differentiates active states in LANR nanomaterials. All the anti-Stokes peaks are relatively missing in the undriven mode for all of the nanostructured materials. Weak anti-Stokes peaks are elicited from Pd (and Ni and their alloy) nanostructured material in ZrO2.  But when NANOR®-type components are electrically driven, there is diversity in outcome. When driven in the avalanche mode, the anti-Stokes peaks differ considerably from those which appear during the excess heat-producing or desired mode.  .... The avalanche anti-Stokes peaks are many, and they are lower energy than the excess heat mode-produced anti-Stokes peak (described below). By contrast, successful cold fusion is heralded by a large increase in the anti-Stokes to Stokes (aS/S) ratio, and the generated anti-Stokes peak for the desired and excess heat (XSH)-producing state is very different from the avalanche-generated multiple anti-Stokes peaks."

Optical Detection of Phonon Gain Distinguishes an Active Cold Fusion/LANR Component  (pdf)

            Dr. Mitchell Swartz   JET Energy, Inc. "-  Successful cold fusion is heralded by a large, if not quite abnormal, increase in the antiStokes to Stokes (aS/S) ratio in coherent multi-wavelength optical reflection volume-enhanced electric-driven spectroscopy (CMORE-spectroscopy).  This distinguishing phonon gain is not seen in the “off” state or the avalanche (undesirable) mode.  It heralds 7 acoustic phonons assisting nuclear reactions and a core peak calculated Stokes temperature of circa 1645 degrees Kelvin."


Swartz M., Hydrogen Redistribution by Catastrophic (CAM) Desorption in Select Transition Metals, J. New Energy No. 4, (1996), p 26-33

Swartz M., Catastrophic Active Medium (CAM) Theory of Cold Fusion,  Proc. ICCF-4, vol 4, (1993), p 255; spons. EPRI and Office of Naval Research




    * Dr. Melvin Miles (China Lake, US Navy; issue #V1-2) and others have demonstrated that helium, used to fill ordinary lighter-than-air balloons, is one product generated by the cold fusion reactions, if adequate loading is achieved (issues #V2-1, 3-1, 4-1).
    * This de novo helium is of a total amount greater than the amount which could leak in from the ambient environment.
    * The helium is generated by, and linked to, the production of excess heat.
   * This generation of energy -- with a safe product for a change -- is therefore quite important

[Click for pdf










Cold fusion: the energy revolution that everyone thought impossible ...

Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian

Jan. 8, 2017 - "Cold fusion is the ultimate source of energy: clean, safe, infinitely abundant, cheap. The only problem is that no one ever arrived to set it up. The principle of cold fusion is relatively simple to explain. All atoms contain enormous concentrated energy. There are several ways of releasing this energy. There is radioactivity - some materials have atoms so heavy that they eject rays and particles, which can be used as a source of energy; It is the principle that operates nuclear power plants. There is fission - when atoms are broken, they release energy; This is the principle of nuclear bombs. And there is fusion: when atoms are fused to make big atoms, they release energy, much more energy per unit of mass than by other means; It is fusion which gives us the light of the sun, and of all the stars of the universe. It is relatively well known to do hot fusion - when very strongly heated atoms, it is relatively easy to fuse them. The problem is that fusion produces so much energy that it is impossible to control it. The ideal would be to have a controlled fusion, "cold", which releases enough energy to turn a power plant, but not enough to explode the plant. In 1989, two researchers, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, claimed to have created a perfectly functional cold fusion reactor that held on to their kitchen table."



January 31, 2018 - The 2nd ad hoc CF/LANR/LENR Colloquium at MIT, had the following CF/LANR experimental research talks:
Dr. Mitchell Swartz, "Existence of Three Operating States in Loaded Nickel CF/LANR Systems"
Prof. Peter Hagelstein, "A new model for PdD isotherms"
Florian Metzler,  "Metallurgical properties of steel relevant to phonon-nuclear coupling"
Dr. Mitchell Swartz, "Sensitivity and Selectivity of Single and Double Pole, Commercial and Homebrew Heat Measuring Systems"



Cold Fusion Confirmed (Japan, first done in the USA)



FCC accuses stealth space startup of unauthorized satellite deployment

"The FCC has denied a space startup permission to launch a collection of communications satellites after discovering that it had already launched some — after being told not to. Swarm Technologies, still in stealth mode, appears to have gone ahead with the deployment of four satellites deemed too small to be tracked and therefore unsafe to put into orbit.  .... Swarm’s original plan was to put several very small satellites —smaller even than 1U Cubesats — in orbit to test its experimental communications system. But the small size meant the satellites couldn’t be tracked with existing space monitoring technology, and the FCC, which must approve communications satellite launches, considered this too great a risk and declined to authorize Swarm’s proposed deployment.  ... While the company did reapply with larger satellites, it seems to have gone ahead with the original plan of launching the tiny satellites despite the FCC’s warning not to."

FCC accuses satellite startup of launching satellites without a license

March 9, 2018 Robert Zimmerman  - "Four tiny nanosats built by a California startup that were placed in orbit by India’s PSLV rocket in January now appear to have been launched without an FCC license. ... The only problem is, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had dismissed Swarm’s application for its experimental satellites a month earlier, on safety grounds. "


Increased PdD anti-Stokes Peaks are Correlated with Excess Heat Mode (pdf)

Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz1 and Prof. Peter L. Hagelstein2      -        1 JET Energy Inc.  2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Volume-enhanced Coherent Multi-wavelength Optical Reflection Electric-driven (CMORE) spectroscopy successfully differentiates active states in LANR nanomaterials. All the anti-Stokes peaks are relatively missing in the undriven mode for all of the nanostructured materials. Weak anti-Stokes peaks are elicited from Pd (and Ni and their alloy) nanostructured material in ZrO2.  But when NANOR®-type components are electrically driven, there is diversity in outcome. When driven in the avalanche mode, the anti-Stokes peaks differ considerably from those which appear during the excess heat-producing or desired mode.  .... The avalanche anti-Stokes peaks are many, and they are lower energy than the excess heat mode-produced anti-Stokes peak (described below). By contrast, successful cold fusion is heralded by a large increase in the anti-Stokes to Stokes (aS/S) ratio, and the generated anti-Stokes peak for the desired and excess heat (XSH)-producing state is very different from the avalanche-generated multiple anti-Stokes peaks."

Optical Detection of Phonon Gain Distinguishes an Active Cold Fusion/LANR Component  (pdf)

            Dr. Mitchell Swartz   JET Energy, Inc. "-  Successful cold fusion is heralded by a large, if not quite abnormal, increase in the antiStokes to Stokes (aS/S) ratio in coherent multi-wavelength optical reflection volume-enhanced electric-driven spectroscopy (CMORE-spectroscopy).  This distinguishing phonon gain is not seen in the “off” state or the avalanche (undesirable) mode.  It heralds 7 acoustic phonons assisting nuclear reactions and a core peak calculated Stokes temperature of circa 1645 degrees Kelvin."

Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz, Quasiparticles, Collective Excitations and Higher-Order Collective Quasi-Excitations in Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 24, 130-145 (2017)  (pdf)





‘Cold fusion’ to power households

Chennai - "ThePioneer", March 26, 2018 - "A gadget of the size of a portable generator could fuel the entire energy requirements of an average household at unbelievably low rates soon. Courtesy- cold fusion, which created a sensation the world over in late 1980s. The technology is back with a bang and Japanese researchers have successfully proved that process is here to stay and the world is set to witness a revolution in energy generation. .... After 30 years, Japanese scientists have come out with reports that substantiate observations made during the cold fusion experiments. A research group including scientists of Toyota, Nissan Motor, Universities of Tohoku, Kobe, Kyushu and Nagoya have found that heat energy was released at room temperature."  





Click for info

Nuclear Fusion Could Be A Silver Bullet -- And Just Around The Corner

Ken Silverstein , Forbes

Feb 12, 2018 - "Private investors are now actively trying to commercialize an advanced form of nuclear energy and one that would leave no environmental footprint while also delivering electricity to the world’s expanding population. At issue is nuclear fusion, which has been an elusive concept for six decades but which one firm hopes to makes real by 2025."

"Tri Alpha Energy, which has backing from a founder of Microsoft Corp. and which uses Google’s algorithms to better mold plasma that is at the core of the fusion technology, says that the concept can be mastered. .... Meantime, Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works fusion program is another privately-held venture. Its project is smaller but the company says that it is able to handle temperatures of hundreds of millions degrees that can be released in a control fashion. The most well known is ITER, or the International Nuclear Fusion Project: It is a partnership among the Europe Union’s member states, the United States, Russia, China, India and South Korea to get a fusion demonstration project up -and-running in France. At least $20 billion has gone into that research and development – and far more will be required. Another publicly-financed one is by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which had been trying to figure out "cold fusion," or a low-temperature nuclear reaction."


 How Russia Tried to Block US Energy Production

March 6, 2018              John Hinderaker

Powerline: "Russia’s supposed “meddling” in the 2016 election has been an endless topic of news coverage, but for some reason our press has shown little interest in other instances  of Russian meddling–the nuclear freeze movement of the 1980s, for example, or more recently,  Russia’s effort to discredit fracking and rouse popular opposition to pipeline construction. Last Thursday, the Majority Staff of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology released a report titled “Russian Attempts to Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social Media.” It doesn’t seem to have gotten as much attention as it deserves.  "The House report notes Russia’s strong interest in depressing petroleum production in the U.S. (“American energy represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests.”) Russia has defended its interests by funding American environmental organizations:  Russian-sponsored agents funneled money to U.S. environmental organizations in an attempt  to portray energy companies in a negative way and disrupt domestic energy markets.  .... Russia tried to discredit fracking and encourage opposition to pipeline construction: .... The Russians used social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to push their messages, which generally played well with American liberals."

January 12, 2018 - The first ad hoc CF/LANR/LENR Colloquium at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, had the following CF/LANR experimental research talks:
Dr. Mitchell Swartz  “Monitoring Deep Hydrogen Loading and its Linkage to Excess Heat”

 Prof. Peter Hagelstein   "Update on steel plate experiments"
Florian Metzler   "Metallurgical properties of steel relevant to phonon-nuclear coupling"
Jeff Driscoll   Calibration of a Hydrogen/Argon Gas Phase LENR Experiment”
Dr. Mitchell Swartz   “NanorSat Spacecraft”






Image of Reflection of Laser Irradiation from a Strontium atom wins British photography prize   [Title of article corrected]



    * Dr. Melvin Miles (China Lake, US Navy; issue #V1-2) and others have demonstrated that helium, used to fill ordinary lighter-than-air balloons, is one product generated by the cold fusion reactions, if adequate loading is achieved (issues #V2-1, 3-1, 4-1).
    * This de novo helium is of a total amount greater than the amount which could leak in from the ambient environment.
    * The helium is generated by, and linked to, the production of excess heat.
   * This generation of energy -- with a safe product for a change -- is therefore quite important



























360 degree tour of the Milky Way

Click picture, or this, for the tour from NASA (mp4)


Jupiter, Dec. 15, 2017, from 1 Earth diameter distance (13,345 km)at latitude 48.9 degrees, capturing clouds that travel at ~129,000 mph.

Surprising result shocks scientists studying spin

January 8, 2018 -  Brookhaven National Laboratory
"Neutrons produced when a spin-aligned (polarized) proton collides with another proton come out with a slight rightward-skew preference. But when the polarized proton collides with a much larger gold nucleus, the neutrons' directional preference becomes larger and switches to the left.  ..... Understanding different particle production mechanisms could have big implications for interpreting other high-energy particle collisions, including the interactions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with particles in the Earth's atmosphere [and CF/LANR]."
"Spin physicists first observed the tendency of more neutrons to emerge slightly to the right in proton-proton interactions in 2001-2002, during RHIC's first polarized proton experiments. ...  2015 was the year RHIC first collided polarized protons with gold nuclei at high energy, the first such collisions anywhere in the world. .... the directional preference was opposite to that seen in proton-proton collisions.
"... The new measurements, which also included results from collisions of protons with intermediate-sized aluminum ions, showed the effect was real and that it changed with the size of the nucleus. .... In the collisions of protons with protons, the effect of electric charge is negligibly small,"Nakagawa said. In that case, the asymmetry is driven by interactions governed by the strong nuclear force—as the theory developed back in 2011 correctly described. But as the size, and therefore charge, of the nucleus increases, the electromagnetic force takes on a larger role and, at a certain point, flips the directional preference for neutron production."


Nov 17, 2017 - Cold Fusion - Real, But Is It Ready? Prof. Peter Hagelstein  (video)

Peter L. Hagelstein is a principal investigator in the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) and an associate professor at MIT.


Biberian, J.P., ed. J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. Vol. 24. 2017:

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Sendai, Japan, October 02–07, 2016


Samwell Tarly explains to the skeptical physicist, who ordered him not to even try it, how he achieved his successful cold fusion/LANR demonstration which reveald excess heat from a fully D-loaded Pd sample.


Cold Fusion from Loading of Deuterium  - Prof. Jean-Paul Biberian on CNews Sept 16, 2017

starts at ~14 minutes into video


UPDATED References for Cold Fusion and NANOR®-type Dry Preloaded

and PHUSOR®-type High Impedance High Performance Components




Yes, we really need cold fusion.  Even while ignoring problems of battery disposal, and the pollution caused creating them, this article discusses real issues.

Tesla Battery, Subsidy and Sustainability Fantasies

Paul Driessen

July 22, 2017 - "The first justification was that internal combustion engines polluted too much. But emissions steadily declined, and today’s cars emit about 3% of what their predecessors did. Then it was oil imports: electric vehicles (EVs) would reduce foreign dependency and balance of trade deficits. ... Now the focus is on climate change. In recent months, Tesla sales plunged to nearly zero in Hong Kong and Denmark, as huge government subsidies were eliminated. ... In fact, a 2015 study found, the richest 20% of Americans received 90% of hundreds of millions in EV subsidies. ... In an entire year, all the existing lithium battery factories in the world combined manufacture only enough capacity to store 100 billion Watt-hours (Wh) of electricity. But the USA alone uses 100 times this capacity: more than 10,000 billion Wh per day. Worldwide humanity uses over 50,000 billion Wh daily. ... Replacing the gasoline in the tanks of 1.4 billion vehicles worldwide with electric power would require another 100 billion Watt-hours. That brings total global demand to well over 125,000 billion Wh of storage. That means it would take 1,250 years of production from every existing lithium battery factory worldwide to meet this combined demand. ... Lithium batteries and their component metals pose unique fire and explosion risks. What safeguards will be established to minimize those dangers, in battery factories, homes and public parking garages? ... What is the life expectancy of batteries, compared to engines in gasoline-powered cars? Two or three times shorter? And what does it cost to replace battery packs compared to engines? Two to three times as much? .... We would do well to raise – and answer – these and other essential questions now, before we let activists, journalists, legislators and regulators con us into adopting more of their utopian, "planet-saving" ideas.

Fukushima robot finds potential fuel debris hanging like icicles in reactor 3

“Tokyo Electric said Friday that a remotely controlled robot investigating the interior of reactor 3 at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has finally spotted objects that could potentially be fuel debris. The objects look like icicles hanging around a control rod drive attached to the bottom of the pressure vessel, which holds the core .... images of lumps of material that appear to have melted and resolidified near the wall of the pedestal, a concrete structure that supports the pressure vessel.  .... This means something of high temperature melted some structural objects and came out. So it is natural to think that melted fuel rods are mixed with them.”


ISSUE 134, July/August 2017   • The Anomalous Behavior of Water   • Dangerous Waters   • Water Is Best 

• LENR, Energy and Water   Digital download of Water is Best   Digital download of entire issue   Print copy of entire issue


Nuclear powered thermal generators should NOT be ‘load following’ but should be ‘base loaded’ to minimize fuel rod (metallic corrosion) deterioration which follows rapid, repeated force changes.

German nuclear damage shows atomic and renewable power are unhappy bedfellows

7-19- 2017 - "A Germany nuclear plant was damaged because its operators increased and decreased its output to respond to energy grid fluctuations. ... The Brokdorf nuclear power station, located in northern Germany, was taken offline in February after maintenance showed its reactor’s fuel rods had begun to unexpectedly oxidise. A regional nuclear supervisory body has now ruled that the plant can be booted back up but only in "safe mode" .... (meaning that) the power plant’s output should not be increased or decreased at short notice to adapt to the supply of renewable energies on the electricity grid. .... A 2011 study by Greenpeace also concluded that renewables and nuclear are not compatible and that fuel rod damage is a possible consequence. .... The investigation also concluded that the decision to run the plant as a load-following power station, where output was tailored to grid fluctuations, contributed to the damage..  .... The damage at Brokdorf was discovered in February when the plant was shut down for an inspection. Oxidisation that exceeded safety levels was recorded on ten fuel rods across three fuel elements."

Michelle Lee resigns from top spot at Patent Office

"Lee stepping down concludes a long saga of ambiguity over the leadership of the Patent and Trademark Office. ... USPTO declined to officially confirm Lee’s role at the agency until March, after attorney Gary Shuster filed a FOIA request to the office, asking who was in charge of the office."

IF they had used cold fusion (LANR) this would not have happened.

Fukushima’s tritiated water to be dumped into sea

July 14, 2017 - "Despite the objections of local fishermen, the tritium-tainted water stored at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will be dumped into the sea, a top official at Tokyo Electric says.  As of July 6, about 777,000 tons were stored in about 580 tanks at the Fukushima plant, which is quickly running out of space.  Toxic water at the plant is being treated by a complex water-processing system that can remove 62 different types of radioactive materials except tritium.   "Releasing (tritium) into the sea will create a new wave of unfounded rumors, making our efforts all for naught," said Kanji Tachiya, head of a local fishermen cooperative."

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is 16,350 kilometers in width (1.3 times wider than the Earth). These pictures were taken 9,000 kilometers above the cloud tops.

Jupiter Orbital Insertion  -  Visit to the Red Spot

FOIA Releases on Cold Fusion

While the USPTO, and some in the US government, maliciously continue to coverup cold fusion (CF/LANR) and harass the real researchers mercilessly, including attacking their civil rights, the Black Vault has just released papers on CF/LANR released by FOIA from the DIA and elsewhere.

 FOIA Response dated June 9, 2017 [2 Pages, 0.6MB]

 Briefing on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Research (PowerPoint) 4 May 2016 [36 Pages, 1.8MB]

 E-Mails regarding the LENR Briefing [3 Pages, 0.6MB]



Rossi vs Industrial Heat - Settled with Agreement between Parties

July 5, 2017 - Neither Rossi nor Industrial Heat have helped cold fusion (LANR) beyond their own narrow interests of making money.  One refuses to use controls, refuses to give open demonstrations, and the other keeps previous working-together CF/LANR researchers apart.  Neither help science and engineering, producing more 'excess talk' than 'excess heat'.  The Trial in Florida (involving alleged violations of Agreement(s) between them) began last week, with difficulty getting a jury seated during voir dire.   On July 5, 2017, the civil legal case was settled with a private settlement Agreement made. 

On the Side of Rossi:

Are Tom Darden and the Cherokee Lawyer "Sharks" Deliberately Leaving out Important Information in their SEC Filings?


Are Tom Darden and Cherokee Simply "Fake" Environmentalists in Business Only to Make Tax Payer Money Disappear?

On the Side of IH

Cold Fusion Community


Discussion Settlement


Regarding Settlement

Reporting from LENR-forum

Rossi vs. Darden developments - Part 2

[Click for pdf



Solar Panels Generate 300 Times More Toxic Waste Than Nuclear Reactors

July 1, 2017 - "Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of electricity generated than nuclear power plants ... There are two types of waste from solar. Waste from the manufacturing scene and waste from the solar panel after it has gone through its useful life ... The magnitude of the waste problem from solar is a lot larger than nuclear just because of energy density ... Per pound of waste generated, you get so much more power from nuclear ... People just aren’t dealing with solar waste yet and nobody has a real plan on what to do with these panels after they start coming off of houses. ... Japan is already scrambling for ways to reuse its mounting inventory of solar panel waste, which is expected to exceed 10,000 tons by 2020 and eventually grow to 800,000 tons per year by 2040. Most of nuclear waste isn’t real waste as it can be reprocessed into reactor fuel .... The U.S. has actually demonstrated that before with the EBR-2 reactor. You’re never going to recover 100 percent of the uranium or plutonium, but you can get back a tremendous amount."


The June 16, 2017  ad hoc Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT for Electricals

Dr. Mitchell Swartz demonstrates that electrically-driven aqueous CF/LANR systems have two distinguishable modes; with one active and the other inactive, similar to what occurs for electrically-driven CF/LANR nanomaterials.

June 16, 2017 - (Cambridge, MA) 1:30-5 PM

Florian Metzler - "Update and preliminary data on up-conversion and excitation transfer experiments"

Prof. Peter Hagelstein "Calculation of the phonon-nuclear coupling matrix element for Ta-181"

Dr. Mitchell Swartz  - "Corroborating Indicators Heralding Excess Heat in the MOAC  (Mother of All Cathodes, Ni/H2O/Pt  CF/LANR System)"

Jeff Driscoll  - "Tetrahedral Arrangement of Protons and Neutrons"


Los Alamos Scientist Awarded Giuliano Preparata Medal

Dr. Thomas Claytor and his wife, Debrah in Asti, Italy. [photos by Maire O'Neill]

June 15, 2017 -"Dr. Thomas Claytor was awarded the Giuliano Preparata Medal on June 8 in Piedmont, Italy. (He is) known for a modified cold fusion experiment in which he repeatedly got radioactive tritium produced in a low energy system. ...The award recognizes Claytor’s initiation and further development of effects related to hydrogen anomalies in solids. His wife, Debrah, traveled with him to Asti for the workshop, which was attended by scientists from France, Italy, England, Japan, Hungary and the United States. He was a staff member at Argonne National Laboratory from 1977 to 1986 and at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1986 to 2012 when he retired. ... Claytor has collaborated with investigators at other organizations to improve hydrogen isotope and neutron detection from solid state LENR cells. The silver Giuliano Preparata Medal (WAS) presented to Dr.Thomas Claytor at the International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals.

12th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals

 Saturday 10 June 2017  Conference in Asti 4th day            Report from Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian:

Jacques Ruer has demonstrated that the problem of packaging a cold fusion reaction can easily be solved using what is known in industrial chemistry. It is assumed that the reaction of cold fusion increases with temperature, it is clear that if nothing is done, we will result in a fusion of the fuel. On the other hand, if one takes into account the cooling with, for example, a circulation of water, it is possible to regulate the flow of water so that the system reaches an equilibrium while supplying water at a usable temperature. Moreover, even if the Coefficient of Performance is low, by paralleling a large number of cells, the COP will substantially increase.

Philippe Hatt showed his model using a simple calculation allows to recalculate the energy of the proton and the neutron.

Bob Greyner of MFMP presented different experimental results to observe transmutations.

Katinsky of LENRIA presented an electrochemistry experiment in collaboration with Melvin Miles allowing to be easily reproduced by university laboratories. They will use palladium boron electrodes manufactured a few years ago and which had given abnormal heat in a very reproducible way. Once the experiment is ready, it will be sent free of charge to those university laboratories that will be able to experiment.

The conference ended with a gala dinner, during which it was announced that the next ICCF 21 conference would be held on the East Coast of the United States in the summer of 2018.

Fabrice David received the bronze medal for the best poster. The Preparata medal was awarded to Tom Claytor for his work in Los Alamos on tritium production

Thursday June 8, 2017                         Report from Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian:

The third day was largely focused on theories.

"David Nagel of George Washington University detailed what is expected of theories. There are dozens of theories on LENRs, but none meet the criterion of completeness. A theory has only two functions, to explain the past and to predict the future.

William Collis of Italy has detailed the different theories to see which can explain why there is no radiation such as neutrons and gamma rays. For him, there are only two theories that would suit, those of Fisher with the polyneutrons, and that of Bazhutov with the erzions.
Peter Hagelstein of the MIT developed the model allowing the Ta-181 to produce an effect similar to the Mossbauer effect.

Jean-Luc Paillet of Aix-Marseille University developed the model where the electron has a low orbit near the nucleus, with a binding energy greater than 507 keV.

Dubinko of Ukraine mentioned the role of quasi-crystals that could play a role in the LENR experiments. He developed the role of the discrete breather calculated when the amplitude of the vibrations becomes anharmonic. This leads to significant local temperature variations that could explain the cold melting mechanism.

Michael McKubre retired from the SRI gave a detailed review of the cold fusion situation. For him, the most important fact was the discovery of tritium, which can only be explained by a nuclear reaction. Then comes the measurement of excess heat then the presence of helium-4. The theory is not going to save us, we need a better experimental understanding. In the past we used the concept of hot fusion that did not apply to our situation. We now need a clear demonstration to convince other scientists.

Philippe Hatt from Belgium explained his model of the atomic nucleus with a very limited number of adjustable parameters. It finds with a great degree of precision the binding energies of the nuclei known experimentally. It assumes that the nuclei are composed of alpha particles associated with one another.

Jean François Geneste of the Airbus Group took over the work he had presented to ICCF20 on symmetry and dissymmetry.

Akito Takahashi of Japan continued the description of the experiments with metallic nano-particles based on Ni-Cu-Pd Zr. Hydrogen can not penetrate the nano particles if the nickel is covered with a continuous layer of palladium. In reality, the palladium layer must be incomplete. His theoretical model with four deuterium explains the fact that there is no radiation.

Toimela of Finland has done a thermal calculation to try to understand how the heat produced on an active site can spread throughout the metal. It was assumed that the maximum heat allowed in a small volume around the active point does not exceed the melting temperature. Its calculations show that if the volume in question is 100nm side, then the system can receive 1 Watt.

Szumski showed his model of least action to explain what transmutation reactions can occur. For him, transmutations occur when the loss of mass is as low as possible."

Wednesday June 7, 2017                         Report from Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian:

 "Iwamura of Tohoku University of Japan developed the results obtained with nano-materials. This is a collaboration that began in October 2015 and ends in October 2017. This is a national project where Technova is the project leader. They studied the excess heat with copper and nickel-based nano-powders in a mass flow calorimeter with oil as the fluid. Excess heat is obtained with hydrogen, but not with deuterium. The powder is manufactured by "melt spinning" at Sendai Motor Company. The samples were about 100 g and produced 2.47 MJ of excess. This experiment is parallel to that of Takahashi presented on Tuesday.
Klimov of Russia showed excellent work with plasmoids. They obtained COPs of 2 to 10 with excesses greater than 3kW! On the electrodes they measured transmutations showing formation in particular of potassium, lithium and zinc. This experience shows a great progress of the Russians in this kind of work. Apparently a collaboration is going on with Germans to commercialize the process, although apparently it is difficult.
Francesco Celani of the IFNM in Italy made a reminder of all of this work with constantan nickel, molybdenum copper wire. He observed excess heat by addition of iron and potassium. He stressed the need for unbalanced conditions. He got a COP = 2 with 70Watt heating.
David Nagel of George Washington University showed the progress of his lab, where they built an electrochemical cell that is also simulated by the comsol software.
Jacques Dufour in Paris showed the results he obtained at 1000 ° C with iron and sodium. He thinks that he transformed 0.524 g of the 1.087g of iron at the start into a new element that is an atom with a proton inside the electron cloud of iron. It would be an atom of mass very close to that of cobalt
Jean-François Geneste of Airbus Group developed a new physics based on the work of Curie in 1894 which said that for something to happen there had to be asymmetry. It shows that for this to happen it is necessary to place oneself in a non-Arcimedean space.
Metzler and Hagelstein of MIT have shown their attempts to produce X-rays with phonons by exciting them by piezoelectric transducers. Although they did not have positive results on the X-ray side, they observed abnormalities with a loss of radioactive cobalt placed on the iron plate which serves as resonator."

Tuesday 6 June 2017                Report from Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian:

"The first presentation was made by David French, a Canadian industrial property specialist. He explained that it was necessary to have an invention that worked. Secondly, it is clear that one can not exclude facts already known. Finally, it is very important that the first claim is well written. At the time of the discussion with the lawyer, it should be verified that the claims are well written.
Georges Egeley of Ukraine gave a presentation on forgotten discoveries and their effects on cold fusion. He mentioned "dusty plasmas" with discharges with 30 to 60 keV in a hydrogen atmosphere. He also talked about the work of Tesla who had in 1931 made an electric car that rolled without reloading. In addition, Moray in Salt Lake City had developed a system to treat cancers. He also discussed the work of Papp, Jekkel, Correa and Gray.
Jacques Ruer re-examined the explosion that occurred in 2004 in one of my electrolysis experiments with a cathode of a palladium tube. The explosion had completely destroyed the Dewar in which the experiment was taking place. All attempts to detonate a similar Dewar by detonating a hydrogen / oxygen mixture had not resulted in the destruction of the Dewar. Jacques Ruer showed the difference between deflagration and detonation. In a deflagration the flame moves at a subsonic velocity, whereas in a detonation the velocity of the flame is supersonic and a very high pressure develops on the flame front. After having made various tests, he succeeded in exploding Pyrex tubes of the same diameter by triggering the hydrogen / oxygen mixture by a flame exiting from a tube of small diameter. The presence of a hollow cathode was probably the cause of the violence of the explosion in the original cell. This shows that this kind of explosion is probably quite natural, and is not related to an effect of cold fusion. Jacques advocates the idea to gather in a dedicated file the reports of all accidents and missed accidents in order to share the experience throughout the community and reduce the risk of future accidents.
Itoh of Japan, resumed the Iwamura experiment of transmutation of cesium to praseodymium during the diffusion of deuterium through a palladium CaO multilayer with cesium deposition. Analysis by XPS and SIMS showed that praseodymium was produced. Nevertheless, the authors have tried to verify by other techniques the reality of praseodymium production, in particular by RBS.
Akito Takahashi of Japan reported on the results of work carried out by four universities, Technova and Nissan. They worked with palladium, nickel, copper and ZrO2 alloys. They showed excess heat from 3 to 10 watts which lasted for weeks.
Alakin of Russia reproduced an experiment made in 1922 by Wendt and Irion of production of helium during the explosion of tungsten wire by passing an intense current. These results were rejected at the time, but current results show that there is actually helium production.
Dubinko of Ukraine reproduced the experiment of Parkhomov which showed an excess of 400 Watts at 1000 ° C. He also observed excess heat with a Nd 90 Fe mixture with H2 and D2 at 300 ° C.
Iwamura of Japan reproduced the experiment of Mizuno during which nano-particles of nickel and palladium produced by plasma discharges. Excess heat is greater with hydrogen than with deuterium. At 300 ° C., with 7 Watts of heating, the excess is 83%. Electron microscopic analyzes show the appearance of silicon, sodium and fluoride, as well as cadmium.
Tom Claytor, a retired Los Alamos researcher, now retired, is continuing his work on measuring tritium during dumps with palladium and other metals.   He also showed the production of excess heat with plasma discharges with Pt, Cu and Ni.
Malcolm Fowler showed the new mass spectrometry system that separates helium-4 from deuterium that have the same mass."

Best Jupiter Images From Juno … So Far

[click for youtube video]

   March 10, 2017 - The US Congress has passed the NASA Bill giving $19.5 billion this year for a manned mission to Mars, a return to the moon, and a visit to Europa

 Infinite Energy Magazine  Issue 131  January/February 2017

Paraterraforming Mars — I. Heat, Electricity and Oxygen Are Available from Lattice-Assisted Nuclear Reactions   

          Mitchell Swartz, Theodore Schuster, Gayle Verner, Joshua Gyllinsky, Jeffrey Tolleson

Paraterraforming Mars — II. Fueling Colonies on Mars (and Ceres) by LANR and Subsurface Ordinary Water-Ice    Mitchell Swartz

20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science - Part 1: Introduction and Experiments  David J. Nagel  (pdf)



Despite the fact that Cold Fusion [LANR/LENR] offers clean energy and opportunity, the US Patent Office, ally of the hubric hot fusion community, continues to only allow the promise of future death and disease by their continuing to enable and thus FORCE ONLY unclean systems on humanity - while "killing" cold fusion.  Want more proof? Here is the latest muon tomography of the failed reactor Fukushima #2, which reportedly now has the most horrible potential to deliver purportedly up to 10,000 sieverts after only one single moment of contact.

Fukushima’s Reactor #2 is far more radioactive than previously realized

February 3, 2017 - "Earlier this week, Tepco, the Japanese company in charge of cleanup operations at Fukushima Daiichi, seemed to be on the verge of announcing rare good news. Specifically, the company had found some of the fuel debris associated with the failure of Reactor #2 at the bottom of the reactor’s containment vessel. ... What the company ultimately discovered, however, is that the amount of radiation pouring off the damaged reactor below the reactor pressure vessel is 530 sieverts per hour, vastly higher than had previously been communicated. ... The entire reason Tepco used muon tomography to examine the interior of both Reactor #1 and Reactor #2 was because they didn’t have another means of identifying where fuel was inside the reactors. ...Tepco ... has been working on a robot it could use to directly examine the containment vessel in much greater depth, ... At 530 sieverts, that same robot wouldn’t even last two hours, and the distortions to its cameras and capabilities would be severe.  ....  Reactor #1’s Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (an emergency security cooling system meant for emergencies) ran for 70 hours in Reactor #2, while it failed quickly in Reactor #1. This means that when the reactor vessel failed, there was a tremendous amount of pressurized steam within the RPV."


                                                            Muon-Tomography of Fukushima Reactor #2

Water-Ice on Titan - Witness the 2.5 hour Descent onto Titan on Jan. 14, 2005, by the Huygens’ optical imager

[click for video    <=====  ]

Scientific data yielding that video [click for 2nd video]



While the corrupt officials at the USPTO have covered up cold fusion, they did also reprehensibly steal from US taxpayers millions of dollars by not even working.  There has been so far NO accountability on anything at the USPTO, as the following reports demonstrate. 


Prof Nagel's photos from ICCF-20 [ 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion]































HAPPY NEW YEAR and many wishes for good health, peace, and terrific discoveries in science and engineering.


R&D and other efforts in CF/LANR/LENR  continued through 2017 and into 2018. Some of the developments will shortly appear in JCMNS; meanwhile on the other front,here is an update: 















Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) report on High Energy Science & Technology Assessment workshop

March 18, 2015 - "Today I present a report in 2007, originally "for official use only", distributed only between US government agencies and their contractors, then declassified in 2011, finally put online yesterday on http://www.governmentattic.org . It provides a comprehensive account of a workshop on science valutatativo high energy held December 12 to 13, 2006 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. 

....    "Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, Inc. presented a brief summary of the results of excess heat experiments in electric-field loaded deuterated metals: Excess Heat in Electric-Field Loaded Deuterated Metals.  ....    "Professor Michael Melich, WE Meyer Institute for Systems Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, talked about transmutation as the signal for detecting LENR experiments using Deuterium Conducted in a cell with an electrolytic Pd diffusion barrier. .....    Low Energy Nuclear Reactions are showing some remarkable progress with respect to energy (excess heat) production and transmuted element detection, ....    "LENR Still Suffers from negative publicity associated with Cold Fusion and is viewed as being Conducted outside the domain of legitimate, mainstream science. Nonetheless, the persistent and increasingly repeatable Demonstrations of excess heat and transmutation suggest That there is something here worth Pursuing.  You can download the entire document here:
http: //www.governmentattic. org / 14docs / DTRA-HESTA_2007.pdf


Commerce IG Report: Patent examiners defrauded government
Gene Quinn

August 31, 2016 - "The Office control mechanisms are deficient and patent examiners seem to be defrauding the agency, it doesn’t get much worse than that. It is also further proof of what has continued to come to light in recent weeks about how some patent examiners simply ignore office policy, ignore the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, ignore the Federal Circuit, preventing cases from reaching appeal, and issuing bogus rejections with impunity. Based on what we know is going on in certain Art Units and the conclusions reached in this report there seems to be a near complete breakdown in institutional control at the Patent Office."

Patent office employees Steal Millions from American taxpayers

September 7, 2016 - "A new report from an independent watchdog found that employees of the Patent and Trademark office billed the government (AKA, the taxpayers) for 300,000 hours they never worked, costing the American people $18.2 million.  Many employees work from home, and the report found numerous instances of time logged without any work being completed.   ... Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said, “The government failed to receive millions of dollars in work product that would have reduced the patent application backlog by thousands of cases. This is a conservative accounting, according to the report, and things could be even worse.”   To make matters worse, buried towards the bottom of the report was this line: “The watchdog’s findings will not result in repercussions for any no-show employees.”


Cold fusion: the energy revolution that everyone thought impossible ...

Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian

Jan. 8, 2017 - "Cold fusion is the ultimate source of energy: clean, safe, infinitely abundant, cheap. The only problem is that no one ever arrived to set it up. The principle of cold fusion is relatively simple to explain. All atoms contain enormous concentrated energy. There are several ways of releasing this energy. There is radioactivity - some materials have atoms so heavy that they eject rays and particles, which can be used as a source of energy; It is the principle that operates nuclear power plants. There is fission - when atoms are broken, they release energy; This is the principle of nuclear bombs. And there is fusion: when atoms are fused to make big atoms, they release energy, much more energy per unit of mass than by other means; It is fusion which gives us the light of the sun, and of all the stars of the universe. It is relatively well known to do hot fusion - when very strongly heated atoms, it is relatively easy to fuse them. The problem is that fusion produces so much energy that it is impossible to control it. The ideal would be to have a controlled fusion, "cold", which releases enough energy to turn a power plant, but not enough to explode the plant. In 1989, two researchers, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, claimed to have created a perfectly functional cold fusion reactor that held on to their kitchen table."


The latest volume of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science is now online:


It marks the 10th anniversary of the journal.

 What is standing in the way of making cold fusion a reality?
Alain Coetmeur

Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of gasoline driving
Anthony Watts

June 20, 2017 - "Huge hopes have been tied to electric cars as the solution to automotive CO2 climate problem. But it turns out the the electric car batteries are eco-villains in the production process of creating them. Several tons of carbon dioxide has been emitted, even before the batteries leave the factory. ... The report shows that the battery manufacturing leads to high emissions. For every kilowatt hour of storage capacity in the battery generated emissions of 150 to 200 kilos of carbon dioxide already in the factory. .... Even before buying the car emissions occurred, corresponding to approximately 5.3 tons and 17.5 tons of Carbon Dioxide. The numbers can be difficult to relate to. As a comparison, a trip for one person round trip from Stockholm to New York by air causes the release of more than 600 kilograms of carbon dioxide, according to the UN organization ICAO calculation."

Lockheed Unveils Plans for Orbiting Mars Base Camp and Lander Within 10 Years

Sept. 29, 2017 - "Mars Base Camp is Lockheed Martin’s vision for sending humans to Mars in about a decade. The Mars surface lander called the Mars Accent Descent Vehicle (MADV) is a single-stage system that uses Orion systems as the command deck. It could allow astronauts to explore the surface for two weeks at a time before returning back to the Mars Base Camp in orbit around Mars. ... The first launch of an SLS and Orion, Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1), which will be a shakedown flight to the moon and back of the integrated SLS/Orion system, won’t launch until 2019, with the first crewed Orion mission to lunar orbit occurring around 2-3 years later."

Earth and moon, seen from Mars. on Nov. 20, 2016, by the HiRISE on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter



The COLD FUSION TIMES is like the wampum belt (of Hawkeye) and "is a record of the days of our struggle for clean, efficient energy, and speaks for our truth".

"Engineering is a great profession. There is the satisfaction of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realisation in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings homes to men or women. Then it elvates the standard of living and adds to the comforts of life. This is the engineer's high privilege."

 President Herbert Hoover

"Engineering is too important to wait for science."

Benoit Mandelbrot





HEAVYWATERGATE  continues at the USPTO led by a corrupt Group Art that mischaracterizes facts about cold fusion on federal documents using mail fraud. 

For example, the Patent Office has claimed falsely that there is "no utility" to cold fusion.  


Does anyone believe that lie?

Clean, efficient energy production of no use?   

It has been 27+ years since the  announcement of cold fusion, the crash of Exxon Valdez, and the start of the coverup of cold fusion.

This is Heavywatergate.  



National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 - Report of the Committee on Armed Services - Excerpt - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Briefing

"The committee is aware of recent positive developments in developing low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), which produce ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy that have strong national security implications. For example, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), if LENR works it will be a ``disruptive technology that could revolutionize energy production and storage.'' The committee is also aware of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA) findings that other countries including China and India are moving forward with LENR programs of their own and that Japan has actually created its own investment fund to promote such technology. DIA has also assessed that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field and that Russia, China, Israel, and India are now devoting significant resources to LENR development. To better understand the national security implications of these developments, the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing on the military utility of recent U.S. industrial base LENR advancements to the House Committee on Armed Services by September 22, 2016. This briefing should examine the current state of research in the United States, how that compares to work being done internationally, and an assessment of the type of military applications where this technology could potentially be useful." 




The followng is mistitled.  Cold fusion NEVER died.    

And the author does not even cover the real, robust, scientific cold fusion efforts !!

Cold fusion died 25 years ago, but the research lives on
Scientists continue to study unusual heat-generating effects

November 7, 2016 - "In 1989, the scientific world was turned upside down when two researchers announced they had tamed the power of nuclear fusion in a simple electrolysis cell. The excitement quickly died when the scientific community came to a consensus that the findings weren’t real—“cold fusion” became a synonym for junk science. In the quarter-century since, a surprising number of researchers continue to report unexplainable excess heat effects in similar experiments, and several companies have announced plans to commercialize technologies, hoping to revolutionize the energy industry. “LENR is real experimentally, and not understood theoretically,” says David J. Nagel, an electrical and computer engineering professor at George Washington University and a former research manager at the Naval Research Laboratory. “There are results that you just can’t explain away. Whether it’s cold fusion, low-energy nuclear reactions, or something else—the names are all over the place—we still don’t know. But there’s no doubt that you can trigger nuclear reactions using chemical energy.”  Nagel prefers to call the LENR phenomenon “lattice-enabled nuclear reactions” because whatever is happening takes place within the crystal lattice of an electrode. The original branch of the field focuses on infusing deuterium into a palladium electrode by turning on the power, Nagel explains. Researchers have reported such electrochemical systems that can output more than 25 times as much energy as they draw. "

Nimble Dragon: China looks to small reactors for nuclear edge

Jun, 14 2017   David Stanway  (Shaghai)  "China is betting on new, small-scale nuclear reactor designs that could be used in isolated regions, on ships and even aircraft as part of an ambitious plan to wrest control of the global nuclear market.  Within weeks, state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is set to launch a small modular reactor (SMR) dubbed the "Nimble Dragon" with a pilot plant on the island province of Hainan, according to company officials.  Unlike new large scale reactors that cost upward of $10 billion per unit and need large safety zones, SMRs create less toxic waste and can be built in a single factory.  A little bigger than a bus and able to be transported by truck, SMRs could eventually cost less than a tenth the price of conventional reactors, developers predict. The global nuclear industry will require around $80 billion in annual investment over the coming decade as countries strive to meet climate and clean energy goals, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) forecasts, and China is keen to get its hands on a substantial chunk of any new business.

SMRs have capacity of less than 300 megawatts (MW) - enough to power around 200,000 homes - compared to at least 1 gigawatt (GW) for standard reactors. ..  Others are also pursuing the technology, with around 50 different SMR designs worldwide according to the IAEA. Russia leads the way on floating plants suitable for its remote Arctic regions, and construction underway on the world's biggest icebreaker.U.S. firms including Westinghouse and Babcock & Wilcox (BW.N) have been developing their own SMRs, along with smaller start-ups like the Bill Gates-backed Terrapower."

The World’s Oldest Pool of Water Is 2 Billion Years Old

December 16, 2016 - "It's almost 2 miles down in a Canadian mine."


Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun

"The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older..... To determine the age of our solar system’s water, researchers focused on its ratio of hydrogen to deuterium, called “heavy hydrogen” because it has an extra neutron. Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures. Scientists already knew this from looking at the composition of comets and asteroids."

Leaked NASA paper shows the 'impossible' EM Drive really does work

Paper here:

Nov. 7, 2016 - "The EM Drive has made headlines over the past year, because it offers the incredible possibility of a fuel-free propulsion system that could potentially get us to Mars in just 70 days. But there's one major problem: according to the current laws of physics, it shouldn't work.  The issue is the fact that the EM Drive defies Newton's third law, which states that everything must have an equal and opposite reaction. So, according to Newton and our current understanding of the world around us, for a system to produce propulsion, it has to push something out the other way (in space, that's usually combusted rocket fuel).  But the EM Drive works without any fuel or propellants at all. It works by simply bouncing microwave photons back and forth inside a cone-shaped closed metal cavity. That motion causes the 'pointy end' of the EM Drive to generate thrust, and propel the drive in the opposite direction. Despite years of testing and debate, the drive remains controversial. The bottom line is that, on paper, it shouldn't work, according to the laws of physics. And yet, in test after test, the EM Drive just keeps on working .... - it also generates some pretty impressive thrust.  .... the EM Drive generates force of 1.2 millinewtons per kilowatt in a vacuum.  That's not an insignificant amount - to put it into perspective, the super-powerful Hall thruster generates force of 60 millinewtons per kilowatt, an order of magnitude more than the EM Drive.  But the Hall thruster uses fuel and requires a spacecraft to carry heavy propellants, and that extra weight could offset the higher thrust, the NASA Eagleworks team conclude in the paper.  Light sails on the other hand, which are currently the most popular form of zero-propellant propulsion, use beams of sunlight to propel them forward rather than fuel. And they only generate force up to 6.67 micronewtons per kilowatt - two orders of magnitude less than NASA's EM Drive, says the paper.  The NASA Eagleworks team measured the EM Drive's force using a low thrust pendulum at the Johnson Space Centre, and the tests were performed at 40, 60, and 80 watts."

            Chemists create 3D printed graphene foam

June 26, 2017  Printed Electronics World - “Nanotechnologists from Rice University and China's Tianjin University have used 3-D laser printing to fabricate centimeter-sized objects of atomically thin graphene. …  Graphene, one of the most intensely studied nanomaterials of the decade, is a two-dimensional sheet of pure carbon that is both ultrastrong and conductive. … (R)esearchers in Tour's lab began using lasers, powdered sugar and nickel to make 3-D graphene foam in late 2016. … The process is conducted at room temperature. No molds are required and the starting materials are powdered sugar and nickel powder.  … In 3-D selective laser sintering, a laser shines down onto a flat bed of powder. Wherever the laser touches powder, it melts or sinters the powder into a solid form. The laser is rastered, or moved back and forth, line by line to create a single two-dimensional slice of a larger object. … (They) used a commercially available CO2 laser. … The foam created by the process is a low-density, 3-D form of graphene with large pores that account for more than 99 percent of its volume.


 New theory of gravity might explain dark matter



Nov. 8, 2016 -  "A new theory of gravity, ... Emergent gravity, ...predicts the exact same deviation of motions that is usually explained by invoking dark matter. In 2010, Erik Verlinde ... showed how Newton's famous second law, which describes how apples fall from trees and satellites stay in orbit, can be derived from these underlying microscopic building blocks. Extending his previous work and work done by others, Verlinde now shows how to understand the curious behaviour of stars in galaxies without adding the puzzling dark matter.

...  One of the ingredients in Verlinde's theory is an adaptation of the holographic principle ... (where)  all the information in the entire universe can be described on a giant imaginary sphere around it.  Verlinde now shows that this idea is not quite correct—part of the information in our universe is contained in space itself.

President-Elect Trump: Energy Independence

   November 9, 2016 - "The Trump Administration will make America energy independent.  Our energy policies will make full use of our domestic energy sources, including traditional and renewable energy sources.  America will unleash an energy revolution that will transform us into a net energy exporter, leading to the creation of millions of new jobs, while protecting the country’s most valuable resources – our clean air, clean water, and natural habitats. America is sitting on a treasure trove of untapped energy. In fact, America possesses more combined coal, oil, and natural gas resources than any other nation on Earth. These resources represent trillions of dollars in economic output and countless American jobs, particularly for the poorest Americans.

Rather than continuing the current path to undermine and block America’s fossil fuel producers, the Trump Administration will encourage the production of these resources by opening onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands and waters. We will streamline the permitting process for all energy projects, including the billions of dollars in projects held up by President Obama, and rescind the job-destroying executive actions under his Administration.  We will end the war on coal, and rescind the coal mining lease moratorium, the excessive Interior Department stream rule, and conduct a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration.  We will eliminate the highly invasive "Waters of the US" rule, and scrap the $5 trillion dollar Obama-Clinton Climate Action Plan and the Clean Power Plan and prevent these unilateral plans from increasing monthly electric bills by double-digits without any measurable effect on Earth’s climate.  Energy is the lifeblood of modern society. It is the industry that fuels all other industries.  We will lift the restrictions on American energy, and allow this wealth to pour into our communities. It’s all upside: more jobs, more revenues, more wealth, higher wages, and lower energy prices.

The Trump Administration is firmly committed to conserving our wonderful natural resources and beautiful natural habitats. America’s environmental agenda will be guided by true specialists in conservation, not those with radical political agendas.  We will refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air, and clean, safe drinking water for all Americans.  It will be a future of conservation, of prosperity, and of great success.”

Previous US gov't classified, and other, documents from the early and mid-years of the Cold Fusion coverup ["Heavywatergate"].  They are now public through FOIA and FairUse, courtesty of the Black Vault



The Status of “Cold Fusion”, February 17, 1998 [29 Pages, 2.5MB] 

"The announcement on 23 March 1989 by Pons and Fleischmann that they had achieved power generation from nuclear reactions at ordinary temperature had a rapid and enormous impact. About six weeks later, the cover stories of three major popular news magazines in the U. S. were on ‘cold fusion’. The response to the prospect of easy and inexhaustible energy, maybe with little residual radiation, was comparable to the public reaction to Roentgen’s report of x-rays in 1895."

A Summary of NRL Research on Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Palladium Electrochemical Systems, January 9, 1996 [146 Pages, 9.6MB]

"Claims of excess power produced in electrochemical cells have been made by many investigators including those from two Navy laboratories. The excess power reportedly occurs in palladium electrodes highly loaded with deuterium. Other anomalous effects such helium-4, tritium and low energy radiation production have also been reported. This report summarizes the experimental results from a number of electrochemical loading/calorimetric experiments on palladium electrodes run at NRL."

  Cold Fusion Verification, March 1991 [62 Pages, 2.3MB]

"The objective of this work was to verify and reproduce experimental observations of Cold Nuclear Fusion (CNF), as originally reported in 1989 by Fleischmann, Pons, and Hawkins (see reference 1)."

 The Accelerating Mechanism in Cold Fusion, 18 September 1990 (USED UNDER FAIR USE) [25 Pages, 1.7MB]

"The report of the observation of “cold fusion” reaction accompanying the saturation of palladium and titanium by deuterium appeared entirely unexpectedly and has attracted enormous interest worldwide. Meanwhile, however, references to the possibility of such phenomena go back some years."

  In Search of Electrochemically Induced Cold Fusion, by A. Mayer, May 1990 [3 Pages, 0.77MB]

ad hoc Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions 

Experimental Engineering Colloquium       

       for CF/LANR electricals: 1:00 PM in Room 1-273 MIT (MA)

Dr. Mitchell Swartz - 4D Printing in LANR: Temperature Toll NANOR®-type Components

Prof. Peter Hagelstein - Beam formation in the Karabut experiment

Dr. Mitchell Swartz - High Power Phusor®-type High-Impedance Aqueous Systems

Florian Metzler - Improved Gamma Spectrophotometer

Parkhomov: Long Term Tests of Ni-H Heat Generators in Flow Calorimeter


 New Reports from Alexander Parkhomov: Excess Heat Production and Isotopic Shifts in E-Cat Replication Attempt (Update: English Translation Available)

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

When the government fears the people, there is liberty."

President Thomas Jefferson

Patently Surreal: "Recalcitrant Examiners"

December 15, 2016 - "The only thing that is certain in the U.S. patent system is that the law is hopelessly uncertain! There are numerous patent examiners working for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that refuse to issue patents and openly tell patent practitioners and innovators that they will never issue a patent, haven’t issued a patent in years and nothing they say will matter. These recalcitrant patent examiners proudly proclaim that they ignore the rulings from the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and when they are reversed on appeal by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board rather than issuing a patent they reopen prosecution (see here and here) to continue to harass applicants. This is not made up, this is actually happening.
On top of this, the Patent Office is unable to control patent examiners, who are engaging in widespread time and abuse fraud according to the Commerce Department Inspector General. And one particular examiner who was caught submitting over 700 hours of fraudulent time wasn’t fired or reprimanded, but instead left the Office so that he didn’t receive a negative performance review. These stories about examiner abuses and the inability of the Office to do anything about it sound like fake news, but sadly they are true. To   call   the  American  patent  protection  process  arbitrary  and capricious is insulting to those things in our society that are merely arbitrary and capricious. Recalcitrant patent examiners are not arbitrary and capricious; they are willful actors that intentionally seek to harm innovators by denying patent rights regardless of merit. The only thing predictable about this is that innovators get screwed! It isn’t even done efficiently, with innovators having to fight a war of attrition against their government for many years, or even a decade or more before they are finally forced to give up because their meritorious invention that has been protected in other countries can’t get protection in the U.S."

Dec 20, 2016 - The 114th Congress' Committee on Science, Space, and Technology released a report on U.S. Department of Energy Misconduct Related to the Low Dose Radiation Research Program. 

House Committee Releases Report on Department of Energy Misconduct

Findings from the Report:  "DOE management developed a scheme to withhold information from congressional staff.  DOE management avoided critical information pertinent to the continuance of the LDRRP. 

DOE management worked to kill the LDRRP because it did not  further the administrations goals to advance climate research.  DOE management and senior employees gave intentionally misleading statements to Congress.

The DOE exhibited a complete disregard for the legislative process and Constitutional separation of powers at an institutional level."

Report here: pdf

Patent office workers bilked the government of millions by playing hooky, watchdog finds
Lisa Rein

August 31, 2016 - "Using records of turnstile badge swipes, computer logins and remote between the time employees reported working and the hours they actually put in.   Deputy Inspector General David Smith’s office found a gap of 288,480 hours covering not only employees with permission to work independently from home but also examiners assigned to the agency’s Alexandria, Va., headquarters who were gaming the system.  ....    At the time, Director Michelle Lee and her staff told concerned members of Congress that the abuse was limited to a few bad apples. She pledged zero tolerance for time and attendance fraud. But that apparently did not happen. Lee, through a spokesman, declined an interview request.   Investigators have now determined that poor performers are not the ones gaming the system."

The Argument Against Terraforming Mars
Robert Sparrow

"Today many scientists believe that terraforming Mars is theoretically possible with continuing improvements in technology and the dedication of enough time and resources. Elon Musk recently claimed that SpaceX plans to start colonising Mars in 2022, although he says the colonists will need to decide whether to terraform the planet.

    Terraforming Mars would destroy its distinctive beauty. The decision to terraform Mars would also exhibit hubris. Often understood as an “excessive pride before the gods,” hubris has ancient roots and is perhaps best epitomized by the fabled Icarus, whose wings of wax and feathers melted when he got too close to the sun in his attempt to reach heaven. But you don’t need to believe in the gods to grasp the significance of hubris: Overweening pride and profound arrogance are the hallmarks of this vice.  Sometimes hubris is self-evident in the pronouncements of enthusiasts for terraforming, when they exult in a possible future where humans have god-like powers and can transform entire planets. The scale of the project and the potential for catastrophic failure also suggest the action is motivated by hubris. As the story of Icarus suggests, we may discern limits on the proper extent of our aspirations by asking how far we would fall if we failed."

The Next Frontier: Space Miners are the Universe's Future Tycoons

"The next gold rush will be intergalactic.  In 2009, a collection of astronauts, academics, and aerospace industrialists convened to review NASA's present and future plans for manned space flight. Informally dubbed the "Augustine Commission," the more-stuffily named Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee determined that our ultimate goal ought to be nothing less than "to chart a path for human expansion into the solar system."  Considering that Earth's resources are finite and that the well of human desire knows no bottom, a continued future for our species will likely require robust manned spaceflight to leave the planet. But it remains incredibly expensive and logistically complex to see humans break the planet's escape velocity, let alone with any regularity. The ostensibly modern spacecraft of today carry all their fuel with them from the start — a lot of that fuel is required simply to transport other fuel. It's comically inconvenient.  "Space mining" presents itself as a killer technology for interstellar travel and exploration — the miners are due to inherit the stars as we set their sights beyond our planet to harvest geological resources from the universe itself.  ....  A website called Asterank charts the economic feasibility of mining some 600,000 different asteroids for their resources — one 90-foot-wide platinum asteroid is worth a respectable $50 billion on Earth. The incentive is undeniable.

More than turning asteroids into money, however, today's space mining entrepreneurs are intent on turning asteroids into figurative gas stations. The ubiquitous space rocks are commonly home to water ice — or hydrogen and oxygen, the building blocks of rocket fuel.  Deltion Innovations is a Canadian company developing hardcore robotic drills and excavation systems to sell to others for use in outer space. Once a mining operation has successfully harvested ice, CEO Dale Boucher says, "We can break that water ice into its hydrogen and oxygen components by putting a DC voltage into it. This breaks the bonds of water apart, with the hydrogen going to one electrode and the oxygen going to another. This is called electrolysis, and we can use it in space to make fuel." ....  Luxembourg is a European country smaller than Rhode Island, but don't let its size suggest a shortage of vision. Its government launched a $227 million fund earlier this year to invest in space mining companies that set up operations within the country's borders, sending a strong message that the country intends to play a meaningful role in the changing nature of space travel."

    November 24, 2016    -    On this Thanksgiving, there is much to be grateful for. A better cleaner world, and a cornucopia of condensed material nuclear science and engineering efforts which continue even tonight.  We should be grateful that there are so many diverse methods of achieving excess energy in aqueous and nanomaterial systems IF, and when, the lattice is appreciated and mathematics is correctly used. We should also be grateful that we now have a growing set of facts demonstrating cold fusion, and engineering understanding how to achieve it, along with a new field that continues to surprise all with terrific discoveries as we aspire toward clean energy production and better control/understanding of condensed material nuclear science.

  That  said,  here  is  another tale of how the lattice changed history.  A lattice is,  in  fact,  a regular geometrical arrangement of points or objects over an area or in space. In CMNS, in the Group VIII lattice, when contamination and quenching factors are considered, it enables successful cold fusion.  That is the story of the Quantum.  The lattice also enabled the Pilgrims to survive, and this is the Story of Tisquantum.


Tisquantum (Squanto) teaching (Spring 1621)  Blue Hill - the Algonquin "massa adchu"

In the United States of America, Thanksgiving (which goes back many more centuries, and in many ways) is a holiday usually traced to the 1621 Plymouth celebration of its survival. The thanksgiving was for their good harvest, and frankly it was a very close call.  And THAT harvest and their survival only resulted from Tisquantum, of the Patuxet tribe, who met the Pilgrims and taught them the science of agricultural lattice engineering which saved their lives.

 Before they met Tisquantum, more than half of the settlers died miserably during their first winter.  But then, on March 22, 1621, Tisquantum (also known as Squanto) and the Abenaki sagamore  (an Indian chief, but not as auspicious as a sachem), Samoset,  met with the Plymouth Pilgrims and would save their lives by sharing lattice technology.

   The Pilgrims had been surprised  when Samoset just walked into their colony six days earlier speaking broken English he had learned in Maine, but now they were further astonished as his colleague, Tisquantum, who spoke English quite well, also taught them how to catch  menhaden and then plant the fish with corn seeds in a lattice arrangement.

  ===>(LATTICE = a regular geometrical arrangement of points or objects over an area or in space)  

  Menhaden is a name derived  from "munnohquohteau"  meaning "he fertilizes".

 Strange is it not, that the Native American Tisquantum had already crossed the Atlantic two times by the time he met the  hungry and about-to-starve Pilgrims.  Tisquantum's sortie had his return to Massachusetts in 1614 with none other than Pocahontas Captain John Smith [**].  Before that return voyage, Tisquantum had been liberated from slavery, and after was horrified to find his entire coastal tribe had been exterminated by plague, smallpox or leptospirosis while he was taken.

 Because of Tisquantum, the Pilgrims did a bit better, and their  colony would   later   be   subsumed   by  the Puritans and their  Mass. Bay Colony which was operating out of Boston.  The Puritans  regarded  the  Pilgrims  as  Separatists, as did the British, and that story ended with the forced union of the Pilgrims and the Mass Bay Colony in 1691.

 [** Massachusetts was named by Captain John Smith  in his book, entitled "Description of New England", published in 1616, after his  return of Tisquantum to America. The origin of the word comes from the description of the Blue Hill in Milton, Mass; from the Algonquin Indian word meaning large "hill" ["massa" means "large" and "adchu" means "hill"].  ]

 So take a moment, as you feast with family and friends on turkey, potatoes, and stuffing, to ponder that the Pilgrims using a Lattice, fertilized in vacancies by fish as suggested by Tisquantum, enabled the survival of those people and what would become the First American Thanksgiving.    

      Best regards and Happy Thanksgiving,    Dr. Mitchell Swartz    


"We all know cold fusion has had a difficult childhood.
Those of us in the field are orphans... bastards, at best.
But difficult childhoods make the most interesting adults."
- Dr. Emma Russel


Time to Criminalize Tyranny

November 11, 2016 - American Thinker:  "President Trump should set up a special prosecutor to dig up all the government workers  (Ed. like those in the USPTO) who used government power to further tyranny.  ... We can't drain the swamp if all the alligators have life preservers and "get out of jail free" cards. We need to strike fear in the hearts of all government workers.  They need to know that if they intentionally abuse their power, they face serious negative consequences – just as citizens know that if they break the law, they face consequences. Today we live in a tyranny because the people are afraid of the government.  We need to change that so that the government is afraid of the people in order to restore the America the Founders left us."

Elon Musk suggests terraforming Mars with nuclear weapons

 "Absolutely not a good idea;", says Dr. Mitchell Swartz, "it is paraterraforming which offers a cleaner path.  

Home is where there is oxygen and a 3D printer."

  Coming 2017   :  How to Terraform Mars and Ceres

Water, Water Everywhere from Mars to Ceres (~30%)


Click for mp4




"We are water power and nothing can stop what is going to happen."



DTRA: Investigation of Nano Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter

P. Mosier Boss, L. P. Forsley, P. K. McDaniel   (click for pdf)

Internet Discussion


Optical Detection of Phonon Gain Distinguishes an Active Cold Fusion/LANR Component

                           Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz   JET Energy, Inc.

October 14, 2016 - "Successful cold fusion is heralded by a large, if not quite abnormal, increase in the antiStokes to Stokes (aS/S) ratio in coherent multi-wavelength optical reflection volume-enhanced electric-driven spectroscopy (CMORE-spectroscopy).  This distinguishing phonon gain is not seen in the “off” state or the avalanche (undesirable) mode.  It heralds 7 acoustic phonons assisting nuclear reactions and a core peak calculated Stokes temperature of circa 1645 degrees Kelvin."

(pdf, click here)










(pdf, click here)

I am saddened to report that Stan Szpak died this afternoon. He would have been 96 years old on his birthday next month. Stan had been involved in LENR research since the 1989 announcement and will probably be best remembered as the first to use co-deposition to prepare the cathode."    

          Frank Gordon, SPAWAR (retired)       October 12, 2016

ICCF-20 - 20th Int. Conf. Cond. Matter Nuclear Science


























Full Program (pdf)   More Pics

Poster session Tuesday, October 4- Report by Dr. Jean Paul Biberian

O. Azizi showed the dramatic effect of the addition of mercury in the electrolyte to increase the loading of deuterium in palladium. An addition of 200pp as a mercury-based molecule achieves a loading D / Pd = 0.99
Georges Egeley Hungary showed transmutation results obtained with its unique equipment he developed himself using a microwave oven magnetron. With this apparatus, it puts the ultra pure carbon powder, in a quartz sphere, and it triggers a plasma. After about ten minutes of operation, the carbon powder becomes magnetic. An analysis by electron microscopy shows the presence of new elements, in particular iron.
Arik El-Boher of the University of Missouri tried to replicate the experience of Parkhomov with a mixture nickel / LaAlH4. Despite 12 attempts, the results were all negative.
Peter Hagelstein MIT showed deuterium absorption isotherms in that palladium modeled assuming that the deuterium is placed in the octahedral sites, but also in the tetrahedral. By varying the relative number of these sites, it has perfectly reproduced the experimental isotherms. Whereas until now it was believed that the tetrahedral sites were occupied after filling the octahedral sites in the calculation shows that the two types of site are filled simultaneously.
Philippe Hatt of Belgium has developed a model of the atomic nucleus assuming a structure based on the alpha particles, neutrons and protons. He was able to calculate and all nuclear binding energies.
T. Itoh, showed the transmutation of Pd-106 Sn114 by fusion with 4 deuterium nuclei in permeation experiments deuterium through multilayer Pd / CaO.
Andrew Meulenberg spoke physical reasons of existence DDL levels deep electrons.
Slobodan Stankovic of Switzerland presented its work on the gas HHO Brown, showing the specific torches using this gas.
Jinghao He of the University of Missouri has described an international collaboration to study the correlation between the local environment and the electromagnetic field in PdH x and x DPs. It uses Hg-181 that converts to Ta-181 with two gamma emissions, the first isotropic and the second anisotropic. The samples were prepared by Vittorio Violante loaded Hg-181 at CERN.
Tatsumi Hioki of Nagoya University in Japan studied the stabilization of palladium nano particles in a hydrogen atmosphere. The palladium is introduced into the meso pore zeolites. It analyzed X-ray crystal structure of the palladium particles. He noted that even after hydrogen charging, crystal size does not change. This shows that the palladium grains remain separated from each other.
Emmanuele Marano of the University of Turin in Italy, studied by differential scanning calorimetry loading into hydrogen and deuterium of Pd-Ni-Zr alloys. The materials are made by "melt spinning" and then oxidation. Thanks to the precision of the differential scanning calorimetry, it has been possible to demonstrate the various stages of oxidation. It begins at 400 ° C, and the palladium is stable up to at least 500 ° C. His calorimeter can not stay hot for long periods, he could measure the heat absorption of hydrogen and deuterium which is exactly what is expected theoretically.
Conclusion of the conference
I enjoyed this week and a half with the first meeting in China and that of Japan. The organization both in Xiamen to Sendai was excellent. Compared to ICCF19, there was this year much more scientific presentations, which was more interesting. Finally, there were 145 participants from 19 countries, with 78 Japanese, 34 Americans, 8 French, Swiss ... 4. I think that apart from ICCF11 in Marseille is the largest French delegation that is coming. I was impressed by the work done in Japan where the subject is taken very seriously, with a large national program, but also private equity and in universities. It seems that very soon India will re-awaken to the Cold Fusion.
The presentations were of high quality, as well as on testing theories. There is progress in all areas, in electrochemistry, but also with the gas phase powders. The interest of industrialists and financiers continue, which is a good sign of the interest of the subject.

Thursday, October 6, Day 4 of ICCF20 in Sendai, Japan - Report by Dr. Jean Paul Biberian

David Nagel of George Washington University in the US has given China conference.

Wu-Shou Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has given China conference.

John Paul Biberian, Aix-Marseille University, I restored a part of China conference, detailing the progress of the experiment in progress, and showing that there were three power ranges, analyzed according to the use of three temperature measurements at different levels. Experience with a cathode of palladium-silver 100mm length, Loading. I also detailed the results obtained with the proton conductors. Three indications on average an excess of heat in excess of 30%.

Melvin Miles, from the University of Laverne in the United States, has given its China conference.

Konrad Czerski of Szczecin University Poland showed its work showing that there was a screening effect of the network when electrons are sent D + ions on various metallic targets. With an incident energy of 5keV, he found the 322 volt tantalum, zirconium for 300 volts, 190 volts for aluminum. An extrapolation at room temperature the value of screening could increase by 10 orders of magnitude. This may explain why cold fusion is possible. He noted that it was important that the surface is clean. In the new assembly UHV surface will stay clean longer with experiences 1keV.

Yuki Honda, Tohoku University reported similar results to those of Czerski. He observed for palladium a value of 310 volts, but PdO to a value of 600 Volts, indicating the role of electrons from the oxygen in the screening effect. Reversible error systematic errors from the loading level of deuterium target.

Ken Naitoh, of Waseda University in Japan showed results and pulsed gas beam simulations in a room where eight (or more) gas jets are concentrated in the center speaker. The temperature can reach 2000K and 800 atmospheres of pressure. The use of pulsed beams, enables that the heat does not spread on the reactor walls. In the future, a cold fusion experiment will be tested.

Katsuaki Tanabe Kyoto University showed that when sending a laser beam onto the nanoparticles, the magnetic field is increasing within the particles by a factor of 10. In the case of nano particles coated a metal layer the field could grow by a factor of 1,000.

Jean-Luc Aix-Marseille University Paillet developed the theory of deep electronic states, ie by considering the relativistic effects, electrons can fall to levels below the basic level. This would be an intermediate step before the merger.

Andrew Mulenberg, Science for Humanity Trust, showed the involvement of deep orbital electrons in cold fusion. He showed that these profound statements were a step toward cold fusion.

Steward Kurtz, spoke of the energy states fractional energy of the hydrogen atom. For him, the levels range from n = 137, 136, ... 2 .1, ½, 1/3 ... .1 / 136, n = 1/137. The atomic radius of hydrogen from 7.25 nm for n = 137, in 386fm for n = 1/137.

The day ended with the traditional gala dinner. On this occasion, it was announced that ICCF21 be held in June 2018 in Raleigh, North Carolina, organized by Industrial Heat. There will also be a workshop in Siena in Italy in May 2017.

 Wednesday, October 5, The Third day of ICCF20 in Sendai, Japan- Report by Dr. Jean Paul Biberian

Jirohita Kasagi, of Tohoku University wanted to confirm the results of Iwamura transmutations of Cs-133 in Pr-141 during the diffusion of deuterium through multilayer palladium and CaO. The measurements made by different techniques, such as XPS, ICP-MS, TOF-SIMS. There are three years, Toyota's laboratories have successfully replicated these results by ICP-MS only. This discovery is not accepted by the community of nuclear physics research. He sucked decided to do an experiment Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) to check praseodymium training. The experiment was done at Tohoku University. Actually a peak was observed which would correspond to praseodymium, but of low intensity.
Srinavasan Mahadeva of India reported the results obtained by K. P. Rajeev over a nickel smelting experience. The cathode was a nickel 0.è wire (diameter in mm of a K2CO3 solution. After the experiment, they measured by SIMS copper, rhodium, zirconium and iron and nickel whose isotopes 60 and 62 declined.

Vladimi Vysotskii from the Kiev National Shevchenko University Ukraine reported his results decrease of the radioactivity of Cs-133 and Cs-137 by aerobic microorganisms. These works were carried out by an independent team at the University of Moscow. In 20 days radioactivity had decreased by 23%.

Norman Cook, Kansai University in Japan made a historical review of the different models of the atomic nucleus. Among all models, there are none that provide a network structure. The model that offers many advantages to explain the nuclear structure.

Tetsuo Sawada Nihon University in Japan has proposed the role of magnetic monopoles in Cold Fusion reactions. According to him the magnetic monopoles were created during the Big Bang and are diluted as and the expansion of the universe. These monopolies can explain the fusion reactions D + D.

Jean-François Geneste, the Airbus group in Toulouse has developed a new approach of entropy, heat and order.

The session lasted just the morning, the afternoon has been reserved for the discovery of a Buddhist temple.

 Tuesday, October 4, The second day of ICCF20 in Sendai, Japan- Report by Dr. Jean Paul Biberian

Akira Kitamura of Technova company, in collaboration with Tohoku University, Nagoya, Kobe and Kyushu and Nissan working on nanoparticles comprising Ni, Cu, Pd and Zr. The alloy of these materials or a part of them is molten and then subjected to an annealing by dropping the mixture onto a copper water cooled wheel. There is thus an amorphous alloy. This alloy is then oxidized at 450 ° C for 100 hours. The amount of oxygen is calculated from the weight increase. The ICP-MS analyzes are performed at Nissan or two Universities. Calorimetry is mass flow with oil, allowing them to work at high temperatures. Cold experiments gave an excess of heat 3Watts, whereas at 300 ° C it is 10 Watts. However, excess heat occurs when loading hydrogen or deuterium.

Yasuhiro Iwamura, Tohoku University, has done similar work to that of Kitamura. In fact the teams work together and thus check their results using the same samples. The alloys are made by the company Sendai Material Company by the method described above, and are then shared between the different teams. The results obtained are similar to those of Kitamura.

Melvin Miles Laverne University of the United States reported the results obtained by Iraj Parchamazad on the use of zeolites loaded with palladium. He developed a method to penetrate the palladium in the zeolite without affecting it. It provides 1.5 mg of palladium in 1 g of zeolite. He gets a 1kW of output per gram of palladium.

Roger Stringham of First Gate Energies in the United States showed its latest work on cavitation producing photoluminescence working at 1.7 MHz. By placing a copper target, it gets tritium.

Florian Metzler gave the same conference in China

Hitoshi Soyama Tohoku University showed that in a hydrodynamic system with a water jet at high speed, it produces large amounts of bubbles, more than with ultrasound. This jet is sent onto a titanium or nickel target and a green laser beam is directed at the target simultaneously with pulses of 4 to 6ns. It produces luminescence spots.

Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, Quantum Potential Corporation USA replicated the experience from 1922 to Wendt and tungsten son explosion Irion. These authors found helium-4 after the son of explosions. The author did the same experiment with a sphere of glass similar to the original using 35um tungsten son. He used capacitor 1.3uF and 100,000 volts. There is a peak in the mass he attributes to 3 HD, a peak at mass 19: HDO, and also 29: N14 + N15. He also observed neutrons. The work will continue.

Volodymyr Dubinko the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in Ukraine has developed a cold fusion theory based on the anharmonic lattice vibrations. They are "Discrete Breather" outside the spectrum of phonons.

Vysotskii Vladimir, the Kiev National Shevchenko University in Ukraine continued its work on the related statements that are produced when assymmétriques sends electrical impulses.

Peter Hagelstein of MIT made the same conference in China

The day ended with the poster session.

Monday, October 3, The first day of ICCF20 in Sendai, Japan- Report by Dr. Jean Paul Biberian

More than 130 people came from 17 different countries.
Jirohta Kasagi, presented the conference. He recalled that since the beginning, it was the fourth time that Japan hosted a conference ICCF. The last time it was in Yokohama 11 years ago. He recalled that since that time the research was oriented nano particles with deuterium. There was also the development of torque nickel / hydrogen, because of Rossi's work, whatever one thinks of its results.
Ms. Emiko Okuyama, Mayor of Sendai fully supported the conference fully supporting Cold Fusion, and the work being done in Sendai.
Mike McKubre, could not come physically to the conference for health reasons that prevented him from flying, sent a video, and his speech was read by one of his colleagues. His presentation was focused on the past, present and future. He recalled that from the beginning, tritium was detected. First it was John Bockris and Ed Storms and Mahadeva Srinavasan. This proves that the reaction was nuclear. It was also noticed that when there is tritium, there is no energy release. SRI then showed the helium-3 forming with the dual cathode Arata. Moreover, as soon ICCF2, Mel Miles showed the correlation between helium-4 formation and excess energy. At the theoretical level, the Nobel laureate Julian and Julian Shwinger Teller, father of the atomic bomb have supported the Cold Fusion. Mike McKubre proposed that ICCF21 to be held in North America, three or four experiments are proposed that could be carried by several laboratories with a special session during ICCF21.
Takao Kashiwagi, professor and director of Advanced Energy Systems for Sustainability, detailed the current situation of electric power in Japan, and the forecast for 2030. For now the Cold Fusion is not planned, but according him, this could soon change in light of the results obtained.
Akito Takahashi Technova the company developed the results obtained with palladium nano particles in the meso porous silica materials. They got the excess energy as well with the deuterium-hydrogen. He also showed that the absorption of energy is greater than that of desorption. The loading of deuterium is very high, more than three. Of excess heat between 200 and 300 ° C was produced over several days. According to him, the reaction occurs when the deuterium moved into and out of the surface.
Francesco Celani INFN in Italy continued to work with the son of constantan Cu (55%) Ni (44%) Mo (1%). He noted that the reaction occurs in non-equilibrium conditions. Vacuum heat destroys the material must be heated in hydrogen or deuterium to avoid sintering. It is important that the heating and cooling will make very quickly. The glass is also important, alumina does not. To improve performance, it is up to 41 knots on the constantan wire. In this case, excess heat of 25 W was measured.
Bob Greenyer of MLF, detailed the work they have done to try to verify the experience of Lugano Rossi. Through their actions with the Glow Stick they were able to show that the measures Lugano were wrong. The COP is certainly much lower than that which was announced. At best, it would be a COP of 1.13. It seems the optimum for the excess heat occurs in the range 305-315 ° C.
Fran Tanzella SRI in Mountain View United States detailed the results of the audit experiences of the Brillouin society. It seems that the reaction proceeds by an electron capture with formation of a neutron (p + e = n). This is possible due to electrical impulses. An excess of 100% was observed. The pulses are of several hundred volts, over periods of a few hundred nanoseconds. The best COP is detected at 300 ° C.
Michael Halem, of LENR Invest presented the same conference in China.
Takahiko Itoh of Tohoku University in Sendai   Mizuno has replicated the experience of training palladium nano materials made of nickel and plasma discharge. The best results were obtained at 300 ° C.
Jacques Dufour of Paris has a personal theory in which a hydrogen atom in the form of dipole is entrapped within an iron atom. This is the pico chemistry. This reaction is 1000 times more energy than a chemical reaction. He did an installation in an oven with two symmetrical cells of which serves as a reference. It places a mixture containing iron, sodium and SiC. The reaction occurs at 1075 ° C with an excess of 1 Watt. Furthermore an analysis by mass spectrometry shows a peak at mass 55 which corresponds to the mass of the iron 54 with a hydrogen dipole in its electron cloud.
Olafson Stein of the University of Iceland has developed the role of Rydberg atoms in excess heat. Rydberg atoms under the effect of laser beam approaching to 2 or 3 microns. The radiation measurements observed suggest production Kaons, Pawns of muons and electrons.
George Miley of the University of Illinois introduced the same conference in China.
Mitchell Swartz Nanotech in the United States whose presentation was made by Peter Hagelstein has done an outstanding job on Raman spectroscopy on Nanors giving excess energy. As when sending a laser beam on a surface, the beam returns to reflection without loss of energy, but also a loss of energy or an energy gain due to the loss or gain of a phonon. Interestingly, when there is no power, there is the peak of loss of energy, but when there is excess energy, there is also a peak corresponding to the gain of energy with absorption of a phonon.
Sangho Bok Clean Planet have developed a new method of temperature measurement using fluorescent film temperature sensitive. The idea is to use these fluorescent dyes such as sensor locations where the heat is generated on an electrode. This will have a spatial resolution of 40 nm, which depends on the resolution of the microscope used. The first results are encouraging and the temperature range can be changed by changing the composition of the fluorescent dye.

October 1 [reporting Friday, September 30] - "David Nagel, of George Washington University in the US has developed efforts in his university to work on cold fusion. They focused on analyzing means in the experiments, for example by recording the sounds inside of a hollow cathode, by Fourier analysis of the electrolysis current variations, infrared measurements , etc ...

Peter Hagelstein, to MIT in the United States recalled that he, energy nuclear reaction between deuterium nuclei were removed by phonons network. For this he had shown the potential coupling between SD passage to He-4 by issuing a large amount of low energy phonons. Moreover, the work of Karabut and Vysotskii showing the production of X-rays when the vibrations are produced on a metal led him to prepare an experiment where the Ta-181 must excite the W-181 will issue X-rays. The experiment is being prepared.

Wu-Shou Zhang of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences Chemistry Beijing in China built a Seebeck calorimeter, in which he experimented with electrodes in acid palladium in D 2 SO 4. He showed excess heat has low loading rate. Moreover, he found the money on the palladium electrode. In the calorimeter, he made a similar experience to that of Rossi and observed a very low excess heat to 1160 ° C 0.45%.

Jean-François Geneste group of Airbus in Toulouse quoted a sentence of French Nobel Prize: "It is the asymmetry that creates the phenomenon." He developed a non-Archimedean geometry that helps explain why symmetry is not perceived in the same way for one who is in the symmetrical object and an outside observer. Perfection is not symmetry, but the asymmetry. That is why if the crystal is perfect cold fusion does not occur, you have impurities, defects.

Daniel Szumski, independent researcher of Davis in California, developed his theory to produce a cathode which works to give energy. It proposes to add certain metal isotopes to activate the electrode.

Farong Wan of the University of Science and Technology Beijing showed that irradiating aluminum foil with deuterium ions, creating bubbles. Under the effect of 200kV electron bombardment of a transmission microscope was locally melted aluminum, indicating an abnormal phenomenon occurred.

John Paul Biberian Aix-Marseille University reviewed the six experiments in progress: experiments with nickel powders, diffusion of deuterium through the wall of a palladium tube, the excitement of carbon powders with micro- oven, plasma electrolysis high voltage and high current, and the replication of the ICARUS experiment 9 Stanley Pons of the permanent boil. Finally I showed last very promising results obtained with solid electrolytes that produced up to 45% more energy.

Florian Metzler MIT in the United States showed with Peter Hagelstein the development of an apparatus for creating vibrations of various frequencies to generate X-rays. This is the counterpart to the Hagelstein theory mentioned above.

Chang-Lin Liang from Beijing University Tsighua showed excess heat discharge experiments with thin film deposition of palladium on the walls of the glass container.

Melvin Miles from the University of LaVerne in the US has shown a thermodynamic analysis and kinetic parameters of the reaction D + D to He-4. He found a delta G 23 000 GJ / Mole, and entropy of 12.3 J / Mole. And the reaction is zero order.

Pictures courtesy of colleagues at lenr.com.cn


























        NANORTECH Update: Website  



July 27, 2016 - "In the field of cold fusion, having a laboratory rat ["lab rat"] upon which to try ideas, tweaks, new diagnostics, and possible improvements, has been shown to be a good thing, in both aqueous and dry systems. In dry CF/LANR systems, the lab rat is the NANOR®-type preloaded system [shown in open demonstration for several months at MIT in 2012 (IAP Course on CF)].  We have used dry preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components [1] to investigate material science [2-6] and radiation physics [4,5] of active cold fusion systems, and have published a substantial fraction of what was found.  This R&D from a system which is increasingly well-controlled, reasonably reproducible, and monitored by several calibrations, has taught a better understanding of these CF components, their physics and lattice properties. Our focus today continues on improving the efficiency and production rate of these unique preloaded energy conversion and production components." - Dr. Mitchell Swartz

  1. Swartz, M. G. Verner, J. Tolleson, P. Hagelstein, Dry, preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components, Current Science, 108, 4, 595 (2015); http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/108/04/0595.pdf
  2. Swartz M. R., Hagelstein P.I., Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT, J. Cond.Matter Nucl. Sci. 13, (2014), 516 www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol13.pdf
  3. Swartz,  M.R.  P.  Hagelstein, G. Verner, Impact of Electrical Avalanche Through a ZrO2-NiD Nanostructured CF/LANR Component on its Incremental Excess Power Gain", ICCF-19, JCMNS, 19, (2016)
  4. Swartz  M., Incremental High Energy Emission from a ZrO2–PdD Nanostructured Quantum Electronic Component CF/LANR, J. Cond. Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, 2015, 92; www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf
  5. Swartz M., Verner, G., et al., Imaging of an Active NANOR®-type LANR Component using CR-39, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15, (2015), p 81; www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol15.pdf
  6. Swartz, M. "Detection of Phonon Gain from a NANOR®-type CF Component" (2016, in publication)
  • Series 5 and 6 NANOR-type CF/LANR components - New Concept of Higher Gain, Preloaded, Demo shown.
  • Series 7 NANOR-type CF/LANR components - Enabled Several R&D Experiments; Several reported.
  • Series 8  NANOR-type CF/LANR components - Ongoing Effort - New Materials, approaches, etc. examined.
  • Series 9 NANOR-type CF/LANR components in production based upon past findings.


Report from Cold Fusion 101 at MIT by Barry Simon

October 1 [reporting Thursday, September 29] - “Qun Zhong-Tian, the organizer of the conference, greeted us by informing us that a government program was in place with four Chinese universities to study cold fusion.  

Peter Hagelstein, MIT in the United States has a historical reminder of all that was done in the early years of the cold fusion. He showed how the already positive results were convincing to prove the reality of the phenomenon. The excess heat were shown with both palladium and heavy water, but with the nickel and ordinary water.  

 Chen Ping, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in China, studied the different metals and alloys for storing hyrogène. Although this topic is not directly of cold fusion, it is still interesting because the hydrogen charging rate is a critical factor in cold fusion.

Melvin Miles from the University of LaVerne in the United States developed the mathematical model allowing Martin Fleischmann to have an accuracy of 0.1% with temperature measurements to a thousandth of a degree, and an understanding of the heat mode dynamic. The calorimeter developed by Fleischmann and Pons was of great simplicity and excellent accuracy, but very few people understood his qualities.

Yasuhiro Iwamura of Tohoku University in Japan has presented four of his team research directions:

1-     Excess heat in nano structured materials Pd-Ni obtained by plasma discharge on substrates of nickel and palladium in hydrogen and deuterium. The excess heat is reproducible, albeit not of the same magnitude.

2-     Experiments with nano particles of alloy Ni-Pd surrounded ZrO 2 into hydrogen and deuterium.

3-     The production of praseodymium scattering on deuterium alternating layers Pd / CaO covered in final layer of cesium. The techniques used to detect the presence of praseodymium are multiple: XPS, ICP-MS, TOF-SIMS SIMS and XRF.

4-     transmutations of experiences in order to transmute radioactive nuclear waste.

Hang Zhang, laboratory Quiran, Xi An to ShanXi China studied more nickel hydrogen system and LiAlH 4. He improved the work done previously by Jiang Songsheng who had had problems with the reliability of thermocouples. Its heating system of the reactor making the outside through an oven, when there is no abnormal heat, the cell is cooler than the furnace. From 800 ° C, there is a temperature inversion indicating excess heat. The estimate is 14 Watts with a heating power of 750 watts, or 2% excess.

George Miley, from the University of Illinois at Chicago has developed the results of his work with electrolysis cathode formed multilayer palladium / nickel, and the results with nano palladium particles coated with ZrO 2. He calculated in particular that the binding energy of the atomic defects was 0.65eV. He wants to create defects in the crystal lattice which will be able to accommodate the hydrogen atoms.

Michael Halem, LENR to invest, a company that has invested in the Brillouin company decided to see for himself if the system worked as advertised. The system Brillouin he studied consists of a heated nickel tube having follow a particular processing used to circulate hydrogen. A flow of argon to the outside of the tube in an enclosure containing the tube serves to cool and measure the amount of heat produced. In the system, they also rajoutent an RF signal. Her measurements yielded an excess of 20 watts for a power of 80 Watts. He is personally reassured 90% that its measures are just.

Jian Tian Clean Energy Technology Laboratory of the University of Changchun in China has made a historic reminder of what happened with the nickel hydrogen system. From the beginning of cold fusion, electrolytic nickel system with K 2 CO 3 was positive and reproducible results.

Song Ding Huan of Xiamen University in China developed a theory suggesting that stimulation of surface phonons can contribute to cold fusion reaction.



Optical Properties of Fluid Hydrogen at the Transition to a Conducting State

R. Stewart McWilliams, D. Allen Dalton, Mohammad F. Mahmood, and Alexander F. Goncharov

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 255501 – "We use fast transient transmission and emission spectroscopies in the pulse laser heated diamond anvil cell to probe the energy-dependent optical properties of hydrogen at pressures of 10–150 GPa and temperatures up to 6000 K. Hydrogen is absorptive at visible to near-infrared wavelengths above a threshold temperature that decreases from 3000 K at 18 GPa to 1700 K at 110 GPa. Transmission spectra at 2400 K and 141 GPa indicate that the absorptive hydrogen is semiconducting or semimetallic in character, definitively ruling out a first-order insulator-metal transition in the studied pressure range."


"Phase diagram of hydrogen. Black lines are phase boundaries. Present measurements are filled circles for transparent (white) and absorbing (gray, black) hydrogen; black points are characterized via direct transient absorption measurement (Fig. 2), whereas gray points correspond to anomalous temperature responses observed upon increasing heating laser power (Fig. 3). A thermal pressure of 2.5  GPa/1000  K [33] is included. The heavy black line is the onset of absorbing hydrogen in the present data. Prior measurements are the onset of reflectivity in shock compression [14] (crosses and dotted line), the onset of visible absorption in isentropic compression [16] (squares and dashed line), the location of anomalies in temperature with increasing heating laser power in the diamond cell [15] (stars), and the dc conductivity (color map) based on interpolated data"

CFRL News No. 99

Hideo Kozima and the late John Dash


Infinite Energy
ISSUE 128, July/August 2016

 House Committee Requires LENR Briefing from Secretary of Defense


Armed Service Committee acknowledges LENR as a potential ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy source with “strong national security implications”
"FALLS CHURCH, VA, JUNE 14, 2016 – The U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee has ordered the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing on LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) to the committee by September 22, 2016. The order for the LENR briefing was included in House Report 114-537 Part I, which accompanies the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017. The report was submitted to the Committee of the Whole House on May 4, 2016.
This overdue attention by U.S. lawmakers to the science and business of LENR brings renewed critical focus to the field at a time when developing new sources of clean energy are of mounting importance.
Previously perceived as an obscure alternative field of energy research and often treated in a derogatory manner, LENR’s growing momentum stems from current and cumulative research, as well as government and commercial projects in several countries.
In advancing this legislation, the House Committee on Armed Services cites Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) viewpoints that China and India are moving forward with LENR programs of their own and that Japan has created an investment fund to promote such technology.
The committee also refers to the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) assessment that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field and that Russia, China, Israel and India are now devoting significant resources to LENR development. The Armed Service Committee’s acknowledgement of LENR as a potential ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy source with “strong national security implications” adds to the changing perception of the field that is quietly underway. Much greater resources for research are expected once LENR enters the scientific and energy policy mainstream."

Trump: Making America’s Energy Policy Cheaper, Faster, and Better

   July 18, 2016 – “(Donald J.) Trump calls it “An America First Energy Plan.” … Overall, Trump will move away from government-central planning efforts and return authority back to the states  …Trump is known to have called climate change “a hoax,” and has declared that he will not allow “political activists with extreme agendas” to write the rules, he is a true environmentalist. … Trump has pledged to “cancel the Paris Climate Agreement ….  Trump explained: “Any future regulation will go through a simple test: is this regulation good for the American worker? If it doesn’t pass this test, the rule will not be approved.” ,,,  Trump has long been a supporter of nuclear power.  Trump’s energy plan is a turn toward realism. It is based on the fact that our American energy abundance can allow for shared prosperity, better schools, more funding for infrastructure, higher wages, and lower unemployment.”

Industrial Heat Whacked  -  Motion to Dismiss Rejected

  Industrial Heat’s Motion to Dismiss Denied in Part, Granted in Part (Update: Full Decision Added)

July 19, 2016 - Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga has upheld Rossi's Complaint's Counts 1, 3, 4, 6.  These involve Breach of Contract (Non-Payment), Unjust Enrichment, Misappropriaton of Trade Secrets, and Fraud and Deceit.  The Court dismissed Counts 2, 5, 7, 8 for failure to state a claim without prejudice.     Ruling by Judge Antonaga (pdf)


Dr. Melvin Miles: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium


ICCF-19 Proceedings: [Editor Jean-Paul Biberian, JCMNS]  (pdf file, just click)


The Coldest Case   (Dr. Eugene Mallove)




    * Dr. Melvin Miles (China Lake, US Navy; issue #V1-2) and others have demonstrated that helium, used to fill ordinary lighter-than-air balloons, is one product generated by the cold fusion reactions, if adequate loading is achieved (issues #V2-1, 3-1, 4-1).
    * This de novo helium is of a total amount greater than the amount which could leak in from the ambient environment.
    * The helium is generated by, and linked to, the production of excess heat.
   * This generation of energy -- with a safe product for a change -- is therefore quite important


Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) report on High Energy Science & Technology Assessment workshop

March 18, 2015 - "Today I present a report in 2007, originally "for official use only", distributed only between US government agencies and their contractors, then declassified in 2011, finally put online yesterday on http://www.governmentattic.org . It provides a comprehensive account of a workshop on science valutatativo high energy held December 12 to 13, 2006 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. 

....    "Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, Inc. presented a brief summary of the results of excess heat experiments in electric-field loaded deuterated metals: Excess Heat in Electric-Field Loaded Deuterated Metals.  ....    "Professor Michael Melich, WE Meyer Institute for Systems Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, talked about transmutation as the signal for detecting LENR experiments using Deuterium Conducted in a cell with an electrolytic Pd diffusion barrier. .....    Low Energy Nuclear Reactions are showing some remarkable progress with respect to energy (excess heat) production and transmuted element detection, ....    "LENR Still Suffers from negative publicity associated with Cold Fusion and is viewed as being Conducted outside the domain of legitimate, mainstream science. Nonetheless, the persistent and increasingly repeatable Demonstrations of excess heat and transmutation suggest That there is something here worth Pursuing.  You can download the entire document here:
http: //www.governmentattic. org / 14docs / DTRA-HESTA_2007.pdf


Untouched (EMPTY) Fukushima 'exclusion zone' 























 July 12, 2016 - "A photographer has shared haunting images of the abandoned Fukushima earthquake 'exclusion zone' after risking his safety to sneak into the disaster site.  Lying completely untouched since March 2011, the city of Fukushima was evacuated suddenly after the east coast of Japan was devastated by a massive earthquake followed by a huge tsunami."

National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 - Report of the Committee on Armed Services - Excerpt - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Briefing

"The committee is aware of recent positive developments in developing low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), which produce ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy that have strong national security implications. For example, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), if LENR works it will be a ``disruptive technology that could revolutionize energy production and storage.'' The committee is also aware of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA) findings that other countries including China and India are moving forward with LENR programs of their own and that Japan has actually created its own investment fund to promote such technology. DIA has also assessed that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field and that Russia, China, Israel, and India are now devoting significant resources to LENR development. To better understand the national security implications of these developments, the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing on the military utility of recent U.S. industrial base LENR advancements to the House Committee on Armed Services by September 22, 2016. This briefing should examine the current state of research in the United States, how that compares to work being done internationally, and an assessment of the type of military applications where this technology could potentially be useful." 

ICCF-20 - 20th Int. Conf. Cond. Matter Nuclear Science

Organizers Professors Yasuhiro Iwamura and Jirohta Kasagi Tohoku University

October 2-7, 2016  Sendai City Information & Industrial Plaza  Sendai, Japan

R&D on Cold Fusion is NEEDED NOW because of its clean output

-- and because it will enable safer, DISTRIBUTED electrical systems.

Dangerous malware discovered in EU energy company

July 15, 2016 - "A new piece of sophisticated malware has been discovered on the networks of an unnamed European energy company with what researchers believe is the potential to shut down an energy grid. .... It affects all versions of Windows and has been produced to overcome next-generation firewalls and anti-virus software. The malware also shuts down when put into a sandboxed environment or a virtual machine to escape the notice of security teams. This piece of malware, according to Sentinel One Labs, “exhibits traits seen in previous nation-state rootkits, and appears to have been designed by multiple developers with high-level skills and access to considerable resources”..... This type of attack is nothing new: the Russian state is still widely believed to be behind the Black Energy group, which shut down power to 225,000 people in Ukraine last year by attacking a power company. .... In fact, many industrial control systems are replete with vulnerabilities. ... Cyber attackers who have gained remote access and can remain persistent in a network can cause a loss of view, manipulation of view, loss of control and denial of control for operators running critical infrastructure."


 Obama’s Ambitious Clean-Energy Goal Will Depend on Nuclear (and Cold Fusion) -- and the Next President

Richard Martin (Technology Review, MIT)

June 28, 2016 - "According to the White House, the three leaders will set a target of generating half of North America’s power from non-carbon-emitting sources by 2025. ... Getting to the target of 50 percent clean energy generation is probably unattainable without significant contributions from nuclear power, but the industry appears to be withering. Of course, it will be up to the next president, who takes office in seven months, to determine whether we ever attain what the Obama administration admits is a “stretch goal.”"


THE GOOD :  (COLD) Fusion Projects Continue Worldwide

"Unlike Hot fusion, Cold fusion works now and has been achievable by those who use the lattice  (solid state physics, phonons, Bose Einstein condensates,  codeposition, Phusor-type high impedance systems, ...) and understand the roles of loading of the lattice.  The lattice alone, and not molecular chemistry, surmount the coulomb barrier in the absence of things that quench the desired reaction sas has been shown for decades. Just as the lattice is the ONLY sine qua non linking the nucleus through the s-orbital connection to the phonon constellation for the Mossbauer effect, there is no simple chemical system, outside of the loaded Group VIII lattice, that achieves cold fusion (hence, lattice assisted or enabled nuclear reactions)."     - Dr. Mitchell Swartz


 Other CF Work [reported at Infinite Energy; pdf - 3/4 of the way down ]

THE  BAD:  (Failed HOT) Fusion megaproject confirms 5-year delay, trims costs

Jun. 16, 2016 -  "The ITER fusion reactor will fire up for the first time in December 2025, ... 5 years later than under the old schedule, and to get there the council is asking the project partners ... to cough up an extra $4.5 billion.  ...The panel declared in April that the 2025 goal is technically feasible but warned that there was no slack in case of unexpected problems. ..... Early studies will use only hydrogen or deuterium for simplicity, leaving the radioactive tritium for later...... The council also agreed to a proposal from the United States for more regular independent reviews of key project aspects, because of considerable opposition to ITER in U.S. Congress."

     ITER -  Chronicle of probable failure  - Dr. Jean-Pierre Petit




HEAVYWATERGATE  continues at the USPTO led by a corrupt Group Art that mischaracterizes facts about cold fusion on federal documents using mail fraud.  For example, the Patent Office has claimed falsely that there is "no utility" to cold fusion.   Really?   Does anyone believe that lie? Clean, efficient energy production of no use?    It has been 27 years since the  announcement of cold fusion, the crash of Exxon Valdez, and the start of the coverup of cold fusion  (Heavywatergate).  

Ask your Congressmen and women to DEMAND INVESTIGATIONS, and the Removal of the corrupt USPTO Examiners and their Supervisors,  indictment for actions against the Law, and with loss of their pensions and profits made in energy during this coverup.


 THE UGLY:   E-catastrophe

    Physics, Material Science and Electrical Engineering of Cold Fusion




Armed Service Committee acknowledges LENR as a potential ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy source with “strong national security implications”
"FALLS CHURCH, VA, JUNE 14, 2016 – The U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee has ordered the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing on LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) to the committee by September 22, 2016. The order for the LENR briefing was included in House Report 114-537 Part I, which accompanies the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017. The report was submitted to the Committee of the Whole House on May 4, 2016.
This overdue attention by U.S. lawmakers to the science and business of LENR brings renewed critical focus to the field at a time when developing new sources of clean energy are of mounting importance.
Previously perceived as an obscure alternative field of energy research and often treated in a derogatory manner, LENR’s growing momentum stems from current and cumulative research, as well as government and commercial projects in several countries.
In advancing this legislation, the House Committee on Armed Services cites Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) viewpoints that China and India are moving forward with LENR programs of their own and that Japan has created an investment fund to promote such technology.
The committee also refers to the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) assessment that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field and that Russia, China, Israel and India are now devoting significant resources to LENR development. The Armed Service Committee’s acknowledgement of LENR as a potential ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy source with “strong national security implications” adds to the changing perception of the field that is quietly underway. Much greater resources for research are expected once LENR enters the scientific and energy policy mainstream."

Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) report on High Energy Science & Technology Assessment workshop

March 18, 2015 - "Today I present a report in 2007, originally "for official use only", distributed only between US government agencies and their contractors, then declassified in 2011, finally put online yesterday on http://www.governmentattic.org . It provides a comprehensive account of a workshop on science valutatativo high energy held December 12 to 13, 2006 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. 

....    "Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, Inc. presented a brief summary of the results of excess heat experiments in electric-field loaded deuterated metals: Excess Heat in Electric-Field Loaded Deuterated Metals.  ....    "Professor Michael Melich, WE Meyer Institute for Systems Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, talked about transmutation as the signal for detecting LENR experiments using Deuterium Conducted in a cell with an electrolytic Pd diffusion barrier. .....    Low Energy Nuclear Reactions are showing some remarkable progress with respect to energy (excess heat) production and transmuted element detection, ....    "LENR Still Suffers from negative publicity associated with Cold Fusion and is viewed as being Conducted outside the domain of legitimate, mainstream science. Nonetheless, the persistent and increasingly repeatable Demonstrations of excess heat and transmutation suggest That there is something here worth Pursuing.  You can download the entire document here:
http: //www.governmentattic. org / 14docs / DTRA-HESTA_2007.pdf

FLASHBACK: 2007 Cold Fusion (Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions) Colloquium at MIT

                                                                          NANORTECH Update:    New Website


  • Ongoing Testing of Series 8  NANOR-type CF/LANR components  
  •  Series 9 NANOR-type CF/LANR components are on the drawing boards


 JCMNS (Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) will be indexed in the Web Of Science

Jean-Paul Biberian, the editor of the only LENR scientific journal, the JCMNS (Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) reports that JCMNS will be indexed in the Web Of Science produced by ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) of Thomson Scientific.  This is a tiny but important move, toward acceptance of LENR science. This will allow more researcher to have access to articles. (without being burned alive )

Blog of Jean-Paul Biberian

   JET Energy - Efforts Continue to Improve Education


  JET Energy is scheduling upcoming experimental meetings for the second half of 2016. Efforts Continue to Improve Education, including through a Series of CF/LANR Colloquiua on:  CF/LANR Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Domains, New Materials, Emissions from Nanomaterials, Additional Verification Techniques, Improvements in Calorimetry.

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   A Storm of Clean Energy is Coming - powered from Hydrogen in Water 



NASA Unveils Plans for Electric-Powered Plane

JUNE 17, 2016 - "A new experimental airplane being built by NASA could help push electric-powered aviation from a technical curiosity and pipe dream into something that might become commercially viable for small aircraft.  ...Charles F. Bolden Jr., the NASA administrator, announced plans for an all-electric airplane designated as X-57, part of the agency’s efforts to make aviation more efficient and less of a polluter. .... For the X-57, the NASA researchers are designing narrower wings that are efficient during cruise flight, powered by two 60-kilowatt electric motors at the wingtips that spin five-foot-wide propellers.

For takeoff and landing, 12 smaller 9-kilowatt motors powering two-foot-wide propellers will kick in to blow extra air over the skinny wings to generate the necessary lift. In flight, the smaller propellers are folded away.  NASA has already purchased the Italian-designed Tecnam P2006T twin-engine four-seat aircraft that it will transform into the X-57."

  2016 LENRIA History of Cold Fusion Calendar

The industrial association for LENR, LENRIA, has produced a beautiful 2016 calendar focusing on leaders in today's emerging new energy field.


      LENR Phenomena & Apps, Prof. Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Louis DeChiaro
Sept. 23, 2015 - IEEE Meeting at Teradyne, North Reading, Massachusetts

"Back in 1989 Fleischmann and Pons astonished the world with a variety of claims involving low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) in electrochemical experiments with palladium and deuterium. The most significant of the claims was for the generation of large amounts of energy, presumed to be of nuclear origin, but without a commensurate amount of energetic nuclear radiation. The existence of such an effect goes against textbook nuclear and solid state physics, and no acceptable explanation was put forth at the time. Most early efforts to replicate the anomalies claimed were unsuccessful. The Fleischmann-Pons Experiment was not accepted by mainstream scientists then and is not accepted today.

Over the years a substantial amount of effort has been put in by groups that were able to replicate the excess heat effect, to make sure that the effect was real, and to gain some understanding. Fleischmann and Pons had argued that the D/Pd loading ratio needed to be high in order to see excess heat; this was found to be the case in experiments that followed. A correlation was found between the excess power roduced and the deuterium flux at the cathode surface. In some experiments increased excess heat was seen at elevated temperature. He4 was observed in the gas phase, correlated with the energy produced, and in amounts consistent with the mass difference (24 MeV) between D2 and He4.

There is no agreement at present among those in the field as to what physics is involved in these experiments, even though there have been a large number of proposals. We give a brief outline of some of the theoretical ideas currently being contemplated. Progress continues at present, but there are changes in the focus of the research and in the researchers involved. There is at present some interest on the part of investors and industry, stimulated by the possibility of commercial products and the prospect of a new technology. We will review some of the approaches which have been discussed in public in recent years and will summarize the progress reported by the entrepreneur community, including Andrea Rossi (Industrial Heat, Inc.), Dr. Mitchell Swartz (Nanortech, Inc.), and Robert Godes (Brillouin Energy Technologies, Inc.). Finally, we will touch upon the recent status changes at USPTO regarding LENR inventions."


 Energy sources for propulsion to, and for use on, Mars [Includes Cold Fusion]

Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JOURNAL OF SPACE EXPLORATION, vol. 4, issue2, pp 201-204 (2015) (pdf)


"More Power  is Needed - Mars is the future.  How do we know that?  Because six times as many people signed up (202,586) for a one-way ride than did for the Affordable Care Act which means that people would rather buy a ticket to the vast unknown than get healthcare as they age.  What is holding back the transport of humans to Mars, and its colonization, is energy. We need more powerful rockets to take people there quicker, and we need more accessible, more portable distributed power sources for exploring, making outposts on, and terraforming of, the Martian surface.   This paper briefly discusses present and soon-to-be available energy sources which will make this possible.  ..."

[Click for pdf]

  US Patent Granted to US Navy for “Excess Enthalpy Upon Pressurization of Nanosized Metals with Deuterium”

Nov 10, 2015 - Claim 1 provides an overview of the patented method:   “A method for measuring excess enthalpy, comprising: placing a test material in a pressure vessel; heating the pressure vessel to a given temperature; evacuating the pressure vessel; introducing deuterium, hydrogen, or both into the pressure vessel; measuring the enthalpy generated during pressurization; again evacuating the pressure vessel; and measuring the enthalpy used during depressurization.”

"This patent is for what seems to be a very basic process, as deuterium/hydrogen, combined with platinum/palladium have been used in LENR experiments since the time of Pons and Fleischmann, and the USPTO granting this patent might signal something of a vindication for those who have been experimenting with these materials over the years, and reporting excess heat. However, this is not an electrolysis system as Pons and Fleischmann used, but sounds similar to the work of George Miley at Lenuco, who has reported excess heat in a pressurized vessel with nickel nanoparticles."


          E- Cat astrophe!!!!!     

The Rossi distraction and diversion of the past several years has significantly impaired LENR progress. In the end, that may become the consumate definition of "The Rossi Effect. 

-  Dewey Weaver

Jury Trial in Sep 2017    Response 2 Mot to Dismss  Rossi_et_al_v_Darden_et_al.pdf     M2Dismiss Discussion

Facts do not Support IH M2Dismiss    Industrial Heat Files Motion to Dismiss Rossi Lawsuit    Sifferkoll®    LENR-Forum

Rossi: 1 Week E-Cat QuarkX Test to Start at End of May with Potential Cutomer/Partner

Leonardo Corporation Issues Press Release Announcing Termination of Industrial Heat License    Industrial Heat Don’t Believe ERV Report    

Leonardo Corp. Press Release: “Inventor Sues Industrial Heat, LLC” (ERV is Fabio Penon)   Opposite hypothesis on the Rossi-IH affair  

Andrea Rossi Responds to IH Statement (Updated)   New Q&A on ERV, IH and E-Cat Test  Statement From Andrea Rossi   

Andrea Rossi Goes to Court: What Happens to the E-Cat Now?  New Energy World Symposium cancelled 

The NANOR technology: an alternative LENR reactor Technology
                 Vessela Nikolova












Energy (is a) a clean promising energy multiplier very different from Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat. ...  So, it could be used, in the future, as an effective, clean, highly efficient, energy production system.  he NANOR® components are smaller than 2 cm in length, and with 30–200 mg of active LANR material. Their ‘core’ contains active ZrO2–PdD nanostructured material [Zr (66%), Ni (0–30%), and Pd (5–25%) by weight], loaded with additional deuterium (D) to achieve loadings (ratio of D to Pd) of more than 130%. Indeed, nanostructured materials have incredibly large surface area to volume ratios. Second, many also have new unexpected quantum mechanical properties: they enable quantum confinements, surface plasmon resonances, and superparamagnetism. ... The fuel for the nanostructured material in the core is deuterium, and the product is believed to be de novo 4He produced by the deuterium fusion. The ‘excess heat’ observed is thought due to energy derived from coherent de-excitation of molecule D2 to ground state 4He.  .... the excess energy gain of a NANOR compared to driving input energy is up to 20 times. The reactor openly demonstrated an energy gain (COP) which ranged generally from 5 to 16  ... It is interesting to compare this parameter with the E-Cat, a much larger device. You have to consider that the Andrea Rossi’s Hot-Cat illustrated in the TPR-1 had a reaction chamber of about 200 cubic centimeters, which may contain about 100 grams of active powder. So, a NANOR using 100 grams of active powder would produce a thermal power of (100000 / 200) x 2 = 1000 W, or, more simply, 1 kW. Thus the difference seems not so great. .... there is approximately a factor 2 between the performances of the two different reactors."


Proceedings of JCF15

   LENR Patents Open Doors to New Investment and New Conflict

Nov. 20, 2015 – "...on Nov. 10, the USPTO issued patent US 9,182,365 B2 for a LENR method that produces excess heat to David Allan Kidwell, a chemist with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Kidwell’s second LENR patent, US 9,192,918, will issue on Nov. 24. Although some patents for LENR excess-heat-related inventions were issued in the 26-year history of this field, they have been rare events.  .... According to the patents, Kidwell has invented a method for producing excess heat by special preparation of palladium nanoparticles, two nanometers or less, placed on a metal-oxide support mechanism and subjected to pressurized deuterium gas. Kidwell works in NRL’s Surface Nanoscience and Sensor Technology Section (Code 6177).  .... In the past, Kidwell has been critical of other researchers in this field. In his first public appearance in the field, during a 2008 presentation at the 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-14), in Washington, D.C., Kidwell spoke in a condescending tone about the expertise and claims of researchers in the field who had reported low-energy nuclear transmutations.....In his paper and in his patent application, Kidwell claimed that his experiments at NRL with hydrogen did not produce any excess heat. There are strong reasons not to trust this part of his claim and his data. Not only does a significant body of data in the field show that the presence of hydrogen, as a gas or in light water, produce excess heat and nuclear anomalies, but also Kidwell’s own slide presentation says that “hydrogen may not be the best control.” Another statement in Kidwell’s paper seems inaccurate. “No convincing evidence of radiation or transmutations has been reported, and the calorimetry results are sometimes called into question,” he wrote. This blanket statement is wrong. The field has abundant credible references for low levels of low-energy neutron emission, alpha emission, production of new elements and anomalous isotopic changes. [1-4]  Kidwell’s assertion that the reported calorimetry results of the entire field are suspect is not credible. .... Kidwell threw another curveball while he was at the Rome conference. On Oct. 6, 2009, a week after he filed his provisional patent application #61/246,619 for excess heat, he gave a second presentation. In that, he suggested that, in a LENR transmutation experiment performed at Mitsubishi, the growth of praseodymium, a rare earth element reported by the Mitsubishi researchers, was the result of contamination. But Kidwell did not simply suggest that the Mitsubishi data was the result of sloppiness on the part of the Japanese researchers. He went further, suggesting that a former Mitsubishi employee had used “lucky tweezers” to intentionally spike the experiment with praseodymium. It was a shocking accusation, even more so because it came from a U.S. government scientist. In singling out the praseodymium result, Kidwell implied that the decade-long transmutation research effort led by Yasuhiro Iwamura, in a clean room at Mitsubishi, which demonstrated six pairs of element changes, not to mention anomalous isotopic shifts, was the result of contamination. This was not the case."

 Oct. 5, 2015 - Current Review of Low Energy Energy Reactions aka

Cold Fusion by the US Naval Sea Systems Command

 Dr. Louis DeChiaro's Slides from Teledyne Presentation to IEEE (pdf)



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