Intro -- Thomas P. Benjamin LO8152

Thomas P Benjamin (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 17:03:03 +0530

The first time I heard the word Learning Organisation was six years ago.
Prof. Wilf Bean of Coady International, Nova Scotia, Canada refered to the
organisation I was with then as a learning organisation. He used the term
to commend the organisational behaviour exhibited by some of us working on
Adult Literacy to rural habitants. It was an intensive process of Action
- Reflection - Planning - Action. Later, four years later, I read Peter
Senge's Fifth Discipline. An year ago, I read, The field book a sequel of
the fifth discipline. Meanwhile, I also met Ms Ann Stadler who shared her
experience/understanding of Learning Organisations. I have found it
meaningful to understand the concepts and precepts being proposed. Though
TQM and Learning Disciplines have much in common, I have been attracted
much more by the learning organisation theory.

I am interested in having a fair grip on the concepts and later help
organisations in their renewal processes using some of the tools. The
organisation I work with now also has been described as a learning
organisation (See Korten, David C., Rural Development Programming: The
Learning Process Approach, Rural Development Participation Review, Winter
1981, published by Cornell University). I see certain charecteristics
that are common in the two organisations. There is much link with
Leadership style and the Organisational charecteristic. During these
phases when the "learning nature" of the organisation is evident, the
organisation has vitality, it is growing, things seem bright, expectant
for a brighter future,etc. The Field Book has some useful hints on
institutionalising these traits. However, the process does not seem to be
enough. I personally feel doubtful, unsure and powerless about
proceeding. Intuition tells me drawing the lines from Ecclastiasis(The
Bible) that there is a time for everything. But since I am Myers Briggs
type ISTJ, the tension is not comfortable.

Sorry if I have been too long withy my introduction.


Thomas P Benjamin NDDB Anand India Pin: 388 001 E-mail:


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