Intro -- Rick Fullerton LO8105

Rick Fullerton (
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 10:00:55 -0400

Happily, after several months on Internet, I was referred to this learning
organization conference. My thanks to Majordomo, Rick and other
volunteers who make this available!

I am currently completing my PhD with The Union Institute and for my
research I am investigating the long term changes experienced by
organization change consultants. My approach is qualitative - I am
conducting interviews with a small number of senior professionals to
understand from their perspective how they themselves have changed.

My reading and literature searches have turned up virtually no material
that speaks specifically to the question of how the change agents change.
Most of what I have uncovered deals with capability requirements and
largely addresses the younger entry level professional. Also, most of the
articles deal with knowledge and skills, whereas my interest is more
broad, including six domains (mental/conceptual, physical/health,
emotional, spiritual, relationships and creative expression).

I would be most appreciative if anyone can provide references or leads
that relate to this study. Comments and suggestions are also welcome!

Rick Fullerton
Hudson Heights, Quebec

-- (Rick Fullerton)

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