Re: Sharing the Learning LO3166
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 20:01:43 -0400

Replying to LO3152 --

Greetings, I don't have any answers for you YET, but stand as a fellow
seeker. I have just started a major contract to write the curriculum and
delivery methodology on advanced communication and leadership skills for a
large semi-public agency. Their field is fairly technical, and most
employees are used to advancing as a result of their knowledge base.
Hence, knowledge is perceived as the primary source of power. Hence,
knowledge is hoarded as a means to protect and advance one's power. As the
company faces increasing changes and challeneges on the technology and
emerging private sector competition, they are struggling to move into a
more shared leadership model. Their largest obstacle is getting past the
knowledge as power mentality. I would be glad to dialogue with you as I
work my way through this culture shifting/skill building process.

David Drake