the rain, the refuge, and other things

June 10, 2006




It's raining again (still.) It seems like it has been raining since September.


There were a bunch of cedar waxwings on the refuge sitting out the rain. Some of them were even singing.

I have no idea what possessed me to go to the refuge for my shift this morning. I couldn't possibly have believed the rain would stop any time soon. It was the deluge. Gatehouse gave me the radio anyway so I drove down to the south boundary and checked on the signs and the sticks and observed absolutely no visitors anywhere. Then, after photographing some wet cedar waxwings, I drove back to the gatehouse and returned the radio. Eventually I went across the river to the Fish Tale Diner for a late breakfast or early lunch. Mallards were swimming in the parking lot.


Today's Bird Sightings

Plum Island
brown thrasher 3
mourning dove 3
American robin
redwinged blackbird
bobolink 2
gadwall 1
double crested cormorant 66
herring gull 6
Bonaparte's gull 4
yellow warbler 1
song sparrow 1
gray catbird 2
cedar waxwing 2
tree swallow 4
American goldfinch 2
snowy egret 1
great egret 1

Today's Reading

Fun House: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel, Songbird Journeys by Miyoko Chu

This Year's Reading
2006 Booklist




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Copyright © 2006, Janet I. Egan