this wouldn't happen with a milling machine

May 13, 2003

Somehow much time passed between starting this entry on May 2 intending to write about the beastly easterly blowing waves of fog over the salt marsh, about what weeds are in bloom so far this spring, and about the further adventures of Reebok and Beethoven sworn mortal enemies competing with Gavin, the new king of catdom, and this gray May day. Where does the time go? My therapist asked me this morning what I do all day. Not the physical therapist. All she asks me is "Does this hurt?" "Can you raise your arm?" "Does this hurt now?" These tend to be yes or no questions. But the psychotherapist has to ask what I do with no job, no plover warden shifts (can't hold the binoculars up - just imagine "Law Enforcement to North Plover Warden, where do you see those trespassers now?" "North Plover Warden to Law Enforcement, damned if I know they're out of naked eyeball range."), no cat shelter shifts (I can't even get my arm up and over the edge of that sink never mind reach down into it and scrub a litterbox), no job (wait, I said that already)... What indeed do I do? Let's have a fortnight in review, shall we?
Since I last wrote:
I read:
  • Trespassers on the Roof of the World by Peter Hopkirk
  • Sixpence House by Paul Collins
  • Crab Wars by William Sargent (finished this AM).
I went to physical therapy 3 more times and still can't lift my arm.
I bought a SpongeBob Squarepants ball (for the home version of PT exercises) and became the envy of every Pedro, Juan, and Omar in MarketBasket.
I went birding three times despite not being able to hold the binoculars.

I spent more time with Beethoven.
Reebok got adopted, but Beethoven is still a tense gray lump.
I spent more money than I could afford at the FurBall auction, but I also won one of the raffle items, a beach bag packed with water bottle, sunblock, towel, T-shirt, Frisbee, paddle ball, bubble stuff, and a map of greater Newburyport/Salisbury. I was the high bidder on a wonderful wall hanging of an orange cat dreaming of fish, a goody basket from Simply Sweet, and an item from the Christmas table that will work for the ritual exchange of world peace and coffee at Christmas. Peace-themed, not coffee-themed, but that's all I'm saying because my family reads this and we don't want to spoil the surprise.

I celebrated Mother's Day with La Familia Loca at La Madre's place. She has mucho lily of the valley in her garden. That stuff spreads fast. I shared the Simply Sweet goodies with la familia, letting them have the pick of what they wanted, then brought the rest to the cat shelter for the staff. Andrea has grown a full inch since Easter! How is this possible? She is now taller than I am. Of course, most people in the world are taller than I am, but still, she's not 12 yet for another 13 days. Andrea reported a brief sighting of David Beckham in Groton. Lizzy told us about her trip to Annapolis for a chorus competition. They did well and got to hear the Naval Academy band.

Also since last I wrote, the bras that were not supposed to be available for 30 days arrived in the mail, as did The Natural History of Moray, which is way too heavy for me to hold so it's back to using the bookstand. And to my delight, Charla sent me Princess Mononoke on DVD, so I spent time watching that. I bought the Spirited Away DVD. I think I like having a DVD player after all.

And that brings us to today's adventure. After a full rich morning of therapies, I met Kate for lunch at Top of the Scales. This was rescheduled from yesterday because Top of the Scales is closed on Monday. Silly me, it's closed on Tuesday too! So Kate's sitting there in her van waiting for me when I drive up and park in front of North Parish Church across the street.

Kate: "They're closed. I lost my ring."

Me: "What?"

Kate: "They're closed Monday and Tuesday."

Me: "Ring? Your engagement ring?"

Kate: "I knew if I ever got a ring, I would lose it. This would never happen with a milling machine."

Me: "It would be hard to lose a milling machine. I knew somebody once who got an engagement convertible, and a college classmate got an engagement beagle..."

Kate: "This would never happen with a milling machine."

We searched the street, the grass, the little island with stupid flower plantings, the church driveway, the restaurant doorway. Nothing. We searched all those places again. Still nothing. Kate went back to search the place she'd stopped for coffee on the way to meet me. I went to lunch by myself at a new Chinese restaurant in Lawrence. I was hungry. I ordered vegetable dumplings and house tofu. Who knew house tofu included shrimp? The waiter asked why I didn't eat the shrimp. He said next time I could order it with beef. Beef? Why can't I just get tofu? Oh well, cross Lee Chen Restaurant off my list.

I call Kate and leave a message asking if she's found her ring and if house tofu is supposed to come with shrimp. Later she calls back: "I'm almost to your house. This time I have a metal detector." Moments later she's at my door. We return to North Parish and Top of the Scales and sweep the metal detector over everywhere. We find a couple of rocks that set it off. No ring. We don't even find any loose pocket change. This would never happen with a milling machine.

Weeds In Bloom:
dandelion (5/2)
common chickweed(5/2)
cypress spurge(5/2)

Today's Reading
Crab Wars by William Sargent

This Year's Reading
2003 Book List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2003, Janet I. Egan