Journal of a Sabbatical

May 6, 2001

maybe get some sleep

Today's Reading: Fresh Air Fiend by Paul Theroux, A Long Desire by Evan Connell

Today's Starting Pitcher: Pedro Martinez

2001 Book List
Plum Island Bird List

Jet lag is supposed to be less bad going west than going east but yesterday's burst of energy wore off pretty quickly after I picked up Nancy at the bus station and took her out to dinner at Mary Chung's. I was suddenly ready to collapse at 9:00 PM. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and was up wicked early this morning. I am rarely up before Nancy, but there I was. Wilbur demanded all kinds of excess petting so it was good I got that in before Nancy woke up. It is soooo good to be back with all these cuddly beings.

Nancy had to leave early this afternoon because her social worker support group is meeting at her house, so my only agenda after dropping her off is to maybe get some sleep. Oh and listen to the ball game if I can stay awake 'cause Pedro's pitching.


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Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan