Narrative Threads

January 30, 1997

For those of you who've been waiting for loose ends in the plot to resolve...

About that plane crash...

So after I posted yesterday's entry, I get a phone call from Thomas. He says he saw the news and noticed the plane crash up the street from me....because the passenger was my ex.... Holy synchronicity Batman! I guess I'm really lucky the plane didn't crash into my house! Bizarre. I haven't seen hide nor hair of said ex in 8 years.... Anyway, no one was hurt. Pilot and passenger walked away.

Like I said yesterday the approach to that runway seems to foil pilots all the time. The airport is mainly used for those planes that fly advertising banners over the beaches in the summer, drug smuggling, and fetching rich kids from Phillips Academy or Brooks School at the end of the semester, and an occasional ex-presidential visit (George Bush lands there when he visits Phillips). There's no regular passenger service. There was just a big drug bust there a couple days ago. What's weird is drug smugglers continue to think they can get away with using that airport when every ordinary citizen and cop in a 20 mile radius knows they're there.

No evidence that yesterday's crash was drug smuggling though... most likely a high tech commuter flight.

Philosophy Larry vs the State College System

For those who've been wondering, or holding their breath, over the fate of the philosophy department at an unnamed state college... I ran into Larry at Starbucks a few days ago. He tells me that students will still be allowed to declare a philosophy major through fall of '97 but not after that and as long as they have philosophy majors they will continue to offer the full set of course offerings. Sounds like a compromise to me. He better start recruiting philosophy majors.

Auntmobile goes to the body shop

I took the Auntmobile over to North Reading Auto Body for a quick looksee on Tuesday. The guy there said the insurance settlement was too low to cover fixing the trunk but that he would deal with the insurance company. I made an appointment to drop the Auntmobile there on Monday morning and have a rental car meet me there. Stay tuned.

The Blue Jacket Redux

I've been doing quite well so far this mild winter by layering instead of getting a new winter jacket. I did notice in the latest LL Bean catalog that they tout the fact that they have redesigned the zipper in this particular model. I must not be the only one that destroyed 2 of them in record time.

Ontological Status of Mildew

Whether mildew is sentient or not (philosophy Larry says it's not), I have done nothing about cleaning the basement. I think I'll wait til spring. I think mildew hibernates anyway...

Is Ned Audioanimatronic?

Ran into Ned at Starbucks. He was on his way to meet Marty [Martin Sexton] at the Wonderbar in Worcester to write some songs. It was below zero cold so I suggested they not write in the back seat of Ned's car this time... He talked about going to Nashville and writing country songs this winter but that doesn't seem to have happened yet. His new idea for doing a poetry reading together involves the open mike at the Harvard Coop on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.

In a moment of total boredom while I was staying home sick and cold, I did Alta Vista searches on the names of various people I know. The fact that I found so many references to Ned doesn't prove he's not audioanimatronic though.

Janet Meets Ocean

Wednesday's class ended with a field trip to the library for an orientation on how to use it. I felt like I'd gone through a time warp and was 18 again except the library is vastly different with all these different databases...

In class I was astonished that people didn't know what latitude and longitude are. Later that night I asked Nancy: "How do they know where they are?" Nancy: "They look at their clothes."

Janet Tries to Meet Other Janets

The Australian Janet Egan has not answered my e-mail, and Juanita the Scene Queen doesn't have an e-mail address listed at WFNX. Meanwhile, someone e-mailed me thinking I was a long lost Janet Egan she used to know. I'm not that Janet Egan either. So who am I?

Pigs in Blankets

Rather than obsess endlessly about whether to call the SPCA and report the Florence Roche Elementary School for not having a blankie for the guinea pig. I followed up with Elizabeth who assured me that her teacher had gotten Ruffles a blankie.

The Old Mac

Saturday night, Nancy and I delivered the old Mac to Annette. I set it up and got her started. Then we ate pizza. Sunday morning she called and said she'd already gotten online with AOL and was already bored with it and wanted "the real internet".

The Death Threats

The guy who was harassing me stopped. No further threats. I decided it had nothing to do with anything I wrote on the internet, it was a wrong number.

Detritus vs Minimalism

Who cares?

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