Journal of a Sabbatical

rollon america

April 10, 1998

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Emily's Geiger counter reading: 1.3

Todays' starting pitcher: Brian Rose

I can't believe I spent Opening Day not at Fenway Park but chauferring children to and from Rollon America by way of Learning Express. I didn't even know they still had roller rinks. Not only that but this place actually had roller skates for rent, as opposed to rollerblades. There's a time warp someplace along the Shirley/Lancaster town line. I'm sure of it.

In the few moments I did get to watch the game, Brian Rose struck out Ken Griffey, Jr. in a clutch situation. Kudo's to the boy from southeastern Massachusetts - must be that close to Rhode Island influence - and he was a genuine phenom in Pawtucket last year - whatever... I didn't get to see Mo Vaughn's bottom of the 9th game winning grand slam though. The kids had to watch Full House. The plumber had the radio on and I could strains of cheering coming from the bathroom. The hippie called to see if the plumber was alright so I just handed the phone to the plumber. OK, so the hippie is not a hippie but he's my age, has long hair, and is not ready for the 90's. Neither am I, for that matter.

Mama said there'd be days like this, my Mama said...

Rollon, Mo Vaughn.
Rollon, Brian Rose.

Pennant Fever in April - the sweetest kind.

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