Journal of a Sabbatical

sleeping beauty

April 3, 1998

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I have been instructed to write that Lizzy's friend Meggy joined us for supper and she has excellent table manners. She says "please" and "thank you" and in general acts very polite.

After supper we all went to the play. At long last, opening night is here. Sleeping Beauty with a cast of thousands. The trolls managed to learn their dance. One had her wig on backwards and one lost her wig in the middle of the dance, but the trolls were the hit of the play - next to of course Trollarina! Leave it to me to like the villain best.

The chorus did an excellent job. The actors did an excellent job.

I'm tired and don't know what to write that won't get me in trouble, since even the most innocent journal entries seem to get me in trouble these days.

The guy in the bathroom is not a hippie. My life insurance is not paid up. Actually, I don't have any life insurance. The car doors don't squeak and stick anymore but the child proof locks now work. Turtles don't sun themselves at night. The spring peepers are in full voice. The rivers are rising. The Red Sox won two in a row to open the season and I've got pennant fever already. I'm going to be 47 next Wednesday and I don't feel a day over 45. Where does the time go? Has Trollarina put me to sleep for 100 years? If so how come I can hear the peepers?

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