Journal of a Sabbatical

deconstructing harry

January 1, 1998

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A cold day to be deconstructing anything!

We actually set out to see Good Will Hunting, but despite our arriving at the Kendall Square Cinema 35 minutes before the 4:15 show we wanted, and despite Good Will Hunting 's being shown on 3 of the 9 or however many screens they have there, we weren't even close to getting tickets. People were scalping tickets for the 5:15 show!

The line moved slowly, ever so slowly. I regretted having left my gloves and scarf in the car. I zipped my Land's End Squall Jacket all the way up and burrowed my head into it so my ears were covered - don't want frostbitten ears - and jammed my hands into my pockets. There are still a few seats left for Deconstructing Harry. Shall we see it? Woody Allen is a national treasure as a filmmaker but as a human being...? What's this with marrying Soon Yi? A case of bad boundaries as the social workers put it. Nancy and I discuss/debate the issues involved. Finally we are at the ticket window. Shall we go for it? Yes.

That said, it was unexpectedly very funny. Alternating between scenes from Harry's novels and scenes from Harry's own life, we get to see how he uses everybody around him as material. Harry's not a likable guy. He's self-absorbed, devoid of empathy, a womanizer, an all-around jerk. His real life unravels around him as he's on his way to a day honoring him at his old college. It gets harder to distinguish truth from fiction as the movie goes on, especially since his supposed real life is even weirder than the fictions he weaves from it.

I wasn't sure whether I would like this movie, nor whether I should like it. But I did. I was still laughing as I walked back to my car.

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