Journal of a Sabbatical

The Plover Warden Diaries

jet ski

July 31, 1997

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official piping plover count

adults: 17
fledglings: 17
hatchlings: 15

other sightings


least terns, ring billed gulls, black backed gulls, herring gulls, semipalmated sandpipers, cormorants, common terns, bank swallows


I spoke to 15 people today, all of whom were very nice and interested in the piping plovers. Usually I get at least one hostile person per shift (sometimes way more than that) but today was peaceful. One guy was even concerned about how I could handle sitting out there for 4 hours with the greenheads.


The big event of my shift was a guy on a jet ski who roared up onto the beach, beached his jet ski, took off his life jacket and walked on the beach and into the dunes oblivious to my waving and shouting. He was really close to some of the nests. I was sure he was one of those people who drive the big four wheel drive vehicles with the "Piping Plover Tastes Like Chicken" bumper stickers on it. Well, maybe I was panicking a little and exaggerating.

Anyway, when I failed to attract his attention, I radioed the gatehouse. She suggested I go after him. So I started a slow deliberate mindful of potential plover chicks walk toward him. Eventually he noticed me advancing on him. He put in his life jacket, jumped on his jet ski and roared off toward the south.

I attempted to radio the south plover warden. Of course the radios never work that far south. The gatehouse radioed her successfully so she was on the lookout. Then he unaccountably changed direction and was heading north again. I tried to radio the south plover warden to never mind the jet ski I'd handle it. Negative contact. Radioed gatehouse. She relayed message to south plover warden. As I'm talking to the gatehouse, the jet ski roars past me and heads out to sea. What was in this dude's mind, I'll never know.

One question, how can anything that loud possibly be fun?

Next Entry



Meanwhile, I confirmed my assertion that greenheads can bite through denim. I have bites on my left buttock to prove it. Also, my left calf, my right knee, and both ankles. When I took my shoes off tonight, I found the squashed mortal remains of the culprit who bit my left ankle stuck to my sock.

Yes, greenheads are on my list of reasons it is insane to live in Massachusetts.

The most popular visitor question of the day had nothing to do with the plovers. It was "When will the greenheads be gone?"
