Sunday Worship Services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
9:00 am Early Worship in the Gordon Chapel
11:00 am Worship in the Main Sanctuary
with the Chancel Choir, the Skinner organ and attention to preaching.
Worship Services
at 6 p.m.
The Sundays of Lent at 11:00 AM
Each Sunday our Lenten worship will parallel the focus
of that Sunday’s education theme in the Church in
the World Series.
* March
5—Worshipping God as an underground lay movement: the early Church
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell preaching
"Weird Christians"
* March
12—Worshipping God as a protesting and reforming Church
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell preaching
"There's Treasure Everywhere"
* March
19—Worshipping God through the Congregational Way
Nancy S. Taylor preaching
Also: Lenten Series begins at 9 am OR 12:30 pm (refreshments
& childcare available)
"An Underground Lay Movement: The Early Days of
Dr. Margaret Bendroth
"The Congregational Way: the Pilgrims and the Puritans"
For more details,
click here
* March
26—Worshipping God as a united and uniting Church
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell preaching
NEW MEMBERS: On Palm Sunday, April 9
we will welcome New Members into our
congregation. If you are interested in joining on this
day, you are invited
to attend at least the final two sessions of our Lenten
Educational series,
The Church in the World, on Sunday, March 26 when we
will cover the nature
and history of the United Church of Christ and Sunday,
April 2 when we will
cover the nature and history of our Old South Church.
PALM SUNDAY BREAKFAST: Sunday, April 9 at 9:45 am.
Come to church early and
hungry on Palm Sunday! We will gather in Mary Norton
Hall and break bread
together at our traditional breakfast which marks Jesus’
entry into
Jerusalem and our start of Holy Week.
Donation cards for the Easter display of memorial
lilies and tulips can be picked up at the Front Desk.
The deadline is
Sunday, April 9 and the cost is $15.
The Flower Calendar for 2006 is posted in the elevator
lobby. Please sign up to donate flowers for Sunday worship
in honor or in
memory of loved ones and events. April 23 and several
dates in May still
need to be filled. The cost is $50. If you have any questions
about the
Easter flowers or Sunday flowers, contact Helen McCrady
at 617/425-5145 or
March 23, 2006 (and every Thursday)
Worship Service
6:00 pm
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message to
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subscribe oldsouth
You can E-mail us by clicking here: OSC Publications
Copyright © 2006, Old South Church