Pictures of the Little Zimmerling,

In Which We Meet His Parents, Shawn and Tara

And Chronicle His Growth From Itty Bitty Mass of Cells

To the First Criminal Mastermind of the Twenty First Century

(Warning: The Zimmerling is a work in progress, and so is this page. Plus, I am a lazy, lazy man. So if the content doesn't expand as exponentially as Jonah's weight, don't get too worked up.)
(Or, hey - go ahead and get worked up. But, you should also try switching to decaf, and maybe some breathing excercises might help delay that cardiac episode.)
Do I love collecting pointless data for the sake of graphing it?

You know I do!

So here's a little bit of pointless data - Jonah's official Height and Weight measurements at each of his physicals. As time goes on, I will probably also post specious prognostications based on the current data points. For instance, if Jonah is gaining weight in a 4th order polynomial trendline, then he will weigh approximately 5000 pounds by his first birthday. And if that's the case, then he should have both Dr Phil and Richard Simmons banging on his door by the end of November.

The Pictures!

So, we've got a digital camera. Which means we are taking pictures of every spit bubble, the tiniest little twitch, anything that involves Jonah - The Cutest Baby Who Ever Existed. Here's where I'll be posting them. In the beginning, I'll be posting then on a weekly basis (in the world of this web page, the week begins on Tuesday, that Day That Jonah Was Born), but I am sure that we will get to a point when we will post them monthly instead.

Week 1: 02.17.04

Week 2: 02.24.04

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5: 03.16.04

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16