not much

August 3, 2004

Still August. Eastern kingbirds and tree swallows and, gasp, shudder, starlings are gathering into flocks. Not the same flocks. Each to their own. Though I did see a mixed flock of redwinged blackbirds and common grackles that contained a few starlings. The flock landed on the Russian Parking Space Blockers tree, which Pajama Woman thinks is diseased because it's starting to shed a few leaves. Tree looks fine to me. Besides the mixed blackbird flock it contained a downy woodpecker, two blue jays, and a mockingbird. And it's not that big a tree. Maybe the birds are knocking the dry leaves off. No, it's just August.

Still no more Nomar! Waaaahhhhh! Red Sox infielders are dropping like flies. Or like the leaves on the aforementioned tree.

Still confused about sexual dimorphism in the after life. I think I forgot that we'll have bodies in the after life.

August means Yankee Homecoming in Newburyport and on my way to the cat shelter's fundraising committee meeting I spotted a guy dressed as Lord Timothy Dexter and another guy dressed as Jonathan Plummer. No little dog though. Couldn't tell if he was scattering punctuation marks to "solt and pepper to taste". The fundraising meeting took place outdoors in the rain (we huddled under the bank's awning) because the chairperson thought another person was going to pick up the key. Oh well, it made the meeting short. And it isn't every day you see Timothy Dexter and Jonathan Plummer on State Street. I looked for them on High Street near the Dexter house after the meeting and the thunderstorm ended, but didn't see them again.

At least Curt Schilling is giving the bullpen a rest.

P.S. A quick Google finds the Dexter/Plummer impersonators.

Today's Reading
Seabirds: their biology and ecology by Bryan Nelson, Birds in the Bush by Bradford Torrey

This Year's Reading
2004 Booklist

Today's Starting Pitcher
Curt Schilling


Journal Index



Copyright © 2004, Janet I. Egan