rotator cuff

May 30, 2003

Wilbur went tearing around the house last night meowing at the top of his lungs for no reason that I could discover. He leaped onto my dresser and knocked the clock radio to the floor with a loud crash that scared him so much he bolted out of the room and down the stairs in less than 2 seconds. The clock radio is now missing the knob to set the time/alarm-time/function and the cover to the battery backup compartment. It still works, so assuming I always want to wake up at 7:30 AM to the radio and there's never a power failure, I'm good 'til the fall time change before I have to buy another clock radio. The odds of there being no power failure between now and the fall time change are slim to none, this being North Andover, the home of power failures for no reason, along with its being thunderstorm season and hurricane season about to begin. Meanwhile, Wilbur has taken to hiding under the couch.

Today's big outings were to the physical therapist and then to the orthopedist. Oh joy. I promised the physical therapist not to pass out this time, unlike Tuesday. Yes, Tuesday was another one of those days. I was doing one of the mobility exercises where I'm supposed to control the weight as it lifts my arm up. Well, I don't know if I did it too fast or wasn't paying attention or what but all of a sudden it hurt like hell. I turned white. I got sweaty and clammy. I started to keel over. I asked for a glass of water and sat down sipping it until the intense nausea passed. Needless to say, I did not finish my exercises on Tuesday. I was wicked careful today. Maybe too careful. Not getting the range of motion I need. Anyway, the PT wrote a note to the arthropod about how I still can't lift my arm and there's this intense pain...

Later this same day...

The arthropod lifts my arm up and says "Hold it there." As soon as he lets go, it drops down several inches despite my best effort to hold it up where he put it. It's not that it hurts. It doesn't. It just doesn't work. "Rotator cuff" say he. Same thing the PT said this morning. "Rotator cuff? I thought that only happens to pitchers?" say I trying to see the humor in this. He tells me all about how rotator cuff tears don't only happen in "overhand sports". Frequently they happen after trauma like a dislocated shoulder. So he orders an MRI. Scheduling hijinks ensue. At least the northeast storm predicted for this weekend is supposed to be over by Sunday night, which is the time it finally gets scheduled for. Now if the nurse would just logout of the computer so the secretary can accept my co-payment everything will be just hunky-dory.

At least I didn't faint.

Today's Reading
The Natural History of Moray by Charles St. John, Forbush and the Penguins by Graham Billing, Village Japan by Malcolm Ritchie

This Year's Reading
2003 Book List

Today's Starting Pitcher
John Burkett


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Copyright © 2003, Janet I. Egan