Re: Organizational Thinking LO3717

Barry Mallis (
14 Nov 1995 08:50:59 -0500

Reply to: RE>>Organizational Thinking LO3695 -Reply

The PARKER TEAM PLAYER SURVEY helps individuals identify their primary
team player style. It's an easy to use self-assessment exercise. Each
survey includes complete scoring information, interpretation of the scores
and feedback materials that help the team member understand their primary
and least active styles. It's an excellent tool to provide insight when
forming teams, an informative "ice-breaker" activity for newly formed
teams, and a development tool for intact teams.

I personally use it as pre-course work for a 3-day Facilitation Skills
Workshop at my company. On day 1, participants review the results of
their self-assessment and that of two colleagues who have filled out the
Parker "Styles of Another Person" exercise about the participant. The
three completed surveys are then scored by the participant
(self-assessment and assessments from two colleagues). The information
de-brief is incorporated into follow-up exercising focused on the Forming
stage of team work.

These booklets are a useful way to establish one kind of understanding
among participants about team dynamics. the many times I have used this,
I have found that the results are illuminating and usuable.

This material is available from a company names XICOM, whose FAX # is 914
351-4762, US 800 # 759-4266, address:
Sterling Forest
Woods Road
Tuxedo, NY 10987

I hope this is of value.


Barry Mallis