50th Class Reunion
Yeshiva Etz Chaim
Brooklyn, New York

Class of 1953 Bios - Have yours included!

The year 2003 marked the fiftieth anniversary of our graduation from Etz Chaim or The Hebrew Institute of Borough Park in Brooklyn, New York.

During the past half century, we've gone our separate ways, and pursued different lines of endeavor. Many of us have married, raised families, and have seen grandchildren born into the world.

The reunion was a fitting time in our lives to pause, reflect, and come together with friends that we grew up with. Friendships formed when we're young and grow into maturity, are among the most dear. These are the only people with whom we can exchange the deepest of our nostalgia, and tales of bygone days, while remembering the teachers, who were so instrumental in forming us into what we have become today.

We owe a debt of gratitude to all who were instrumental in planning this successful event, including those who steadfastly tracked down our classmates and most of all, to you who were able to attend.

And G-d willing, we look forward to repeating this event for our 55th Reunion!

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With appreciation to
Young Israel of Brookline
2003 All Rights Reserved