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Everybody's got something to hide
'cept for me and my monkey.

Picture of Cocopocoloco Presenting: my possibly Tonkinese pussycat, Coco, a.k.a. Anderson, Cocopocoloco, and Coco Chat-nel, inter alia. Gaze upon her in sheer adoration, as she would upon you.

Through a glass, dorkily.

Here's what I looked like some goof when captured by the Usenix Face Saver at the Winter Usenix in Anaheim in 1997.

Some of you might have seen the fine fellow (whose picture is no longer on line) presented as me in at the Boston Summer Usenix in 1994. That's not me! It's Isamu Wada, of no known e-mail address. No offense or imputation to him of dorkishness was intended. I linked to somebody else's archive of images and didn't check it for updates. For the new picture, I have a local copy.

We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know

A little bit about Bob Webber: I'm a graduate of the University of Toronto's Metallurgy and Materials Science program who has worked for about eight years as a full-time Unix system administrator. For about two years I worked for the Standards group in the Research department of PictureTel Corporation. I'm now working on project related to commercializing videoconferencing on IP networks, like the Internet. As a long-time sf fan, I'm pretty happy to be working for a company making videotelephones.

Not too bad for a graduate of the only engineering department at U of T where you could take a degree majoring in Euchre.

Is it really worthwhile to have a mailto: tag here? My e-mail address is pretty easy to deduce from the address of my home page (this page) and vice versa, but I guess some people will be happier with the direct pointer to activate their MUA.

The mustard bottle that exploded.

22 February 1997

Lucy Huntzinger aka Felix encouraged me to try to make this part of the WWW a little more presentable. In the spirit of spring-like weather in Boston in February (or "Febuary" according to local news readers) this page therefore gets a coat of paint and a few textual updates.

I hope y'all like HTML "firebrick" in combination with "maroon" and "fuchsia" for links 'cause that's what's on the pallet for my first try at colour publishing. Ms Huntzinger is is no way responsible for my choice of colours.