WESun Puzzle Challenge given October 27, 2002:

The word EFFERVESCENCE is unusual because E's are spaced out in it. It has 13 letters, and E's appear in positions 1-4-7-13. [actually, 1-4-7-10-13] Now, think a familiar two-word phrase in 15 letters, in which the letter R appears in positions 1-4-8-12-15.

These are the only R's that appear in them. What [two] word [phrase] is it?

-- WESun Puzzle, 2002-10-27


where ? = [^R]

Two ways to attack this. Uses Websters 2nd Phrases, the web2afile.

	open PHRASES, "d:/usr/dict/web2a"
		or die "no web2 file";
	while (<PHRASES>) {
		my $x=$_; ## Save formated form
		s/\W//g; ## REMOVE non-word letters.
		print "** $x ** \n"if /^r..r...r...r..r$/i;

That finds the target, even though it allows . to match [R] too. Would really need to match more carefully to be sure:

while (<PHRASES>) {
	my $x=$_; ## Save formated form
	s/\W//g; ## REMOVE non-word letters.
	next unless /^r..r...r...r..r$/i;
	print "** $x ** \n";
	print "*** oops ***"
	unless /^r[^rR][^rR]r[^rR][^rR][^rR]r[^rR][^rR][^rR]r[^rR][^rR]r$/i;

That wasn't totally necessary, as I could visually inspect the answer.

But we can also scan for other, more interesting phrases from the dictionary. First collect up two hash-dicts of things starting with /^r..($|r)/ or ending with /(^|r)..r$/.

open DICT, "d:/usr/dict/words"
or die "No such file"; # "words";

while (<DICT>) {
	next if /[- ']/; # skip words with punctuation
	$a{length()}.=" $_" if /^r..r/;
	$b{length()}.=" $_" if /r..r$/;
	$b{3}.=" $_" if /^..r$/;
	$a{3}.=" $_" if /^r..$/;
	# print "$. <<$_>> \n";
close DICT;

Then we loop through ... by length.

for $n (1..12){
	@awords=split " ",$a{$n};
	@bwords=split " ",$b{ $m=(15 - $n)}; 
	# print "$n: [@awords] \n $m:[@bwords]\n";
	for $a (@awords) {
		for $b (@bwords) {
		my $phrase = "$a$b"; 
		# don't match or count space, 
		# as puzzlers count LETTERS not characters
		print "$a $b\n"
			if $phrase =~ 
			# /^r..r...r...r..r$/; ## BUG: Found others

Here we have to add the full pattern, as /^r..r...r...r..r$/ will match "reorder reverser" (after blank removals). Before the ... to [^r][^r][^r] swap, we have the answer I sent in; after switching, the list is shorter.

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