JANUARY FEBRUARY 1993
               SOLINUS AND KORTRON


( Awakening To The Divine Spirit Within)

Many feel a great connection to Spirit and may have a hard
time imagining life without this guidance. But for those who
are just beginning on this path there may be moments of
confusion as one attempts to integrate the new energies,
concepts and feelings into one's third dimensional life.
Since humanity is on the threshold of a massive awakening we
feel it is important to review some of aspects of the
process. For some this will seem elementary, but perhaps the
reminder will be beneficial the Lightworkers will soon be
confronted by many who do not understand what is happening
to them.

In the initial stages of the awakening process one truly
begins to investigate his relationship to everything else.
As consciousness evolves the higher aspects of our true
identity begin to unfold and we seek answers to the question
of the purpose for our lives here. As we pursue the
answers, reflections begin to rise from a place deep within
cellular memory where they have laid hidden and dormant.
Like the sound of falling snow we hear from deep within the
call from an unknown, secret place. At first the yearning to
connect to Spirit is merely a hunger pang, a lingering
feeling that we are not yet whole, or that something is
calling us or is missing in our lives. Then an overwhelming
desire to fill the void, to seek the truth and discover what
part we play in the Divine Plan begins to unfold.

There will be some who see themselves as the "all knowing"
ones and will seek power as leaders of other Lightworkers.
This is a tragic mistake that hampers the Mission we are all
here to carry out. Constant reflection on our own part in
the Mission is necessary if we are to merge as the group we
are. Many questions will be posed regarding the power of
understanding the secrets of life. Our job is not to feel
"holier than thou", but rather to become Earth grounded
guides to help others find their answers within.

When the full realization of the key, "LOVE", unlocks the
door to the restoration of this power one then becomes able
to love all life and use this power for the good of the
whole. When we begin to truly act in this fashion then the
words of brother Jesus (Sananda) "Know Ye Not You Are God"
will take on a new meaning. When our thoughts, words and
deeds are projected in a loving manner we can do great
things. Some will not choose this path and will resist it
feeling they are more knowledgeable or more knowing then the
rest. We must have compassion for these and remember that
eventually they will understand that we all are the Supreme
Spirit. As a combined group here on Earth no one is better
than anyone else.

Previous newsletters were written in such a way as to open
the inner you; to make you think and ponder what was being
written. Why? Because, Dear Ones, we will need many full
fledged Creator Gods on Earth in the times ahead if we are
to awaken and unlock the truth in those who still sleep. We
must not waver on our paths to achieve a fuller awareness
and know our thoughts are the means to create a positive
reality and our reason for being here is to create that
reality based on love.

The power of the negative reality controls the masses by
hiding the truth of the power of thought as the means to
create change. They are being deceived in ways which prevent
them from finding and seeing this truth. In reality there is
only love. The deceivers have manipulated the truth to
create ignorance of this fact in order to control all
changes and all life on Earth for their own selfish

Very soon many things previously said in the newsletters
will become the very basic things each of you will use as
the time for action arrives. Our thoughts will soon be the
only means left available to help others to survive what's
coming. Perhaps it is time to start rereading and practicing
what we have persistently told you over the years. For those
of you who are not familiar with the information contained
in past newsletters and are interested in "catching up", we
still have back issues available upon request (see ordering
information on last page).

( The Negative Alien Agenda
And The Secret Government )

Each of us is a facet of the gem called life. We are indi-
vidually special and that combined essence creates the
whole. Regardless of whether or not we acknowledge this
interconnection the fact remains, we are a part of
everything else. We have been programmed to believe the
illusion of separateness by those who would control others.
They have discovered that it is far easier to manipulate a
large group of people who are of the same mind set than it
is to use a group of sovereign, free thinking individuals.
This is especially true if the information which effects
the group mind is designed to influence what is perceived as
reality. In reality this controlled programming is not
reality. It is the illusion the Lightworkers are here to

The plots and many plans with in plans are designed to
achieve complete control of Earth and all life on her. The
changes coming and the plans of the controllers to survive
them do not include the sheep who foolishly follow this
deception. The deceivers live a secret life in plush
splendor at everyone else's expense. Those in control on
Earth today show a complete lack of concern that ALL life is
connected and this fact creates the whole. They continually
defeat themselves through their own ignorance or denial of
universal laws and this fact will also be their demise.

Eventually their true intent will be fully exposed and the
masses will rise up to attempt to set things straight. The
stage is already being set if this should occur. You need
only look around you to see that things are no longer as
they used to be. United Nation troops are being moved into
many countries that are at peace and this is not occurring
for the reason of training as Bush would have you believe.

What are their objectives and how will they implement their
plans? Primarily there are two ways that those in temporary
control here on Earth are going to instigate their last
ditch attempts to remain in control. The first plan is to
control the minds of humanity and the second is a plan to
recycle all life which holds no value for them or their
schemes. The negative extraterrestrial' are in every facet
of this world's leadership and power structure and their
intention is to bring all people and governments (secret or
otherwise) under their control. These beings are the same
ones that the governments have taken up with in order to
gain technological advancements.

The race for control of people's minds is very intense. As
the love vibration rises on Earth so do the attempts to
offset the freeing experience this will provide. Many
methods are being used to block the expansion of the
consciousness of the masses, to keep the higher awareness
from taking hold in YOUR MIND. The use of ELF (Extra Low
Frequency) and Microwaves is meant to create confusion, fear
and trauma and are currently being tested on large
population centers. Many forms of food and water additives
create a passive mind set which allows easy acceptance of
what the controllers would have us believe. Add engineered
drugs and mass media programming to the list of mind control
methods and you have a very volatile situation which can
easily result in the form of riots, the passage of
legislation to further control, the over throw of complete
systems of government, or passive acceptance of what's
actually going on under our noses.

On top of the use of such technology, drugs, and additives,
stress and discontent will increase as economies fall. The
contingency plan for this is based on a society which no
longer uses money as a means of exchange. In addition the
weather is being manipulated to create havoc in the weather
patterns and Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields. Each
time a new plan is implemented diversions are created to
hold your attention while yet another lie, a new illusion,
is being instill through forced programming. This is done by
tearing things down intentionally and creating extreme
suffering then instigating corrective alternatives and
laws designed to further enslave Earth's people. They have
taken over those who were in power and are using these as
the means to further control and destroy those in opposition
to their plan. Their plan is a future harvest of life here
on Earth just before she goes into her next reality.

Who are they? The answer is a secret government that
controls all governments and it is run by the Dark Lords of
Orion. These beings have come and gone since the time of
Atlantis and have set up all forms of social consciousness
within the many different religions and Earth societies.
They come from a small area of Orion and consider Earth and
ALL life here their property. They are representatives of
and serve the Draconian Empire. They conquer, pillage, rape
and destroy all existing systems that fall under their

Through half truths they have created false ideals that hide
the truth behind illusion, thus they have destroyed the link
that kept the root race in full awareness of what they
really are. The word belief has the three letter word "LIE"
in it and this best defines my point. Belief is something
which is generally accepted by most to be true. The word
belief perfectly describes the recreation of a truth into a
half truth. The word faith is another example of what I am
talking about. Faith is a word of false power used to add
emotion to what is believed to be true but in reality is
not. Therefore, if someone wants to control your mind they
must first control what you think by altering what is known
to be true. This is done by altering information and
controlling the means it is dispersed to the public.

Thought creates and emotion (which comes from the heart
chakra) is the power driver behind it that manifests your
reality and your Earthly needs. So, if what and how you are
taught to think is based on half truths (beliefs or faith)
then what is created is also at least partially erroneous or
is what another wants you to believe. Thus we accept and
comply with that which has the pretext of validity and never
quite understand how things really work or how to create
positive change and a freer life. Therefore, we can not be
masters of our lives nor we be effective stewards of
Earth. The result of altering the concept of "knowing" by
substituting "belief" and "faith" has brought about the
illusion of separation from Spirit. Many give away their
power because they do not know they have any in the first
place. The secret which has been forgotten and hidden in the
illusion is that each of us is capable of creating positive
change and this is why so many do not feel quite fulfilled
and are unable to become what they really are, co-creator
gods. Stewards of Earth.

Why am I telling you this? Quite simply, equality starts
with the knowledge that we all have these divine powers. All
of us are responsible for creating changes which will keep
our home Earth, in perfect harmony based on love. This
statement takes in all life which is capable of creating
change, not just those of us who came here to help. Those
who sit idly by will flunk the college graduation part of
their evolution if they wait for corrective action to occur
on its own (AND, IT WILL OCCUR). These souls will return to
day one, to kindergarten on a different planet to start
all over again. This is not a punishment decree but rather a
universal law of attraction which keeps those unable to
evolve from polluting the next level above them. All
outcomes, negative and positive, fall under the universal
laws of the Divine Plan designed to keep balance and harmony
within the universes.

We have a cassette tape on "Mind Control In America" which
was researched and developed by Steven Jacobson which
details what we have said in this section. Along with this
we have literature that explains the effects of ELF and
Microwaves. The tape is available for $12.95 and the packet
of information is $2.00. In the near future we hope to offer
other packets of updated information which should be helpful
to you in your search for truth.

( The Positive Alien Agenda and The Star People )

The Confederation of planets and galaxies realizes the great
dilemma Earth is in and finds the situation to be a direct
violation of freedom of choice. However, they cannot
intervene until the people of Earth request their help which
will not occur until a greater awareness of what is really
taking place is reached. It is imperative that as many as
possible awaken to a broader view of the Confederation
aliens who are here to help. The negative forces are very
small compared to the great expanse of the love reality so
once this is realized the choice should be a simple one for
humanity. But, time is running out for this insight to

The Star People, those who came in through conventional
means by birth, were sent from many aspects of Mansion World
Reality, the love based system beyond Earth. Their mission
is to assess the situation from within, to develop the means
to inform humanity of the reality of the situation which is
having such an adverse effect on them and to inform people
that help is here if only they would accept it. However, at
this point in time, it is a safe bet that any alliance with
ETs would be viewed as an evil pact by the public because of
the lack of information regarding the existence of "good"

Thus far, the vast majority of those who are investigating
UFOs and alien contact are not yet willing to accept the
possibility of help already being here. It is beyond their
picture of reality. Instead, their concentration is on the
worst scenario which is exactly what those in control
desire. If people can be convinced that all ETs are bad then
they will certainly not turn to any for help and will
continue to think that the government knows best, which is
far from the truth.

The unveiling of the secrecy around the alliance between the
secret government and the reptilians could create the very
thing those now in control don't want a speculative
analysis of these creatures and their real intent. Add to
this an increased understanding that there are good ETs on
the side lines and support could easily shift to create a
complete loss of the negative reality's control. Once the
governments admit that extraterrestrial contact has been
made then social thinking will determine whether this
contact is of benefit or not.

A good example of this is the computer echo systems. Several
address the issue of aliens among us but the emphasis is on
the negative side of such contact, abductions and the
horrors being inflicted upon the unknowing masses. Those who
use the computer to discuss the most recent findings by and
large reject out right or ridicule any attempt to discuss
the good guys. They are quick to undermine any input by
those who wish to discuss the possibility of a love based
system of universes vastly larger than they can comprehend.
Some computer echoes are run by extraterrestrial and some by
die hard pessimists or agents of the government. The best
way to determine who they work for is to observe how much of
their moderating is meant to control the truth from going
out to those seeking it.

( Ashtar Speaks of Kortron )

Just as we were going to press Tom Smith of Kentucky called
with the following information he channeled from Ashtar on
December 28, 1992, in response to the question, "What can
you tell us about Kortron of Orvotron?" (Just thought you'd
be interested!)

You have asked about Kortron and I am most happy to give you
information, at least in a general way. He is most
interested in knowing this as well.

I am most familiar with this energy. He is basically who he
says he is. The Metatrons are a "very old" universal
presence. The Trons have had many experiences from many
universes. They are very good at what they are doing within
their Earth presence.

Kortron is a warrior but this does not mean he wishes or
likes to wage war. There are those in the universe who know
nothing but war. Kortron is equally happy in peace and
harmony but is not at all uncomfortable in an adversarial
role. He may take on the appearance of a dare devil type,
but he is really not that way at all. He sometimes finds
this as a necessary way to present himself so as to instill
confidence in others.

I have had some contact with him but he primarily
communicates with other Trons. We do not view any of you as
having faults. Kortron is slowed somewhat by his own
impatience and desire for a certain regimentation. He often
forgets that each of you has your own path and it may not
coincide 100% with his. He is very focused on his own plan
and forgets each of you are doing the same, especially when
it is someone whose path intersects his in several places.

He does have a penchant to exaggerate at times, but this is
because of his enthusiasm for his work and because he has a
tremendous amount of information flowing through him. It is
really more than a single person can handle. He recognizes
this and wishes to have others involved in roles similar to
his, at least at the communications perspective. He has much
love to share and truly loves those he deals with, including
those dark forces who make their presence known.

If this is not enough I will provide more detail. He will be
pleased that we spoke of him. He wants everyone to know
where he is coming from and to feel comfortable with his

Why the attacks on Walter?

So, what was the threat to the Aviary, from Walter Bartoo,
and his postings on the nets, and editorials in his
newsletters?  The Aviary concerned itself with monitoring
the rising consciousness of the public to the paranormal
aspects of the UFO phenomena.  The Aviary set itself up as a
semi-public, unauthorized liason between the public and
certain factions of the government intelligence agencies and
their operatives.

Walter's message spoke to those people who were awakening to
their consciousness of Spirit within themselves.  The
people, whether you call them StarSeeds, or not, are the
people whose ideas, the Aviary concerns itself.  On the one
hand, the Aviary wants to monitor the thinking of these
awakening people, and on the other hand, the Aviary does NOT
want any other people to awaken to the same realities.

 > There will be some who see themselves as the "all
 > knowing" ones and will seek power as leaders of other
 > Lightworkers. This is a tragic mistake that hampers the
 > Mission we are all here to carry out. Constant reflection
 > on our own part in the Mission is necessary if we are to
 > merge as the group we are.

Please notice that Walter speaks of a "group".  Already
LightWorkers from all over our Earth, are coming together
with a singular consciousness that seeks "healing".  It is
the consciousness paradigm of this "group" that the Aviary
wishes to forestall.  Before I myself even knew, those
connected with stopping this paradigm shift, did know that
Walter Bartoo and Orvotron represented a threat to their
control of ideas.

 > When the full realization of the key, "LOVE", unlocks the
 > door to the restoration of this power one then becomes
 > able to love all life and use this power for the good of
 > the whole. When we begin to truly act in this fashion
 > then the words of brother Jesus (Sananda) "Know Ye Not
 > You Are God" will take on a new meaning. When our
 > thoughts, words and deeds are projected in a loving
 > manner we can do great things.

This unstoppable power, that Kortron relates, has been the
focus of those who have arrayed themselves against Walter,
against me, and against SearchNet and it's discussion areas
on Fidonet.  It is too late.  (GRIN)  We will not be

 > The power of the negative reality controls the masses by
 > hiding the truth of the power of thought as the means to
 > create change.

The Aviary, and groups like them, have their liasons on the
networked discussion groups, in Fidonet, on the Internet and
other semi-private conferencing networks.  Their so-called
psi-ops agents can be readily seen, in their penchants for
disrupting all serious discussions.  Their interference
seeks to keep net participants from uncovering the controls
on their ideas.

 > The race for control of people's minds is very intense.
 > As the love vibration rises on Earth so do the attempts
 > to offset the freeing experience this will provide. Many
 > methods are being used to block the expansion of the
 > consciousness of the masses, to keep the higher awareness
 > from taking hold in YOUR MIND.

Before I ever met Walter, he had a unique perspective on
what was happening, and as far as the networks go, those in
power were obliged to stop Walter's message at all costs.

 > The word belief has the three letter word "LIE" in it and
 > this best defines my point. Belief is something which is
 > generally accepted by most to be true. The word belief
 > perfectly describes the recreation of a truth into a half
 > truth. The word faith is another example of what I am
 > talking about. Faith is a word of false power used to add
 > emotion to what is believed to be true but in reality is
 > not. Therefore, if someone wants to control your mind
 > they must first control what you think by altering what
 > is known to be true. This is done by altering information
 > and controlling the means it is dispersed to the public.

i.e. the networks.

For me, it was only recently that, having looked over this
history of the relationship between SearchNet and Orvotron,
did I discover that it was Walter's message that was the
target of our suffering 16 months of harassment.

Now, let us be introduced to the Orvotron's newsletter's
editor-in-chief, Solinus, also known as, Judi Wells.

Meet Solinus

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