Richard Karash - Organizational Consultant and Executive Coach

Work: Organizational consulting, meeting facilitation, and management seminars based on the Organizational Learning Disciplines. Click here for Professional Bio and Recommended Reading List

Papers and Articles

How to Find "Structure" The key element of Systems Thinking is seeing structure... But it's not always easy!

Groupware and Organizational Learning Presented 8/95 at GroupWare '95 Conference

Interview by "The Learning Enterprise" 11/95 about Groupware and Organizational Learning

Recipe: Connecting a World-Wide Community of Interest The net is a marvelous way to connect together a community. Here's what I've learned about doing it through my work with the Learning-org list.

Dealing with Complexity LO6568 Modeling the physical world vs. our human world with Systems Thinking

The Learning Organization

I hosted the learning-org discussion, a world-wide public dialogue about Organizational Learning, for a decade ending in 2004.

More Photos

Photos by Bachrach

Photos by Infinity Portrait Design


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Contact Information:

      Richard Karash ("Rick")    |      <>
  Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer  |     email:
"Towards learning organizations" |
(617)308-4750, fax (617)812-5365 |   

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"The significant problems of mankind will not be solved until we advance beyond the level of thinking we had when we created them."

                -- Albert Einstein

learning-org is a trademark of Richard Karash
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