Temple Beth Shalom

Education Programs

For Children and Adults

"The Samuel and Annie Glott Center for Jewish Studies"

Alef Bet Child Care Center

The Alef Bet Child Care Center provides full or part-time Jewish day care for children aged 15 months to 5 years. Contact:

Judi Zalles, Director, Alef-Bet@msn.com
(617) 547-3651 or the Temple office.

Kesher Connection

Kesher Community Hebrew School provides Hebrew and Jewish cultural after-school activities for children in grades K through 5, and Bar/Bat Mitzvah class for grades 6 - 8. There is a summer program as well. Contact:

Linda Echt, Director
(617) 576-0830 or the Temple office.

Kehilateinu -- Jewish Community Adult Learning

Kehilateinu is a collaborative project involving institutions and individuals in Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford, including TBS. Recognizing that our various communities contain many resources and treasures of talent and energy, we have joined together to teach and to learn. Classes will be held in various locations within our community but organized centrally.

Adult Education at TBS

See our events page for a complete listing of courses, lectures, and family events.

Tuesday Talmud Class

Our weekly Talmud class meets every Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. (except on Yomtov and occasional schedule conflicts). The class is led in both English and Hebrew/Aramaic by Rabbi Shmuel Posner of the Boston Chabbad House. We are currently studying Tractate Kidushin. The class is free and beginners are welcome. Just drop in some Tuesday and check it out. For more information, contact:

Rabbi Posner, chabad@peoplepc.com
(617) 424-1190 or the Temple office.

Sunday Mishanh

We are studying Mishnah every Sunday at 7:30 am, before the daily service and breakfast. The class is free and beginners are welcome.

Other Links


MyJewishLearning.com is an interactive Jewish learning resource available online that presents information from a wide variety of Jewish perspectives. Designed to enable individuals to explore a broad spectrum of the Jewish experience as it relates to their lives today, MyJewishLearning.com is funded by Edgar M. Bronfman and Lynn Schusterman, and is co-produced by Hebrew College and Jewish Family & Life! Media.

Educational Resources in Cambridge

A list maintained by the City of Cambridge

Parent's Guide to Cambridge Schools

Information about schools in Cambridge, public and private.

Jewish Boston Guide

Lists many other resources, including Jewish day schools, high schools and college level programs.

Return to TBS home page

Arnold G. Reinhold, reinhold@world.std.com

1999-3-29, 2001-1-14, 2002-1-22, 2002-5-18, 2002-10-31, 2003-3-18, 2003-6-1