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IM1110   Interactive Media and Society

Interactive Media Program, Art & Design, College of Arts, Media & Design
Northeastern University

Mary E. Hopper served as the Lecturer for this course for 3 semesters (2012-2013).
The course became very popular with enrollments that grew from 40 to 55 students.
Course Description
Offers a critical historical survey of interactive media from analog to digital techniques and from physical to virtual spaces. Examines the social, ethical and cultural impact of interactive media. Concludes with a study of current issues and directions in interactive media. Through weekly lectures, research projects and critical analyses, students consider current and historical aspects of interactive media and design.

IM1110 Syllabus (.doc)
IM1110 Course Page

© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 10/08/06 | revised 05/10/13]