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people [index] | Theodor Holm Nelson

[1998 Version]

Theodore Nelson
Professor of Environmental Information
Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan

Most Recently

New Software "Zig Zag"
"Ted Nelson's Big Step" article in MIT Technology Review, September and October 1998

[1995 Version]

Ted Nelson was always media-intensive. By the age of twenty-two, he had appeared on the professional stage and television and worked at the New York Times, had published (at college) his own newspaper, magazine, and first book, and had produced (at college) a 30-minute film, a long-playing record and the world's first rock musical.

But from the age of five he had also been intensely involved with the philosophy of ideas. His college work at Swarthmore postulated a new philosophy of arbitrary constructs, interconnection and correspondence.

These conflicting involvements of theater and theory made a career choice difficult, until his own Digital Convergence at the age of twenty-three. In 1960 he took a computer course and saw a chance to create a new world of interactive media -- a new fusion of literature and movies, based on arbitrary constructs, interconnection and correspondence.

Since then he has worked on digital media designs outside the prevailing paradigms. (Nelson, 1995)

on the web

Bio from Bush Symposium, 1995

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© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 02/02/02]