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[Educational Computing and Instructional Design (ECID) changed it's name to Educational Technology (EDTECH) at the time when the Education Department became independent from the School of Humanities Social Science and Education (HSSE) and became a new School of Education (1992). All course codes changed at the same time as well. Educational Technology is now within the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.]

Educational Technology is an interdisciplinary field of study in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University. The aim of this field of study is to promote learning through the application of systematic principles of instructional design and appropriate uses of educational technologies including computers and media.
Educational technology, although often associated with computers and other hardware, goes beyond any particular medium or device. It is systematic way of designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the total process of teaching and learning in terms of specific objectives, learning activities, and evaluation to bring about more effective learning.
Computers and allied technologies play a key role in support of teaching and learning and so are an important aspect of educational technology in today's world. Specialists in this field design and develop instruction, often computer-based, and implement and evaluate educational technology in a variety of settings including K-12 schools, universities, business/industry training, and the military.
Students in Educational Technology take courses from both departments within the School of Education and may include study in other academic schools at Purdue. While individual students may emphasize instructional design and development or educational computing, courses from both areas are included in their programs of study. The program provides wide latitude to meet the individual needs of each student. As much as possible, programs of study and research experience of students in Educational Technology are designed to fit individuals' professional goals.

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Educational Technology

© Mary E. Hopper [MEHopper] | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 01/01/01 | revised 12/09/06]