Organizational Change model LO12832

BJ Danylchuk (
Sat, 8 Mar 1997 10:50:25 -0500

Replying to LO12782 --

Peplying to LO12782.

Rose clarified:

> What I am still trying to locate is a model that describes WHY it is
> even necessary for organizations to change. My personal theory is
> that organizations need to grow and change just as people do.
> Organizations are made of people not of wood and concrete thereby
> they need to change with the people who are the organization.

Absolutely right. So just say it...

IMHO your "personal insight" is just reality....the reality that no
person or organization exists in a vacuum, but in a context of a
universe, world, environment and society that are all constantly
changing - sometimes slower or faster than other times - but always
in motion.

My experience is that people deny the reality of change as a way of
trying to avoid dealing with the consequences of same - not
surprising, given that resistance to change is a norm. [yeh, I know
about embracing change and all, but everyone has some "edge of their
envelope" where resistance occurs - some people's edges are just
farther out than others].

The other reality for organizations is that those which don't at
least keep pace with the changes around them end up becoming
progressively irrelevant to their environment; atrophy and death of
the organization is often a consequence of the denial of change.

As part of my organizational role, I deliver this message quite
regularly, as we are deliberately transforming our business strategy,
operating model and culture (the big three) and such a huge change
manages to push everyone's envelopes one way or another. I just state
it all as basic facts, which we as humans sometimes might wish weren't
true, but which are inescapable....a light, understated
delivery...which has never garnered a challenge, but has often sparked
relieved discussion.....and then we get on with the real business at
hand, which is deciding on and doing the things we need to do to catch
up with, keep abreast of and (ultimately) anticipate change. And
that's where all of us get in touch with what we can do, where we can
make a action.

At least, that's my experience.

BJ Danylchuk

-- (BJ Danylchuk)

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