Leadership Trends LO12707

Wed, 26 Feb 1997 12:31:01 -0500 (EST)

Cliff Briggie (in LO12697) made a useful comment about an often-ignored
body of knowledge about leadership: the psychological insights of people
such as Hirshhorn and Gilmore (see their article on leading a boundryless
corporation in Harvard Business Review, May-June '92).

I think too often the organization learning field risks throwing out the
baby with the bathwater when it ignores some of the new thinking about
leadership that comes from mainstream psychology.

Peter Senge gave organizational learning a quantum push by linking the
insights of Argyris, Fritz, Forrester and others.

There is a lot of similar usefulness to be gained by integrating the work
of people like Larry Hirshhorn and Abraham Zaleznick along with the
LO/complexity based views of leadership recently expressed by Joseph
Jaworski (in Synchronicity: the inner path of leadership).

Is this a combination of ideas any others on the Learning-org list have
found fruitful?

- - - Bob Tomasko




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