Collective wisdom LO12333
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 08:23:52 -0800

Replying to LO12310 --

I reply this to Tony Barrett and LO List for the purpose of sharing and
hoping to provoke some new thoughts from others.

Tony wrote :
>I have worked in a situation where people are not valued, and
>blame and gossip suck the joy out of life. I really want to work
>improving the organizations that some many people a hugh
>percentage of their lives. I have worked to change my unit, with
>some modest success; however, now I feel the need to shift gears
>and move on

>What sort of experiences and education do those on the list have who
>do consulting and training, and do they think that the educational
>path I have chosen is worth following.?

The gist of my experience as follow:


1.0 What was described above is not uncommon in most organisation.


1.0 Everyone wants to contribute his or her best, including
so called "gossipers" "ditator" etc. etc. Hence it is
the problem of Systemic forces to be realigned towards
shared vision.


1.0 What is the Vision of the Organisation (see as entity, not
as a single person like CEO)? or What Should it be? i.e.
an evoluationary process (refer my article in my homepage "When is a Vision not
a Wish, Prediction or Speculation?".
2.0 What is the Key PROCESS towards that Vision? Map it,
Measure it? Are there gaps (obviously)
3.0 Improve it with sound methodology e.g. Quality Loop.

The above invovles almost each and every one (including the
"gossipers" etc. It is their own discovery, experimention
process towards realising their own objective, goal and
vision. Call it empowering process, visioning process
whatever. Much skills and techniques are called for.

Note : The above does not focus on weaknesses in people, culture,
etc. but on VISION that should be win-win.


Andrew Wong
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