The Spiritual Dimension LO11039

Peter J Wharton (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 18:09:32 +1000

Replying to LO11034 --

>Donald Kerr wrote:
>> When one attempts to follow a moral code, one's success breeds arrogance,
>> then failure.
>> When one admits it is impossible to follow a moral code, one's humility,
>> breeds trust, then learning...then organizational learning.

This thread is getting very interesting in itself. However, I think it is
appropriate to begin to link in with the concept of the LO

THis is something I have been working on as a designer attempting to teach
design and innovation to non designers in a new Bachelor of Multimedia
which my university introduced this year. It seems difficult not to bring
in ideas of cosmology and metaphysics and the teaching of the Christian
LOGOS when dealing with the LO. Peter Senge touches on ideas of Metanoia -
repentance or restructuring one's perceptions - for example in his work on
generating and communicating personal vision, and the whole process of
dialog the suspending of judgement, etc.

[If you subscribe to the Christian viewpoint, then it is quite easy to
explain this - as the Creator - who created the dynamics of thought and
interpersonal interaction - uses the metaphor of a living body [= of
Christ] in describing how we relate together as a learning organism -
growing together, etc.

As a information designer I use the three-stage transformation model (John
Christopher Jones) where innovation is dependent on the suspension of
judgement and the creation of a large enough search space to create a
'chaos' in which new patterns can be discerned. The need to actively
engage both left and right brain processing, art with science, cognitive
with affective parallels the Word and Spirit combination required for
Christian growth [into the full stature of the image of Christ].
Suspension of judgement about even one's own identity [losing one's (own
idea of) self inorder to 'find' ones true self and become transformed into
a new image - these processes link well with the conditions which support
innovation in design. Common to design,Christian growth (individual and
group) and the learning organisation/organism, are then

1. the need for dialogue and trust as a precondition for innovation and growth
2. the need to avoid imposing, prematurely, patterns or preconceptions as to
final outcomes
3. allowing new directions to 'emerge' and to fasten these down as their
significance is realised.

Phillipe Duchastel's work on cognitive processing in hypermedia
environments also reflects these models. I am currently developing a set
of diagrams which show these parallels quite clearly.

Peter Wharton

Griffith Universty

Peter J Wharton
Queensland College of Art
Griffith University

Ph 3875 3150

-- (Peter J Wharton)

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