Kubler-Ross hierarchy LO11011

Fri, 15 Nov 1996 11:06:17 +0000

Replying to LO10989 --

On 14 Nov 96 at 10:34, GSCHERL wrote:

> The element that can replace it is proper education. Revisiting
> morals and values. Shifting from a society that supports and focuses
> on Arnold Swarznegger, Roseanne, Goosebumps, DOOM, .... As a society
> we have lost our values. Our school systems often don't teach values
> and morals (from our schools, exit religion... enter a moral vacuum),
> right from wrong. We do teach force is right.

Garry, almost everything in some way "teaches" values and morals, albeit
intentionally or unintentionally. The application of religion in the
schools, for example, teaches a particular set of values and morals, in a
non-voluntary context...in short, as in the old days an inculcation.

The fact is that schools are teaching values, but are not teaching the
particular ones YOU want.

Robert Bacal, Bacal & Associates, rbacal@escape.ca
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