Kubler-Ross hierarchy LO10920

Sat, 9 Nov 1996 00:17:23 +0000

Replying to LO10908 --

> What struck me was the proposition that fear is the foundation of our
> reaction to change, and faith is what we employ to overcome fear.
> I've been sensitive to fear-based behaviors lately, largely due to renewed
> emphasis on programs to induce fear as a way of dealing with social
> ills--put uniforms on our school children, increase the severity of
> penalties for juevenile crime, the perpetual "build more jails" appeals.
> Even advertising campaigns use fear to get people to think they must do
> something--don't lose your hair, don't die of breast cancer, and heaven
> forbid, don't grow old!

Seems to me that many (not all) of the things you cite are not meant to
create fear, but to capitalize on the fears that exist.

> So if faith is what we must use to ovecome fear, how do we embed a
> foundation of faith in our relationships to replace the fear?

I am not comfortable with the use of the word faith personally. I would
use the word "self-efficacy" which is a term that relates to an
individual's confidence that they can succeed in a given
situation/challenge. It is a different concept from self-esteem which is a
global perception that has almost no value IMHO.

But this is an alternative to faith, and they can co-exist.

Robert Bacal, Bacal & Associates, rbacal@escape.ca
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