Pegasus: Dee Hock Keynote LO10837 ("")
Sat, 2 Nov 1996 11:02:37 +0000

Replying to LO10830 --

Michael McMaster wrote -

> In response to Rick's posting of Dee Hock's comment "Institutions restrict
> ingenuity", I am moved to suggest that this will be dangerous thinking
> unless there is a clear distinction between current institutional forms
> and how, exactly, they restrict and the broad statement that "institutions
> restrict".
> Institutions may also be seen as the source of the enormous ingenuity
> exhibited broadly thoughout society. VISA, one of the great examples of
> an institution that expands, encourages and even creates ingenuity, is a
> case in point.

I must vote with Dee Hock. People have ingenuity naturally and will use it
creatively UNLESS they are restricted. Institutions cannot increase a
person's natural ingenuity, they can only make an environment in which
that ingenuity is not restricted. Since almost all institutions do some if
not a signficant amount of restricting, Dee Hock's statement is correct.
VISA may be a case of the exception proving the rule, but it's more likely
that VISA restricts a little.

Regards, Joan

Joan Pomo The Finest Tools for Managing People
Simonton Associates Based on the book "How to Unleash the Power of People"
About the book go to (use caps)


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