Yogesh Malhotra Learning Site in "Fortune" LO10795

Dave Pollard (pollardd@inforamp.net)
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 22:27:22 +0000

Congratulations to Yogesh, a regular contributor to this list, for the
"rave" review of his site in this week's Fortune magazine. It was listed
as one of the best sites for business research. Maybe we should try to
set up some kind of permanent "link" between the LO list and Prof.
Malhotra's "Library". They make a powerful team.

[Host's Note: I'll add my congratulations, too! The site is, I believe...

Linkname: A Business Researcher's Home Page: Yogesh Malhotra
URL: http://www.pitt.edu/~malhotra/

Enjoy! ...Rick]


"Dave Pollard" <pollardd@inforamp.net>

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