What about Dilbert? LO10555

William Welsh (wilycat@infi.net)
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 07:28:17 -0400

Replying to LO10530 --


I think Scott Adams is certainly touching a nerve. It may be too fine a
point to suggest that he has a grand scheme to further discredit
management as a way of fueling his income. As to your other point, Yes, I
am constantly challenged to explain how the LO principles I advocate won't
lead to more Dilbertesque environments. Of course, there are no
reasonable responses to such silliness. In an LO anything can and must
occur on the journey. Maybe Scott Adam's cartoons are just billboards on
that highway. FWIW.



William O. Welsh III Systems Integration Synergist Cubic Applications, Inc wilycat@infi.net welshw@jwfc.army.mil

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