Wheatly Dialogue LO10347

Virginia I. Shafer (vshafer@azstarnet.com)
Sat, 5 Oct 1996 10:36:18 -0700 (MST)

>From the gut...

>"How do you take a system as a whole and then approach change?"

>If we view the system as a whole and then attempt change, do we not have to
>address the component pieces and the way each relates to the whole? Isn't
>this a move back toward a reductionist approach?

>If this is taken as though you are outside of, not an integral part
>of, that system, then the advice will not be useful.
>How you take a system as a whole and approach change is be the
>system, recognise you are in and of the system, express yourself in
>the system. And change yourself first - in the direction of expected
>change - if you are expecting the system to change.

>3. Even in chaos theory and in quantum mechanics the possible behaviors
>of systems are circumscribed. These possible behaviors are predictable,
>with associated probabilities, from knowledge of the micro structure of
>the systems.
>I believe (my assumption) that deep knowledge of systems, knowledge so
>profound that allows people to be intuitive and creative in building
>changes that influence desired outcomes is comprehensive knowledge of the
>micro structure and the relationships among the micro structures.

>Systems are constantly evolving (at least that's my theory), making it
>impossible to see the whole system at any present or future time.

>One way to think about this may be in terms of stronger and weaker
>interactions. Everything is part of a system, but there are stronger
>interactions among some parts and weaker interactions among other parts.
>In contexts where the interactions are weaker, it is more safe to work on
>the parts alone; in contexts where the interactions are stronger, it's
>more dangerous to consider the parts without considering their
>interactions with other parts of the system.

Think fractals. Think holography. Consider relationships. "To BE or not
to BE, that is the question..."


Ginger Shafer The Leadership Dimension "Bringing Leadership to Life" vshafer@azstarnet.com

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