Wheatley Dialog LO10335

Sherri Malouf (sherri@maloufinc.com)
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 16:35:17 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO10300 --

I am wondering if we have to change the way we "see". The custom of
breaking things apart is so inherent in our *natural order* of seeing
things. I am thinking about Carol Sager's comments about right and wrong
too. It seems as if we are so quick to judge things, compatmentalize them
in order to understand. Maybe the kind of seeing required to be more
holistic means pushing our own boundaries

sherri@maloufinc.com Tel:603-672-0355
LMA, Inc Fax:603-673-7120


sherri@maloufinc.com (Sherri Malouf)

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