Wheatley Dialogue LO10323

Dave Walden (Dave_Walden@cqm.org)
1 Oct 96 10:49:40

Replying to LO10250 --

>I believe it would be foolish to stop breaking things into parts, not ever
>do it. We would lose too much progress.

>But, we must learn to see wholes and interconnections and become more wise
>about *when* to break into parts, when this is a satisfactory assumption.
>And, we must *always* be on the look-out for systemic considerations,
>always on the look-out for what we can only see if we look at the whole.]

One way to think about this may be in terms of stronger and weaker
interactions. Everything is part of a system, but there are stronger
interactions among some parts and weaker interactions among other parts.
In contexts where the interactions are weaker, it is more safe to work on
the parts alone; in contexts where the interactions are stronger, it's
more dangerous to consider the parts without considering their
interactions with other parts of the system.


Dave Walden <Dave_Walden@cqm.org>

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