Can we really achieve a LO? LO10101

Benjamin Compton (
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 21:33:05 -0700

Replying to LO10084 -- wrote:

> I am unclear on how broadly you defined "work". However, to me the
> "workplace" is the environment where one carries out activities
> (generically "work" but this is too broad a term...) specific to the
> requirements and intent of the organisation (or worker, who may be
> independent). The boundaries are dependant on the structure within which
> the work takes place, ie: the overall culture of the "organisation" if it
> consists of more than one worker. On this basis it is up to the individual
> organisation to set such limitations (if only by default or assumption)
> that may encourage or restrict learning, and this is not driven by a
> generic set of assumptions about "work". That said, the individual still
> has the freedom to learn independently of the "workplace"... as I sense
> most of the people participating in this LO Dialogue are.

Participants of this list would probably find the following URL a useful
description of a boundaryless organization:

[Host's note: the URL above points to a thought piece by Andrea Meyer
about the "Boundaryless Organization" ...Rick]

And, on a somewhat related note, participants might find GE's values of
interest (I enjoyed reading them, not so much because I agreed with
them, but because they were at least articulated).

Then you could compare them to Royal Dutch/Shell's business principles

If anyone else knows of any large corporations who have published on the
Web their business philosophy, and/or values, I'd be interested in the


Ben Compton The Accidental Learning Group Learning through Literature, Poetry, Music, Drama

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>