Learning to Dialogue LO10088

Keith Cowan (72212.51@CompuServe.COM)
20 Sep 96 11:05:15 EDT

Replying to LO10067 --

"Barry Mallis" <bmallis@mail.markem.com> concludes:
>On the micro level, silence is a potent tool of reflection, as we all know
>and all have experienced.

Meditation is an example of effective silence. It often occurs will doing
"mindless" tasks like mowing the lawn or driving alone in the car with the
radio OFF. It enables the brain to become aware of the subconscious and
can be extremely useful for new insights in problem solving.

In groups I believe the 10 second pause discipline will help with active
listening (instead of active contributing) which would be very beneficial.

In an influencing situation, silence and active listening are the two most
importent techniques. In the sales school, they say: "rephrase what you
protagonist has said, relate it to your offer, ask for the order and shut
up. The first person to speak loses."

I know this is not nice and sounds manipulative, but there is a strong
thread of truth in the technique. There are stories about salepeople
keeping quiet for several minutes (an eternity for a sales type!) and
confirming that it works.

After all, the great philosophers are known for their insightful questions
and good listening skills. They draw out knowledge from those around them.
This is why everyone thinks they are great. isn't it?



Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>

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