The Unlearning Organisation LO9694
Mon, 2 Sep 1996 15:19:47 -0400

In a message dated 96-08-28 (LO9566) Dale writes:

> So I offer additions. I can add:
> * A deeper understanding of their intentions. (Obviously, I can't tell
>people what their intentions are. I ask questions that encourage them to
>more deeply aware of their intentions.)
> * Feedback about the results of their behavior in the current context.
> * Information the client can use to distinguish the here and now from the
>context in which they originally learned their behavoir.
> * Other possible behaviors. (I usually do this as a last resort. People
>usually come up with new possibilities on their own as we talk about their
>intentions, the results, and the context.)>>


"Other possible behaviors" got me thinking:

All behavior has to be "constructed", so how do we get anything really
new? Many times we can transfer behaviors from other contexts with only
minor modifications, but the behavior would still be new in the current
context. Or we can combine behavioral components in different ways to get
new behaviors. But can we generate new "components", and if so, how?

I think we probably can (and probably have to be able to) generate new
components, I don't have an answer for the how at the moment.

-Jeff (


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