LO v OL? LO9552

eddie gonsalves (e.c.gonsalves@open.ac.uk)
Wed, 28 Aug 96 09:32:38 -700

After discussions with numerous LO colleagues, I am still not
clear on a number of issues surrounding the LO concept- as my
PhD fieldwork requires me to analyse the role of conflict in
LOs, I have to satisfy myself that I have a sufficient
understanding of relationships between concepts prior before
chosing my sample.

Can anyone therefore provide me with a succinct account of the
difference between the term 'Learning Organisation' & 'Organisational

As a guide to my dilemma here are questions whizzing around
in my head.

1) Is the former necessarily about type/ideal;
and the latter about 'process'?

2) Is it possible for one to exist without the other
(ie Organisational learning in a non-LO)?

3) To what extent does OL have to permeate an organisation
before it is acknowledged as an LO ?

Finally, I have made a number of requests to this group either
for info. on relevant literatures or to open a discussion
regarding the role of conflict in LO/OL-
to no avail. DO I take it then that conflict is not currently
perceived by LO leading lights as being critical to the field's
devlopment or the constructs internal validity?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Initially please reply to my e-mail address- at a later date I will
provide a synopsis of your responses to the list.



eddie gonsalves <e.c.gonsalves@open.ac.uk>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>