Conv. Here (Auditory or Verbal?) LO9532
Tue, 27 Aug 1996 20:10:50 -0400

Geof Fountain (LO9452, 96-08-25) writes:

<< .... -- Many auditory people are not natural systems thinkers; many
people are. Many left brain-oriented thinkers are auditory; many right
brain-oriented thinkers are visual. Many kinesthetic learners also seem
to lean toward the wholistic systems view.... >>


Just a thought: I'd agree that individuals probably have preferences for a
particular sensory mode, but I think this is a different dimension than the
whole-to-part vs. part-to-whole thinking style. I think about the creative
musicians and composers who are very definitely auditory in sensory mode, but
who also appear to have an appreciation for patterns and "the whole."
Perhaps you should distinguish between verbal and non-verbal learners
instead of auditory vs. visual and kinesthetic. This also fits better with
the "left-brain vs. right-brain" split you talk about.

-Jeff (


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