The Converstion Here LO9223

Stephen Weed (
Sun, 18 Aug 1996 22:26:32 -0700

Replying to LO9150 --

Bill Hendry's reminder that "type measures nothing but preferences" is often a critical
and frequently forgotten point.

I think of myself as an IN_J primarily. Knowing when to speak up is just as important
as knowing when to listen.
In similar fashion, knowing when to be the passionate spokesperson is just as critical
as knowing when to be the methodical, fact laden pragmatist. If I fail to do this, it
is very possible that important things won't be accomplished. Do I like not working in
my preferred mode? No, but I like things even less when I am not sucessful in certain
areas of my life.

As a card carrying Senge devotee, I remember his concepts of personal discipline.
One of the personal disciplines I find hardest is using the right tool at the right
time. As a J type who vacilates on the T/F spectrum, I find it partilarly
difficult to understand when to switch between dialogue vs advocacy. Anyone else
experience this? And if not, where does mastery fit in your mix of preferred relational


Stephen Weed <>

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