Deming and Senge Comparison LO9193

Keith Cowan (72212.51@CompuServe.COM)
16 Aug 96 20:38:49 EDT

Replying to LO9036 --> introduces the similarities in pursuit
bwtween Deming SPK and LO and asks:

>..."I'm sure glad Jesus wasn't as hard on us as we are on other people!"
>Have any of you asked these same questions? What have you learned?
>What have I missed? As I told Julie Beedon, David Steindl-Rast says
>"Love is saying Yes to belonging." I hope you say yes!

I am encouraged to see the progress from the Deming followers. I have not
been close to that since 1991! I agree with the whole notion of SPK. In
fact, Robert has been taking issue with the simplistic notion of the
system being to blame, and I would rather redefine the notion of system to
encompass my view of multiple systems at work, some internal to a company
but most external.

With this view, we can define systems at the root of most behaviour.
Having said that, I would hasten to add that the choice of which system to
try to change is a critical aspect to making systems thinking work as a
successful change consultant.

While the systems of management selection that Brock defines are at the
root of much behaviour, I have seen people in positions of power change
their approach when presented with the right persuasion at the right time.

So I am more optimistic. The quote above really sums up what we need to
embrace if we are to continue to learn and grow. The acid test to our
openness is when we can learn from people we don't like and from people
who are attacking us when they are attacking us. This is the greatest test
of our openness! IMHO ... Keith

(PS I have learned and yes I have been attacked. I would prefer to be
attacked than ignored!!! At least the attacker is listening.)


Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>

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