Life in Organizations LO9182

Warburton, Bo (
Fri, 16 Aug 1996 12:49:00 -0700

Replying to LO9130...

Some colleagues and I were just discussing "integrity". It struck me that
there might be more than one kind of integrity and that they might depend
on what is to remain "whole". The list below contrasts what I'm starting
to think of as the kind of integrity espoused by corporations (or any
organization) and another, more personal (or personally professional).

Corporate Integrity                    Personal Integrity

Work as job                            Work as competency
Power and position                     Money and skills
Commitment to employer                 Commitment to project
Work is life                           Life's work
Individual is a resource               Individual is an human
The goal is profit                     The goal is learning
The goal is profit                     The goal is truth
The goal is corporate  growth          The goal is personal growth
Resume as work                         Work as resume
The work was here before you           My work is part of my life

"Teamwork should be                   "Teamwork is a chance to
sacrificing egos for the               learn from others while
greater good of the whole"             working together"

The ideal team blends                  The ideal team encourages
multiple egos into one                 cooperation among roles

"It's your job"                       "It's my life"
"Who signs your check?"               "Who does the work?"
You must give notice                   I might give notice
I might give notice                    I won't be suprised
Temps                                  Freelancers
Work                                   Family
Human Law                              Spirtual Law

Fairness: everyone is the              Fairness: everyone is holy

Avoid the appearance of                Avoid hurting others

Work on my questions                   Question my work
Punishments and rewards                Conscience and peace
Money                                  Life

<Host's Note: Email readers will see two funny lines above; they are to
make the nice columns look straight on the web pages.>


"Warburton, Bo" <>

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