Traditional Wisdom LO9055

Rol Fessenden (76234.3636@CompuServe.COM)
12 Aug 96 22:15:14 EDT

Replying to LO8958 --

Robert says:

"I agree to some extent, but the interesting thing about systems thinking
is that we must also apply it to management. So by the same logic, there
is also no such thing as bad managers, only managers that are working in
bad systems, or who are, themselves asked to do the wrong things."

to which Roxanne responded,

"If I correctly recall, Deming said that managers are accountable for the
bad systems. So bad systems would implicate managers."

== end quotes ==

Deming was not infallible. Great man, still only a man. Robert's
position sounds right to me. Is there a logical construct or
alternatively, some data that would contradict him?


Rol Fessenden LL Bean, Inc.

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