Management Commitment LO8907

Ram Sundaram (
Tue, 6 Aug 96 09:52 GMT+0500

Replying to LO8886 --

That's a very interesting debate going on there.

I worked in my place because I wanted to make a difference. I put in 26
months of my life in there, making small improvements, teaching people the
value of quality, encouraging the ones who could make a difference in my
org, admitting my setbacks and learning from them.

And one day I stepped back and looked around me. I had blinded myself to
the fact that not everybody WANTS THE DIFFERENCE and they unfortunately
constitute the majority.

I asked myself , is it worth doing it ? and after a week of self-debate I
decided NO. I am tired. Right now, I do not have the strength to go on. So
I decided to quit. I do not have the security of another job in hand.

But next time I will lower my horizons and lift lesser weight.


The Shark - He glides silently , focused on his prey , giving no clue
whatsoever of his presence.
And when he attacks, its usually for a clean , effortless kill.

-- (Ram Sundaram)

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