Char. of Good Manager LO8759

Robert Bacal (
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 22:37:06 +0000

Replying to LO8736 -- was "Intro -- David Ross"
[Subject line changed by your host...]

On 30 Jul 96 at 9:16, wrote:

> Our recent class discussion has been about the personal attributes
> of a good manager.

> [Host's Note: Welcome David! I'll take a stab at your question...
> People do go to "unapproachable" and unfriendly people because they
> have to do so. When you have an item for your boss, or for the
> person responsible for a given area, you often have little choice.
> Maybe it's the same in the rest of our lives; there are peole we
> *have* to interact with whether we like it or not. ...Rick]

When I was an employee, what I looked for was receptiveness--knowing that
the manager or exec. would hear me out and consider my input. I have come
across friendly managers who didn't listen, but in a friendly way. I have
also come across managers who'se personal abruptness was off-putting, but
who I knew would respond to me if I could provide the right rationale.

I would expect civility, and appreciated warmth, but the latter wasn't
necessary for me to function at peak level.

Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication, Located in Winnipeg,Canada.
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